Changes for version 0.84 - 2009-12-11

  • Log4Perl: Instead of just printing error messages to stdout, the bot now uses Log4perl to emit warnings and debugging information. For now i just added this new capability to Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable but this will be expanded to all the modules in one of the next releases.
    • The bot's old log() function will now emit a message with priority warning to mimic the old behaviour.
    • The command line bots now have two new options: --loglevel and --logconfig.
  • Commandline Bot: A simple command line bot was part of the github repository for quite some time now, but it was never shipped with a release before. To close #46875 and as it's a really neat way to test some modules, i'll reworked bot-basicbot-pluggable-cli, added App::Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Console and Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Console and use Test::Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable as its basis. You can call it with the same arguments as its irc cousin, but some options like --server or even --channel does not (yet?) make any sense in this context.
  • Auth: Added allow_anonymous as requested and implemented by Toni Spets. Setting this value to true, does basically disable authentication for all modules, that are not explicitly checking for the users authentication level.
    • You only ever want to set this value to true, if you want to develop modules that need to prefix commands with ! for unauthenticated users. You've been warned.
  • Loader, Vars: As direct consequence and do now check explicitly.
  • Loader: !list does now also return all available but not loaded modules (thanks to Manuel Hachtkemper for the hint). I can see that the old behaviour might be a little bit confusing for some users.
  • available_modules() returns really all available modules ... till this release the bot just returned modules in PERL5LIB and ignored modules in ./modules and ./
  • Store: DBI, DBM::Deep and DBD::SQLite are no langer hard requirements of this module. Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable now tries to load all storage types in a predefined order until one returns successfully. Normally you should just select one explicitly.
  • Removed from the list of available modules und depracate its usage
  • Try::Tiny: Error handling is now performed by try::tiny instead of writing all the eval boilerplate. Although it does lack some convenience, i selected it as we'll get it through moose in any case.
  • New core module to handle channel managment operations like oping, deoping, kicking and flood control. Please take a closer look at this module, it definitly needs some testing!


A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script


extended simple IRC bot for pluggable modules
base module for all BasicBot plugins
authentication for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable modules
DNS lookups for hostnames or IP addresses
searches Google for terms and spellings
infobot clone redone in B::B::P.
join and leave channels; remembers state
tracks karma for various concepts
loads and unloads bot modules; remembers state
track when and where people were seen
speaks the title of URLs mentioned
change internal module variables
base class for the back-end pluggable store
use DBI to provide a storage backend
use DBM::Deep to provide a storage backend
use memory (RAM) to provide a storage backend
use Storable to provide a storage backend
A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script
utilities to aid in testing of Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable modules
basics tests for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable storage classes


in lib/App/Bot/BasicBot/
in lib/App/Bot/BasicBot/Pluggable/
in lib/Bot/BasicBot/Pluggable/Module/