Solstice::AuthZManager - For modifying the roles available within the Solstice framework.
use Solstice::AuthZManager;
my $authz_manager = Solstice::AuthZManager->new($auth_id);
$authz_manager->addRole($group, $role);
$authz_manager->removeRole($group, $role);
my $groups = $authz_manager->getGroups();
my $bool = $authz_manager->groupHasRole($group, $role);
An interface for managing the connections betweens groups and roles.
No symbols exported.
- new()
- addRole($group, $role)
Connects a group and a role together.
- removeRole($group, $role)
Removes the association between a group and a role.
- groupHasRole($group, $role)
Returns true is the group and role are linked.
- groupsWithRole($role)
Returns an array ref of all groups with the given role.
- removeGroup($group)
Removes a group, and all of it's links to roles.
- getGroups()
Returns an array ref of all of the groups that have (or potentially have) roles. To remove a group from this list, you must call removeGroup, rather than just removing all Roles from the group.
- hasGroup($group)
Returns TRUE if $group exists, FALSE otherwise
- store()
Saves the current role/group relationships.
- getObjectAuthIds(@group_ids)
Returns a reference to an array of object auth IDs which have permissions involving the passed array of group IDs.
Private Methods
- _addGroup($group)
Adds the group to the groups we are tracking.
- _init($authz)
Fills out the data for this authz manager.
Modules Used
Solstice::AuthZ::Role, Solstice::Group, Model.
Catalyst Group, <>
$Revision: 3395 $
Copyright 1998-2007 Office of Learning Technologies, University of Washington
Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.