Generic testing framework, based on Outthentic::DSL
cpanm Outthentic
Short story
This is a five minutes tutorial on framework workflow.
Create a story file
Story is just an any perl script that yields something into stdout:
print "I am OK\n";
print "I am outthentic\n";
Create a story check file
Story check is a bunch of lines stdout should match. Here we require to have `I am OK' and `I am outthentic' lines in stdout:
# story.check
I am OK
I am outthentic
Run a story
Story runner is script that parses and then executes stories, it:
finds and executes story files.
remembers stdout.
validates stdout against a story checks content.
Follow story runner section for details on story runner "guts".
To execute story runner say `strun':
$ strun
ok 1 - perl /home/vagrant/projects/outthentic/examples/hello/ succeeded
ok 2 - stdout saved to /tmp/.outthentic/29566/QKDi3p573L
ok 3 - output match 'hello'
/tmp/.outthentic/29566/home/vagrant/projects/outthentic/examples/hello/world/story.t ..
ok 1 - perl /home/vagrant/projects/outthentic/examples/hello/world/ succeeded
ok 2 - stdout saved to /tmp/.outthentic/29566/xC3wrsS195
ok 3 - output match 'I am OK'
ok 4 - output match 'I am outthentic'
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=7, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.09 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.13 CPU)
Result: PASS
Long story
Here is a step by step explanation of outthentic project layout. We explain here basic outthentic entities:
story checks
Outthentic project is bunch of related stories. Every project is represented by a directory where all the stuff is placed at.
Let's create a project to test a simple calculator application:
mkdir calc-app
cd calc-app
Stories are just perl scripts placed at project directory and named `'. In a testing context, stories are pieces of logic to be tested.
Think about them like `*.t' files in a perl unit test system.
To tell one story file from another one should keep them in different directories.
Let's create two stories for our calc project. One story to represent addition operation and other for addition operation:
# let's create story directories
mkdir addition # a+b
mkdir multiplication # a*b
# then create story files
# addition/
use MyCalc;
my $calc = MyCalc->new();
print $calc->add(2,2), "\n";
print $calc->add(3,3), "\n";
# multiplication/
use MyCalc;
my $calc = MyCalc->new();
print $calc->mult(2,3), "\n";
print $calc->mult(3,4), "\n";
Story check files
Story check files (or short form story checks) are files that contain lines for validation of stdout from story scripts.
Story checks should be placed at the same directory as story file and named `story.check'.
Following are story check for a multiplication and addition stories:
# addition/story.check
# multiplication/story.check
Now we ready to invoke a story runner:
$ strun
Story term ambiguity
Sometimes term `story' refers to a couple of files representing story unit - and story.check, in other cases this term refers to a single story file -
Story runner
This is detailed explanation of story runner life cycle.
Story runner script consequentially hits two phases:
stories are converted into perl test files ( compilation phase )
perl test files are recursively executed by prove ( execution phase )
Generating Test::More asserts sequence
for every story found:
new instance of Outthentic::DSL object (ODO) is created
story check file passed to ODO
story file is executed and it's stdout passed to ODO
ODO makes validation of given stdout against given story check file
validation results are turned into a sequence of Test::More ok() asserts
Time diagram
This is a time diagram for story runner life cycle:
Hits compilation phase
For every story and story check file found:
Creates a perl test file
The end of compilation phase
Hits execution phase - runs `prove' recursively on a directory with a perl test files
For every perl test file gets executed:
Test::More asserts sequence is generated
The end of execution phase
Story checks syntax
Story checks syntax complies Outthentic DSL format.
There are lot of possibilities here!
( For full explanation of outthentic DSL please follow documentation. )
A few examples:
plain strings checks
Often all you need is to ensure that stdout has some strings in:
# stdout
# check list
# validation output
OK - output matches 'HELLO'
OK - output matches 'HELLO WORLD'
OK - output matches '123'
regular expressions
You may use regular expressions as well:
# check list
regexp: L+
regexp: \d
# validation output
OK - output matches /L+/
OK - output matches /\d/
Follow to know more.
Yes you may generate new check list on run time:
# original check list
# this generator creates 3 new check expressions:
generator: [ qw{ say hello again } ]
# final check list:
Follow to know more.
inline perl code
What about inline arbitrary perl code? Well, it's easy!
# check list
regexp: number: (\d+)
validator: [ ( capture()->[0] '>=' 0 ), 'got none zero number') ];
Follow to know more.
text blocks
Need to validate that some lines goes successively?
# stdout
this string followed by
that string followed by
another one string
with that string
at the very end.
# check list
# this text block
# consists of 5 strings
# goes consequentially
# line by line:
# plain strings
this string followed by
that string followed by
another one
# regexps patterns:
regexp: with (this|that)
# and the last one in a block
at the very end
Follow to know more.
