Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
use utf8;
=head1 NAME
Text::Amuse::InlineElement - Helper for Text::Amuse
=head1 METHODS
Everything here is pretty much internal only, underdocumented and
subject to change.
=head2 new(%args)
Constructor. Accepts the following named arguments (which are also
=over 4
=item type
The element type
=item string
The raw string
=item last_position
The offset of the last character in the parsed string
=item tag
The name of the tag
=item fmt
C<ltx> or C<html>
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = {
type => '',
string => '',
last_position => 0,
tag => '',
fmt => '',
lang => 'en',
foreach my $k (keys %$self) {
if (defined $args{$k}) {
$self->{$k} = $args{$k};
delete $args{$k};
die "Extra arguments passed :" . join(" ", %args) if %args;
die "Missing type for <$self->{string}>" unless $self->{type};
unless ($self->{fmt} eq 'ltx' or $self->{fmt} eq 'html') {
die "Missing format $self->{fmt} for <$self->{string}>"
bless $self, $class;
sub type {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
if ($type) {
$self->{type} = $type;
return $self->{type};
sub last_position {
sub string {
=item lang
The language code.
sub lang {
=item append($element)
Append the provided string to the self's one and update the
sub append {
my ($self, $element) = @_;
$self->{string} .= $element->string;
$self->{last_position} = $element->last_position;
sub tag {
if (@_ > 1) {
$_[0]{tag} = $_[1];
sub fmt {
=item stringify
Main method to get the desired output from the element.
sub stringify {
my $self = shift;
my $type = $self->type;
my $string = $self->string;
if ($type eq 'text') {
if ($self->is_latex) {
$string = $self->escape_tex($string);
$string = $self->_ltx_replace_ldots($string);
$string = $self->_ltx_replace_slash($string);
return $string;
elsif ($self->is_html) {
if ($self->lang eq 'fr') {
$string = $self->_html_french_punctuation($string);
$string = $self->escape_all_html($string);
$string =~ s/\x{a0}/&#160;/g; # make them visible
$string =~ s/\x{202f}/&#8239;/g; # ditto
return $string;
else {
return $self->escape_all_html($string);
else {
die "Not reached";
if ($type eq 'safe') {
return $self->verbatim_string($string);
if ($type eq 'verbatim') {
if ($string =~ /\A<verbatim>(.*)<\/verbatim>\z/s) {
$string = $1;
return $self->verbatim_string($string);
else {
die "<$string> doesn't match verbatim!";
elsif ($type eq 'anchor') {
my $anchor = $string;
$anchor =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9-]//g;
die "Bad anchor " . $string unless length($anchor);
if ($self->is_latex) {
return "\\hyperdef{amuse}{$anchor}{}\%\n";
elsif ($self->is_html) {
return qq{<a id="text-amuse-label-$anchor" class="text-amuse-internal-anchor"><\/a>\n}
else {
die "Not reached";
elsif ($type eq 'open' or $type eq 'close') {
my $out = $self->_markup_table->{$self->tag}->{$type}->{$self->fmt};
die "Missing markup for $self->fmt $type $self->tag" unless $out;
return $out;
elsif ($type eq 'nobreakspace') {
if ($self->is_latex) {
return '~';
elsif ($self->is_html) {
return '&#160;'
elsif ($type eq 'noindent') {
if ($self->is_latex) {
return "\\noindent ";
else {
my $leading = '';
if ($string =~ m/\A(\s+)/) {
$leading = $1;
return "$leading<br />";
elsif ($type eq 'br') {
if ($self->is_latex) {
return "\\forcelinebreak ";
else {
my $leading = '';
if ($string =~ m/\A(\s+)/) {
$leading = $1;
return "$leading<br />";
elsif ($type eq 'bigskip') {
if ($self->is_latex) {
return "\n\\bigskip";
else {
my $leading = '';
if ($string =~ m/\A(\s+)/) {
$leading = $1;
return "$leading<br />";
elsif ($type eq 'verbatim_code') {
# remove the prefixes
warn qq{<code> is already verbatim! in "$string"\n} if $string =~ m{<verbatim>.+</verbatim>};
if ($string =~ /\A=(.+)=\z/s) {
$string = $1;
elsif ($string =~ /\A<code><verbatim>(.*)<\/verbatim><\/code>\z/s) {
$string = $1;
elsif ($string =~ /\A<code>(.*)<\/code>\z/s) {
$string = $1;
else {
die "$string doesn't match the <code> pattern!";
if (length $string) {
return $self->_markup_table->{code}->{open}->{$self->fmt}
. $self->verbatim_string($string)
. $self->_markup_table->{code}->{close}->{$self->fmt};
else {
return '';
else {
die "Unrecognized type " . $type . " for " . $string;
sub _markup_table {
return {
'rtl' => {
open => {
html => '<span dir="rtl">',
ltx => "\\RL{",
close => {
