Changes for version 0.97 - 2017-10-26

  • At the CLI, do not validate the font names (just warn)
  • Added support for a new bunch of fonts
  • Added boolean option impressum, to turn the #notes into an impressum
  • Added sansfontsections option to restore komascript default layout with sans fonts on section headers


format your muse document using Text::Amuse
Generate a JSON file with font paths


Compiler for Text::Amuse
Object for file scheduled for compilation
Parser for filenames passed to the compiler.
class for fonts management
create a list of fonts to be used with Text::Amuse::Compile
simple class to hold selected fonts
Merging muse files together.
Module to parse muse metadata
parse and validate options for templates
Built-in templates for Text::Amuse::Compile
Common routines used
Class to parse and validate webfonts for Text::Amuse::Compile