Story Hooks are extension points to hack into story run time phase. It's just files with perl code gets executed in the beginning of a story. You should named your hook file as `' and place it into `story' directory:
# addition/
diag "hello, I am addition story hook";
sub is_number { [ 'regexp: ^\\d+$' ] }
# addition/story.check
generator: is_number
There are lot of reasons why you might need a hooks. To say a few:
redefine story stdout
define generators
call downstream stories
other custom code
Hooks API
Story hooks API provides several functions to change story behavior at run time
Redefine stdout
Using set_stdout means that you never call a real story to get a tested data, but instead set stdout on your own side. It might be helpful when you still have no a certain knowledge of tested code to produce a stdout:
This is simple an example :
# story.check
You may call `set_stdout' more then once:
set_stdout("HELLO WORLD");
set_stdout("HELLO WORLD2");
A final stdout will be:
Upstream and downstream stories
Story runner allow you to call one story from another, using notion of downstream stories.
Downstream stories are reusable stories. Runner never executes downstream stories directly, instead you have to call downstream story from upstream one:
# modules/create_calc_object/
# this is a downstream story
# to make story downstream
# simply create story file
# in modules/ directory
use MyCalc;
our $calc = MyCalc->new();
print ref($calc), "\n"
# modules/create_calc_object/story.check
# addition/
# this is a upstream story
our $calc->addition(2,2);
# addition/
# to run downstream story
# call run_story function
# inside upstream story hook
# with a single parameter - story path,
# note that you don't have to
# leave modules/ directory in the path
run_story( 'create_calc_object' );
# multiplication/
# this is a upstream story too
our $calc->multiplication(2,2);
# multiplication/
run_story( 'create_calc_object' );
Here are the brief comments to the example above:
to make story as downstream simply create story file at modules/ directory
call `run_story(story_path)' function inside upstream story hook to run downstream story.
you can call as many downstream stories as you wish.
you can call the same downstream story more than once.
Here is an example code snippet:
run_story( 'some_story' )
run_story( 'yet_another_story' )
run_story( 'some_story' )
stories variables
You may pass variables to downstream story with the second argument of `run_story' function:
run_story( 'create_calc_object', { use_floats => 1, use_complex_numbers => 1, foo => 'bar' } )
Story variables get accessed by `story_var' function:
# create_calc_object/
downstream stories may invoke other downstream stories
you can't use story variables in a none downstream story
One word about sharing state between upstream/downstream stories. As downstream stories get executed in the same process as upstream one there is no magic about sharing data between upstream and downstream stories. The straightforward way to share state is to use global variables :
# upstream story hook:
our $state = [ 'this is upstream story' ]
# downstream story hook:
push our @$state, 'I was here'
Of course more proper approaches for state sharing could be used as singeltones or something else.
Story variables accessors
There are some variables exposed to hooks API, they could be useful:
Root directory of outthentic project.
testrootdir() - test root directory
Root directory of generated perl tests , see story runner section for details.
config() - returns hash of test suite configuration
Seetest suites ini file section for details.
A value of `--host' parameter.
Ignore unsuccessful codes when run stories
As every story is a perl script gets run via system call, it returns an exit code. None zero exit codes result in test failures, this default behavior , to disable this say:
`project_root_directory'/lib is added to PERL5LIB path, which make it easy to place some custom modules under `project_root_directory'/lib directory:
# my-app/lib/Foo/Bar/
package Foo::Bar::Baz;
use Foo::Bar::Baz;
Story runner client
strun <options>
- root directory of outthentic project
If root parameter is not set current working directory is assumed as project root directory.
- enable/disable debug modeIncreasing debug value results in more low level information appeared at output
Default value is 0, which means no debugging
Possible values: 0,1,2,3
- truncate matching strings
In a TAP output truncate matching strings to {match_l} bytes; default value is `200'
- run only single story
This should be file path without extensions ( .pl, .check ):
--story 'foo' # runs foo/ stories
--story foo/story # runs foo/
--story foo/bar/ # runs foo/bar/ stories
- prove parameters
See prove settings section for details.
- hostname
This optional parameter sets base url or hostname of a service or application being tested.
`--ini' - test suite ini file path
See test suite ini file section for details.
Test suite ini file
Test suite ini file is a configuration file where you may pass any additional data could be used in your tests:
cat suite.ini
foo = 1
bar = 2
There is no special magic behind this ini file, except this should be Config Tiny compliant configuration file.
By default story runner script looks for file named suite.ini placed at current working directory.
You my redefine this by using suiteinifile environment variable:
Or by `--ini' parameter of story runner:
strun --ini /path/to/your/ini/file
Once suite ini file is read up one may use it in files via config()
# cat
my $foo = config()->{main}{foo};
my $bar = config()->{main}{bar};
Outthentic produces output in TAP format, that means you may use your favorite tap parser to bring result to another test / reporting systems, follow TAP documentation to get more on this.
Here is example for having output in JUNIT format:
strun --prove "--formatter TAP::Formatter::JUnit"
Prove settings
Outthentic utilize prove utility to execute tests, one my pass prove related parameters using `--prove-opts'. Here are some examples:
strun --prove "-Q" # don't show anythings unless test summary
strun --prove "-q -s" # run prove tests in random and quite mode
Environment variables
- in TAP output truncate matching strings to {match_l} bytes
See also `--match_l' in options section
- if set, then content of file gets dumped in TAP output
An example outthentic project lives at examples/ directory, to run it say this:
$ strun --root examples/
Home Page
See also
Outthentic test suites manager.
Outthentic DSL specification.
Yet another outthentic test suite runner ( designed specially for web application tests ).
to God as - For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)
to the Authors of : perl, TAP, Test::More, Test::Harness