html => '</span>&#x200E;', # LRM (U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK)
ltx => '}',
'ltr' => {
open => {
html => '<span dir="ltr">',
ltx => "\\LR{",
close => {
html => '</span>&#x200F;', # RLM (U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK)
ltx => '}',
'em' => {
open => {
html => '<em>',
ltx => "\\emph{"
close => {
html => '</em>',
ltx => '}',
'strong' => {
open => {
html => '<strong>',
ltx => "\\textbf{"
close => {
html => '</strong>',
ltx => '}',
'code' => {
open => {
html => '<code>',
ltx => "\\texttt{",
close => {
html => '</code>',
ltx => '}',
'strike' => {
open => {
html => '<strike>',
ltx => "\\sout{"
close => {
html => '</strike>',
ltx => '}',
'del' => {
open => {
html => '<del>',
ltx => "\\sout{"
close => {
html => '</del>',
ltx => '}',
'sup' => {
open => {
html => '<sup>',
ltx => "\\textsuperscript{"
close => {
html => '</sup>',
ltx => '}',
'sub' => {
open => {
html => '<sub>',
ltx => "\\textsubscript{"
close => {
html => '</sub>',
ltx => '}',
sub _ltx_replace_ldots {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
my $ldots = "\\dots{}";
$string =~ s/\.{3,4}/$ldots/g ;
$string =~ s/\x{2026}/$ldots/g;
return $string;
sub _ltx_replace_slash {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s!/!\\Slash{}!g;
return $string;
# espace fine insécable ; espace justifiante
# espace fine insécable ! espace justifiante
# espace fine insécable ? espace justifiante
# espace mots insécable : espace justifiante
# espace mots insécable » espace justifiante
# espace justifiante « espace mots insécable
# espace justifiante tiret espace justifiante
# pas de blanc , espace justifiante
# pas de blanc . espace justifiante
# espace justifiante ( pas de blanc
# espace justifiante [ pas de blanc
# pas de blanc ) espace justifiante
# pas de blanc ] espace justifiante
sub _html_french_punctuation {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# try the #
# optional space, punct, and then either space or end of line
my $chars = qr{[\x{20}\x{a0}\x{202f}\(\)\[\]\.\,\:«»\;\!\?]};
my $ws = qr{[\x{20}\x{a0}\x{202f}]};
$string =~ s/$ws*([;!?])(?=$chars)/\x{202f}$1/gs;
$string =~ s/$ws*([;!?])$/\x{202f}$1/gms;
# ditto
$string =~ s/$ws*([:»])(?=$chars)/\x{a0}$1/gs;
$string =~ s/$ws*([:»])$/\x{a0}$1/gms;
$string =~ s/^«$ws*/«\x{a0}/gms;
$string =~ s/(?<=$chars$ws*/«\x{a0}/gs;
return $string;
=item escape_all_html($string)
HTML escape
sub escape_all_html {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$string =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$string =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$string =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
$string =~ s/'/&#x27;/g;
return $string;
=item escape_tex
Escape the string for LaTeX output
sub escape_tex {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s/\\/\\textbackslash{}/g;
$string =~ s/#/\\#/g ;
$string =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$string =~ s/%/\\%/g;
$string =~ s/&/\\&/g;
$string =~ s/_/\\_/g ;
$string =~ s/\{/\\{/g ;
$string =~ s/\}/\\}/g ;
$string =~ s/\\textbackslash\\\{\\\}/\\textbackslash{}/g;
$string =~ s/~/\\textasciitilde{}/g ;
$string =~ s/\^/\\^{}/g ;
$string =~ s/\|/\\textbar{}/g;
return $string;
=item is_latex
Shortcut to check if the format is latex
=item is_html
Shortcut to check if the format is html
sub is_latex {
shift->fmt eq 'ltx';
sub is_html {
shift->fmt eq 'html';
=item unroll
Convert the close_inline open_inline symbols (= and *) into elements
an open/close type and the tag properly set.
sub unroll {
my $self = shift;
my @new;
my %map = (
'=' => [qw/code/],
'*' => [qw/em/],
'**' => [qw/strong/],
'***' => [qw/strong em/],
if ($self->type eq 'open_inline') {
push @new, map { +{ type => 'open', tag => $_ } } @{$map{$self->tag}};
elsif ($self->type eq 'close_inline') {
push @new, map { +{ type => 'close', tag => $_ } } reverse @{$map{$self->tag}};
else {
die "unroll can be called only on close_inline/open_inline, not " . $self->type . " " . $self->string;
return map { __PACKAGE__->new(%$_, string => '', fmt => $self->fmt) } @new;
=item verbatim_string($string)
Escape the string according to the element format
sub verbatim_string {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
if ($self->is_latex) {
return $self->escape_tex($string);
elsif ($self->is_html) {
return $self->escape_all_html($string);
else {
die "Not reached";