use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use utf8;
=head1 NAME
Text::Amuse::Compile::Webfonts - Class to parse and validate webfonts for Text::Amuse::Compile
This class only takes a single parameter, with the directory where to
find the fonts. Anyway, the content of the directory is very specific.
The class expects to find 4 fonts, a regular, an italic, a bold and a
bold italic one. Given that the names are arbitrary, we need an hint.
For this you have to provide a file, in the very same directory, with
the specifications. The file B<must> be named C<spec.txt> and need the
following content:
E.g., for Droid fonts:
family Droid Serif
regular DroidSerif-Regular.ttf
italic DroidSerif-Italic.ttf
bold DroidSerif-Bold.ttf
bolditalic DroidSerif-Bold.ttf
size 10
The four TTF files must be placed in this directory as well. The
formats supported are TTF, OTF and WOFF.
The C<family> and C<size> specs are optional.
=head2 new (webfontsdir => "./webfonts")
=over 4
=item webfontsdir
The directory where to find the files and the specification file. If
the class can't find valid data, the C<new> method will return nothing
and emit warnings.
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
if (my $dir = $params{webfontsdir}) {
if (my $self = _parse_dir_and_spec($dir)) {
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
else {
warn "$dir has invalid data!\n";
return undef;
return undef;
Every accessor here is read only.
=over 4
=item srcdir
The absolute path to the fonts.
=item regular
The filename of the regular font.
=item bold
The filename of the bold font.
=item italic
The filename of the italic font.
=item bolditalic
The filename of the bolditalic font.
=item family
The family name.
=item mimetype
The mimetype of the fonts.
=item size
The size of the fonts in pt to be used on display.
=item format
The format to feed the src description in the CSS.
=item files
Return an hash with where the keys are the filenames without the path,
and the value the full absolute path to the files.
sub srcdir { return shift->{srcdir} }
sub family { return shift->{family} }
sub bold { return shift->{bold} }
sub italic { return shift->{italic} }
sub bolditalic { return shift->{bolditalic} }
sub regular { return shift->{regular} }
sub format { return shift->{format} }
sub mimetype { return shift->{mimetype} }
sub size { return shift->{size} }
sub _parse_dir_and_spec {
my $dir = shift;
# canonicalize
$dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($dir);
unless (-d $dir) {
warn "$dir is not a directory!";
my %data = (srcdir => $dir);
my $specfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'spec.txt');
if (-f $specfile) {
open (my $fh, '<', $specfile) or die "Cannot open specfile $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line =~ m/^\s*
(\w[\w\.\ -]*?)
$/x) {
$data{$1} = $2;
elsif ($line =~ m/^#/) {
# ok, comment
elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*$/) {
# ok, blank line
else {
warn "Invalid line in $specfile found: $line";
close $fh;
else {
warn "$specfile not found";
# then check
my @missing;
foreach my $font (qw/regular italic bold bolditalic/) {
if ($data{$font}) {
if (-f File::Spec->catfile($dir, $data{$font})) {
# all ok.
# not ok.
push @missing, $font;
if (@missing) {
warn "$specfile is missing (or not file doesn't exist) these fonts: " . join(" ", @missing) . "\n";
# determine dthe format
if ($data{regular} =~ m/\.(woff|ttf|otf)/i) {
my $ext = lc($1);
my %formats = (
woff => {
format => 'woff',
mimetype => 'application/font-woff',
ttf => {
format => 'truetype',
mimetype => 'application/x-font-ttf',
otf => {
format => 'opentype',
mimetype => 'application/x-font-opentype',
if (my $format = $formats{$ext}) {
$data{format} = $format->{format};
$data{mimetype} = $format->{mimetype};
unless ($data{format}) {
warn "Can't determine format for $data{regular}!\n";
$data{size} ||= 10;
$data{family} ||= "Dummy family";
return \%data;
sub files {
my $self = shift;
my %out;
foreach my $font (qw/regular bold italic bolditalic/) {
my $k = $self->$font;
$out{$k} = File::Spec->catfile($self->srcdir, $k);
return %out;