NAME -- format your muse document using Text::Amuse

SYNOPSIS [ options ] file1.muse [ file2.muse  , .... ]

This program uses Text::Amuse to produce usable output in HTML, EPUB, LaTeX and PDF format.

By default, all formats will be generated. You can specify which format you want using one or more of the following options:


Full HTML output.


Full EPUB output.


HTML body alone (wrapped in a div tag)


LaTeX output


Pack the tex, the source and the html with the attachments in a zip file.


PDF output.


PDF imposed on A4 paper, with a variable signature in the range of 40-80


As above, but on Letter paper.


The directory with the templates.


Option to populated the above directory with the built-in templates.

--log <file>

A file where we can append the report failures


Prevent the removing of the status file. This is turned on if you use --recursive, to prevent multiple runs to compile everything again.

--extra key:value

This option can be repeated at will. The key/value pairs will be passed to every template we process, regardless of the type, even if only the built-in LaTeX template support them.

The input is assumed to be UTF-8 (if you pass non-ascii characters)


muse-compile --extra site= \
             --extra papersize=a6 --extra division=15 --extra twoside=true \
             --extra bcor=10mm --extra mainfont="Charis SIL" \
             --extra sitename="Testsite" \
             --extra siteslogan="Anticopyright" \
             --extra logo=mylogo file.muse

Keep in mind that in this case mylogo has to be or an absolute filename (not reccomended, because the full path will remain in the .tex source), or a basename (even without extension) which can be found by kpsewhich.

--recursive <directory>

Using this options, the target directory and a recursive compiling is started, finding all the .muse files without a newer status file, and compiling them accordingly to the options.

No target files can be specified.


For recursive compile, you can pass this option to just list the files which would be compiled.