use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use constant {
use Text::Amuse::Functions qw/muse_fast_scan_header/;
use Cwd;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw/Maybe Bool Str HashRef CodeRef Object ArrayRef/;
=head1 NAME
Text::Amuse::Compile - Compiler for Text::Amuse
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.43
our $VERSION = '0.43';
use Text::Amuse::Compile;
my $compiler = Text::Amuse::Compile->new;
$compiler->compile($file1, $file2, $file3)
=head3 new(ttdir => '.', pdf => 1, ...);
Constructor. It will accept the following options
Format options (by default all of them are activated);
=over 4
=item cleanup
Remove auxiliary files after compilation (.status)
=item webfontsdir
If you want to embed fonts in the EPUB, pass the directory with the
fonts and the specification file (see
L<Text::Amuse::Compile::Webfonts>) in this option.
=item luatex
Use lualatex instead of xelatex.
=item tex
LaTeX output. Compatible with C<xelatex> and C<lualatex> (see below
for the packages needed).
=item pdf
Plain PDF without any imposition.
=item a4_pdf
PDF imposed on A4 paper
=item lt_pdf
PDF imposed on Letter paper
=item html
Full HTML output
=item epub
=item bare_html
The bare HTML, non <head>
=item zip
The zipped sources
=item sl_tex
The Beamer LaTeX output, if the muse headers say so.
=item sl_pdf
The Beamer PDF output, if the muse headers say so.
If the header has a C<#slides> header with some value (e.g., 1, yes,
ok, whatever) and if there some sectioning, create a pdf presentation
out of it.
E.g., the following will not produce slides:
#title Foo
But this would
#title Foo
#slides 1
The value of the header is totally insignificant, as long is not
C<false> or C<no> or C<0> or empty, which disable them.
Sections which contain the comment C<; noslide> are ignored. LaTeX
source is left in the tree with C<.sl.tex> extension, and the output
will have C<.sl.pdf> extension.
=item slides
Alias for sl_pdf.
=item extra_opts
An hashref of key/value pairs to pass to each template in the
C<options> namespace. This is internal
=item extra
In the constructor arguments, a shallow copy will be stored in
C<extra_opts>. Using it as an accessor will return an hash with the
copy of C<extra_opts>
=item standalone
Do not force bcor=0 and oneside for plain tex and pdf
Template directory:
=over 4
=item ttdir
The directory where to look for templates, named as
You can retrieve the value by calling them on the object.
=head3 available_methods
Return a list of all the available compilation methods
=head3 compile_methods
Return the list of the methods which are going to be used.
has sl_tex => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has sl_pdf => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has luatex => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has zip => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has tex => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has pdf => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has a4_pdf => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has lt_pdf => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has epub => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has html => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has bare_html => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has cleanup => (is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { 0 });
has ttdir => (is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[Str]);
has templates => (is => 'lazy', isa => Object);
has webfontsdir => (is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[Str]);
has webfonts => (is => 'lazy', isa => Maybe[Object]);
has standalone => (is => 'lazy', isa => Bool);
has extra_opts => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, default => sub { +{} });
sub slides {
return shift->sl_pdf;
my ($class, %params) = @_;
$params{extra_opts} = { %{ delete $params{extra} || {} } };
my $all = 1;
if (exists $params{slides}) {
my $slides = delete $params{slides};
$params{sl_pdf} ||= $slides;
foreach my $format ($class->available_methods) {
if (exists $params{$format}) {
$all = 0;
if ($all) {
foreach my $format ($class->available_methods) {
$params{$format} = 1;
foreach my $dir (qw/ttdir webfontsdir/) {
if (exists $params{$dir} and defined $params{$dir} and -d $params{$dir}) {
my $abs = File::Spec->rel2abs($params{$dir});
$params{$dir} = $abs;
return \%params;
sub available_methods {
return (qw/bare_html
sub compile_methods {
my $self = shift;
return grep { $self->$_ } $self->available_methods;
sub extra {
return %{ shift->extra_opts };
sub _build_standalone {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->a4_pdf || $self->lt_pdf) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
sub _build_templates {
my $self = shift;
return Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates->new(ttdir => $self->ttdir);
sub _build_webfonts {
my $self = shift;
return Text::Amuse::Compile::Webfonts->new(webfontsdir => $self->webfontsdir);
has logger => (is => 'rw',
isa => CodeRef,
default => sub { return sub { print @_ }; });
has report_failure_sub => (is => 'rw',
isa => CodeRef,
default => sub {
return sub {
print "Failure to compile $_[0]\n";
has errors => (is => 'rwp', isa => ArrayRef, default => sub { [] });
=head2 BUILDARGS routine
The C<extra> key is passed instead to C<extra_opts>. Directories are
made absolute. If no formats are required explicitely, set them all to
=head2 METHODS
=head3 templates
The L<Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates> object, which will provide the
templates string references.
=head3 webfonts
The L<Text::Amuse::Compile::Webfonts> object, constructed from the the
C<webfontsdir> option.
