use 5.010001;
use strict;
use utf8;
use Text::Amuse::Functions qw/muse_format_line/;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Text::Amuse::Compile::Merged - Merging muse files together.
my $doc = Text::Amuse::Compile::Merged->new( files => ([ file1, file2, ..]);
This module emulates a L<Text::Amuse> document merging files together,
and so it can be passed to Text::Amuse::Compile::File and have the
thing produced seemlessly.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(files => [qw/file1 file2/], title => 'blabl', ...)
The constructor requires the C<files> argument. Any other option is
considered part of the header of this virtual L<Text::Amuse> document.
On creation, the module will store in the object a list of
L<Text::Amuse> objects, which will be merged together.
When asking for header_as_html, you get the constructor options (save
for the C<files> option) properly formatted.
The headers of the individual merged files go into the body.
The first file determine the main language of the whole document.
Anyway, if it's a multilanguage text, hyphenation is supposed to
switch properly.
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $files = delete $args{files};
die "Missing files" unless $files && @$files;
my @docs;
my (%languages, %language_codes);
my ($main_lang, $main_lang_code);
foreach my $file (@$files) {
my $doc = Text::Amuse->new(file => $file);
push @docs, $doc;
my $current_lang_code = $doc->language_code;
my $current_lang = $doc->language;
# the first file determine the main language
$main_lang ||= $current_lang;
$main_lang_code ||= $current_lang_code;
if ($main_lang ne $current_lang) {
my (%html_headers, %latex_headers);
foreach my $k (keys %args) {
$html_headers{$k} = muse_format_line(html => $args{$k});
$latex_headers{$k} = muse_format_line(ltx => $args{$k});
my $self = {
headers => { %args },
html_headers => \%html_headers,
latex_headers => \%latex_headers,
files => [ @$files ],
docs => \@docs,
language => $main_lang,
language_code => $main_lang_code,
other_languages => \%languages,
other_language_codes => \%language_codes,
tt => Template->new,
templates => Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates->new,
bless $self, $class;
=head2 language
Return the english name of the main language
=head2 language_code
Return the code of the main language
=head2 other_languages
If it's a multilingual merged text, return an arrayref of the other
language names, undef otherwise.
=head2 other_language_codes
If it's a multilingual merged text, return an arrayref of the other
language codes, undef otherwise.
sub language {
return shift->{language};
sub language_code {
return shift->{language_code},
sub other_language_codes {
my $self = shift;
my %langs = %{ $self->{other_language_codes} };
if (%langs) {
return [ keys %langs ];
else {
sub other_languages {
my $self = shift;
my %langs = %{ $self->{other_languages} };
if (%langs) {
return [ keys %langs ];
else {
=head2 as_latex
Return the latex body
sub as_latex {
my $self = shift;
my @out;
my $current_language = $self->language;
my %lang_aliases = (
macedonian => 'russian',
serbian => 'croatian',
foreach my $doc ($self->docs) {
my $output = "\n\n";
my $doc_language = $doc->language;
if (my $alias = $lang_aliases{$doc_language}) {
$doc_language = $alias;
if ($doc_language ne $current_language) {
$output = sprintf('\selectlanguage{%s}', $doc_language) . "\n\n";
$current_language = $doc_language;
{ doc => $doc },
\$output) or die $self->tt->error;
push @out, $output;
return join("\n\n", @out, "\n");
=head2 wants_toc
Always returns true
sub wants_toc {
return 1;
=head2 is_deleted
Always returns false
sub is_deleted {
return 0;
=head2 header_as_latex
Returns an hashref with the LaTeX-formatted info (passed to the constructor).
=head2 header_as_html
Same as above, but with HTML format.
sub header_as_latex {
return { %{ shift->{latex_headers} } };
sub header_as_html {
return { %{ shift->{html_headers} } };
=head2 docs
Accessor to the list of L<Text::Amuse> objects.
=head2 files
Accessor to the list of files.
=head3 headers
Accessor to the headers.
=head3 tt
Accessor to the L<Template> object.
=head3 templates
Accesso to the L<Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates> object.
sub docs {
return @{ shift->{docs} };
sub files {
return @{ shift->{files} };
sub headers {
return %{ shift->{headers} };
sub tt {
return shift->{tt};
sub templates {
return shift->{templates};