Term::GnuScreen - control GNU screen


Version 0.04


Term::GnuScreen provides a simple interface to control a GNU screen session via its command line interface.

use Term::GnuScreen;

my $screen = Term::GnuScreen->new();



Sets the name of the screen session to which commands are send. If you also set create to a true value, this will become the new name of your screen session. See -S option for screen for a further discussion of this argument.


If create is set to a true value, a new screen session is created and detached automatically. If you do not provide a session name via session, this module generates one by calling "term_gnuscreen" . $$ . int(rand(10000)). Settings this value after object creation has no effect at the moment.

The newly created session will not be terminated after program execution.


Preselects a window. Defaults to 0. See -p option of screen for a further discussion of this argument.


Return or set the screen binary to call. Defaults to the binary found by File::Which::which("screen").


If debugging is set to a true value, all commands are printed to STDERR.


Term::GnuScreen implements all commands as stated in the texinfo document shipped with GNU screen. Whenever you call a command it is send via GNU screens -X parameter to the first running screen session and its current window. You can change session and window with the according object methods and construction parameters. Unless listed here, all remaining arguments are handed over to screen without further modification.

The five commands bind, kill, meta, chdir, exec and umask are prefixed with a s (sbind, smeta, schdir, sexec and sumask) to distinguish them from the built-ins with the same name.


This command is the working horse of Term::GnuScreen. It simply builds the command line to call and execute it.


Calls call_screen with the -X and all supplied parameters. Most functions are implemented by this method.


Write a hardcopy of the current window to a temporary file and returns the filename unless the filename is supplied as first argument. If the supplied filename is not absolute, the file is written relative to hardcopydir.


Simple dies in case screen -X did not return with a return value of zero. Either $!, STDERR or STDOUT (which seems to be more helpful most times) are provided as error message for further investigation.


Mario Domgoergen <>


It seems not to be possible to question a specific screen session about its state, so this module basically just sends commands to a screen session without knowing if the command succeeded or was even syntactically correct.

This module needs a lot more testing.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-term-gnuscreen at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Term::GnuScreen

You can also look for information at:




Copyright 2013 Mario Domgoergen, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.