=head3 version
Report version information
sub version {
my $self = shift;
my $musev = $Text::Amuse::VERSION;
my $selfv = $VERSION;
my $pdfv = $PDF::Imposition::VERSION;
return "Using Text::Amuse $musev, Text::Amuse::Compiler $selfv, " .
"PDF::Imposition $pdfv\n";
=head3 logger($sub)
Accessor/setter for the subroutine which will handle the logging.
Defaults to printing to the standard output.
=head3 recursive_compile($directory)
Compile recursive a directory, comparing the timestamps of the status
file with the muse file. If the status file is newer, the file is
Return a list of absolute path to the files processed. To infer the
success or the failure of each file look at the status file or at the
=head3 find_muse_files($directory)
Return a sorted list of files with extension .muse excluding illegal
names (including hidden files and directories).
=head3 find_new_muse_files($directory)
As above, but check the age of the status file and skip already
processed files.
sub find_muse_files {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
my @files;
die "$dir is not a dir" unless ($dir && -d $dir);
find( sub {
my $file = $_;
# file only
return unless -f $file;
return unless $file =~ m/^[0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+[0-9a-z]+\.muse$/;
# exclude hidden directories
if ($File::Find::dir =~ m/\./) {
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($File::Find::dir);
# for the purpose of filtering, the leading . is harmless
if (@dirs && $dirs[0] && $dirs[0] eq '.') {
my @dots = grep { m/^\./ } @dirs;
return if @dots;
push @files, File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
}, $dir);
return sort @files;
sub find_new_muse_files {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
my @candidates = $self->find_muse_files($dir);
my @newf;
my $mtime = 9;
while (@candidates) {
my $f = shift(@candidates);
die "I was expecting a file here" unless $f && -f $f;
my $status = $f;
$status =~ s/\.muse$/.status/;
if (! -f $status) {
push @newf, $f;
elsif ((stat($f))[$mtime] > (stat($status))[$mtime]) {
push @newf, $f;
return @newf;
sub recursive_compile {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
return $self->compile($self->find_new_muse_files($dir));
=head3 compile($file1, $file2, ...);
Main method to get the job done, passing the list of muse files. You
can inspect the errors calling C<errors>. It does produce some output.
The file may also be an hash reference. In this case, the compile will
act on a list of files and will merge them. Beware that so far only
the C<pdf> and C<tex> options will work, while the other html methods
will throw exceptions or (worse probably) produce empty files. This
will be fixed soon. This feature is marked as B<experimental> and
could change in the future.
=head4 virtual file hashref
The hash reference should have those mandatory fields:
=over 4
=item files
An B<arrayref> of filenames without extension.
=item path
A mandatory directory where to find the above files.
Optional keys
=over 4
=item name
Default to virtual. This is the basename of the files which will be
produced. It's up to you to provide a sensible name we don't do any
check on that.
=item suffix
Defaults to '.muse' and you have no reason to change this.
Every other key is the metadata of the new document, so usually you
want to set C<title> and optionally C<author>.
# mandatory
path => File::Spec->catdir(qw/t merged-dir/),
files => [qw/first second/],
# recommended
name => 'my-new-test',
title => 'My new shiny test',
# optional
subtitle => 'Another one',
date => 'Today!',
source => 'Text::Amuse::Compile',
You can pass as many hashref you want.
sub compile {
my ($self, @files) = @_;
my $cwd = getcwd;
my @compiled;
foreach my $file (@files) {
chdir $cwd or die "Couldn't chdir into $cwd $!";
if (ref($file)) {
eval { $self->_compile_virtual_file($file); };
else {
eval { $self->_compile_file($file); };
my $fatal = $@;
chdir $cwd or die "Couldn't chdir into $cwd $!";
if ($fatal) {
$self->add_errors("$file $fatal");
else {
push @compiled, $file;
return @compiled;
sub _compile_virtual_file {
my ($self, $vfile) = @_;
# check if the reference is good
die "Virtual file is not a hashref" unless ref($vfile) eq 'HASH';
my %virtual = %$vfile;
my $files = delete $virtual{files};
die "No file list found" unless $files && @$files;
my $path = delete $virtual{path};
die "No directory path" unless $path && -d $path;
chdir $path or die "Couldn't chdir into $path $!";
my $suffix = delete($virtual{suffix}) || '.muse';
my $name = delete($virtual{name}) || 'virtual';
$self->logger->("Working on virtual file in " . getcwd(). "\n");
my @filelist = map { $_ . $suffix } @$files;
my $doc = Text::Amuse::Compile::Merged->new(files => \@filelist, %virtual);
my $muse = Text::Amuse::Compile::File->new(
name => $name,
suffix => $suffix,
luatex => $self->luatex,
templates => $self->templates,
options => { $self->extra },
document => $doc,
logger => $self->logger,
virtual => 1,
standalone => $self->standalone,
webfonts => $self->webfonts,
sub _compile_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
die "$file is not a file" unless $file && -f $file;
