NAME -- Use PDF::Cropmarks to add cropmarks to an existing PDF.

SYNOPSIS [ options ] input.pdf output.pdf

Both the input file and output file must be specified. The output file is replaced if already exists.



The dimensions of the output PDF.

You can specify the dimension providing a (case insensitive) string with the paper name (2a, 2b, 36x36, 4a, 4b, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, broadsheet, executive, ledger, legal, letter, tabloid) or a string with width and height separated by a column, like 11cm:200mm. Supported units are mm, in, pt and cm.


No margins (and no cropmarks on the top of the page).


No margins (and no cropmarks on the bottom of the page).


No margins (and no cropmarks) on the inner margins of the page. By default inner sides are the left margins on odd pages, and right margins on even pages. If --one-side is specified, the inner margins are always the left one.


Same as --no-inner, but for the outer margins.


Affects how to consider --no-outer or --no-inner. If this flag is set, outer margins are always the right one, and inner are always the left ones.

--cropmark-length 12mm

Size of the cropmark lines. Defaults to 12mm.

--cropmark-offset 3mm

The distance from the logical page corner and the cropmark line. Defaults to 3mm.

--font-size 8pt

The font size of the headers and footers with the job name, date, and page numbers. Defaults to 8pt.


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