# parse the filename and chdir there.
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, '.muse', '.txt');
if ($path) {
chdir $path or die "Cannot chdir into $path from " . getcwd() . "\n" ;
my $filename = $name . $suffix;
$self->logger->("Working on $filename file in " . getcwd(). "\n");
my %args = (
name => $name,
suffix => $suffix,
templates => $self->templates,
options => { $self->extra },
logger => $self->logger,
standalone => $self->standalone,
webfonts => $self->webfonts,
luatex => $self->luatex,
my $muse = Text::Amuse::Compile::File->new(%args);
# write the status file and unlock it after that.
sub _write_status_file {
my ($self, $fh, $status) = @_;
my $localtime = localtime();
my %avail = (
FAILED => 1,
OK => 1,
die unless $avail{$status};
print $fh "$status $$ $localtime\n";
flock($fh, LOCK_UN) or die "Cannot unlock status file\n";
close $fh;
sub _muse_compile {
my ($self, $muse) = @_;
my $statusfile = $muse->status_file;
open (my $fhlock, '>:encoding(utf-8)', $statusfile)
or die "Cannot open $statusfile\n!";
flock($fhlock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die "Cannot acquire lock on $statusfile";
sleep 5 if DEBUG;
my @fatals;
$muse->purge_all unless DEBUG;
if ($muse->is_deleted) {
$self->_write_status_file($fhlock, 'DELETED');
foreach my $method ($self->compile_methods) {
if ($method eq 'sl_pdf' or $method eq 'sl_tex') {
unless ($muse->wants_slides) {
$self->logger->("* Slides not required\n");
my $output = eval { $muse->$method };
if ($@) {
push @fatals, $@;
elsif ($output) {
$self->logger->("* Created $output\n");
else {
$self->logger->("* $method skipped\n");
if (@fatals) {
$self->_write_status_file($fhlock, 'FAILED');
die join(" ", @fatals);
else {
$self->_write_status_file($fhlock, 'OK');
$muse->cleanup if $self->cleanup;
sub _suffix_for_method {
my ($self, $method) = @_;
return unless $method;
my $ext = $method;
$ext =~ s/_/./g;
$ext = '.' . $ext;
return $ext;
=head3 file_needs_compilation
Returns true if the file has already been compiled, false if some
output file is missing or stale.
sub _check_file_basename {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
die "Bad usage" unless $file;
die "$file is not a file" unless -f $file;
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, '.muse');
die "Bad usage, not a muse file" unless $suffix;
return File::Spec->catfile($path, $name);
sub file_needs_compilation {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $need = 0;
my $mtime = 9;
my $basename = $self->_check_file_basename($file);
my $header = muse_fast_scan_header($file);
foreach my $m ($self->compile_methods) {
my $outsuffix = $self->_suffix_for_method($m);
my $outfile = $basename . $outsuffix;
if ($m eq 'sl_tex' or $m eq 'sl_pdf') {
# duplication with File::_build_wants_slides
my $slides = $header->{slides};
if (!$slides or $slides =~ /^\s*(no|false)\s*$/si) {
print "$outfile check not needed\n" if DEBUG;
if (-f $outfile and (stat($outfile))[$mtime] >= (stat($file))[$mtime]) {
print "$outfile is OK\n" if DEBUG;
else {
print "$outfile is NOT OK\n" if DEBUG;
$need = 1;
return $need;
=head2 purge(@files)
Remove all the files produced by the compilation of the files passed
as arguments.
sub purge {
my ($self, @files) = @_;
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $basename = $self->_check_file_basename($file);
foreach my $ext (Text::Amuse::Compile::File->purged_extensions) {
die "?" if $ext eq '.muse';
my $produced = $basename . $ext;
if (-f $produced) {
$self->logger->("Purging $produced\n");
unlink $produced or warn "Cannot unlink $produced $!";
=head3 report_failure_sub(sub { push @problems, $_[0] });
You can set the sub to be used to report problems using this accessor.
It will receive as first argument the file which led to failure.
The actual errors are logged by the C<logger> sub.
=head3 errors
Accessor to the catched errors. It returns a list of strings.
=head3 add_errors($error1, $error2,...)
Add an error. [Internal]
=head3 reset_errors
Reset the errors
=head3 has_errors
Return the number of errors (handy to use as a boolean).
sub add_errors {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
push @{$self->errors}, @args;
sub reset_errors {
my $self = shift;
sub has_errors {
return scalar(@{ shift->errors });
=head1 TeX live packages needed.
You need the xetex scheme plus the following packages: fontspec,
polyglossia, pzdr, wrapfig, footmisc, ulem, microtype, zapfding.
For the luatex options, same as above plus luatex (and the lualatex
format), luatexbase, luaotfload.
The luatex option could give better microtypography results but is
slower (x4) and requires more memory (x2).
=head1 AUTHOR
Marco Pessotto, C<< <melmothx at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please mail the author and provide a minimal example to add to the
test suite.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Text::Amuse::Compile
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See L<> for more information.
1; # End of Text::Amuse::Compile