# -*- mode: cperl -*-
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use utf8;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/typography_filter linkify_filter
our $VERSION = '0.05';
sub linkify_filter {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s{
(?<!\[) # be sure not to redo the same thing, looking behind
((https?:\/\/) # protocol
(\w[\w\-\.]+\.\w+) # domain
(\:\d+)? # the port
(/ # a slash
[^\[<>\s]* # everything that is not a space, a < > and a [
[\w/] # but end with a letter or a slash
(?!\]) # and look around
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_common {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s/fi/fi/g ;
$l =~ s/fl/fl/g ;
$l =~ s/ffi/ffi/g ;
$l =~ s/ffl/ffl/g ;
$l =~ s/ff/ff/g ;
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_en {
my $l = shift;
# then the quotes
# ascii style
$l =~ s/``/“/g ;
$l =~ s/(''|")\b/“/g ;
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)(''|")/“/gs;
$l =~ s/^(''|")/“/gm;
$l =~ s/(''|")/”/g ;
# single
$l =~ s/'(?=[0-9])/’/g;
$l =~ s/`/‘/g;
$l =~ s/\b'/’/g;
$l =~ s/'\b/‘/g;
$l =~ s/^'/‘/gm;
$l =~ s/'/’/g;
# the dashes
# this is the en-dash –
$l =~ s/(?<![\-\/])\b(\d+)-(\d+)\b(?![\-\/])/$1–$2/g ;
# em-dash —
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +-{1,3} +(?=\S)/ — /gs;
# and the common case ^th
$l =~ s!\b(\d+)(th|rd|st|nd)\b!$1<sup>$2</sup>!g;
$l =~ s/(\. ){2,3}\./.../g;
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_es {
my $l = shift;
# em-dash —
# look behind and check it's not a \n
# not a spece, space, one-three hypens, space, not a space => space — space
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +-{1,3} +(?=\S)/ — /gs;
# - at beginning of the line (with no space), it's a dialog (em dash)
$l =~ s/^- */— /gm;
# I believe the following rules are dangerous. What if someone says:
# "the bit- and byte-wise" => "the bit — and byte-wise" !!!!
# I believe they should be removed.
# # fix "example- "
# $l =~ s/ +-(?=\S)/ — /;
# # and " -example"
# $l =~ s/(?<=\S)- +/ — /;
# better idea: check for matching on the same line
$l =~ s/ +-(\w.+?\w)- +/ — $1 — /gm;
# if it touches a word on the right, and on the left there is not a
# word, it's an opening quote
$l =~ s/(?<=\W)"(?=\w)/«/gs;
$l =~ s/(?<=\W)'(?=\w)/‘/g;
# if there is a space at the left, it's opening
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)"/«/gs;
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)'/‘/gs;
# beginning of line, opening
$l =~ s/^"/«/gm;
$l =~ s/^'/‘/gm;
# word at the left, closing
$l =~ s/(?<=\w)'/’/g;
$l =~ s/(?<=\w)"/»/g;
# the others are right quotes, hopefully
$l =~ s/"/»/gs;
$l =~ s/'/’/g;
# now the dots at the end of the quotations, but look behind not to
# have another dot
# $l =~ s/(?<!\.)\.»(?=\s)/»./gs;
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_fi {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s/"/\x{201d}/g;
$l =~ s/'/\x{2019}/g;
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +--? +(?=\S)/ \x{2013} /gs;
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_sr {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s/(''|")\b/\x{201e}/g ;
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)(''|")/\x{201e}/gs;
$l =~ s/(''|")/\x{201c}/g ;
$l =~ s/(?<=\W)'(.*?)'(?=\W)/\x{201a}$1\x{2018}/gs;
$l =~ s/'/\x{2019}/g; # remaining apostrophes
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +--? +(?=\S)/ \x{2013} /gs;
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_hr {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s/(''|")\b/\x{201e}/g ;
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)(''|")/\x{201e}/gs;
$l =~ s/(''|")/\x{201d}/g ; # ”
$l =~ s/(?<=\W)'(.*?)'(?=\W)/\x{201a}$1\x{2019}/gs; # ‚ ’
$l =~ s/'/\x{2019}/g; # remaining apostrophes
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +--? +(?=\S)/ \x{2014} /gs; # —
return $l;
sub _typography_filter_ru {
my $l = shift;
$l =~ s/(?<=\s)(''|")/«/gs;
$l =~ s/^(''|")/«/gm;
$l =~ s/(''|")\b/«/gs;
$l =~ s/(''|")/»/g ;
$l =~ s/'(?=[0-9])/’/g;
$l =~ s/`/‘/g;
$l =~ s/\b'/’/g;
$l =~ s/'\b/‘/g;
$l =~ s/'/’/g;
# em-dash —
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) +-{1,3} +(?=\S)/ — /gs;
$l =~ s/(\. ){2,3}\./.../g;
# before em dash (—) and en dash (−)
$l =~ s/ (\x{2013}|\x{2014}|\x{2212})/\x{a0}$1/g;
# space before, but only if there is a number, otherwise doesn't
# make sense.
$l =~ s/(?<=\d)
[ ]+ # white space
# months
января | февраля | марта | апреля | мая | июня |
июля | августа | сентября | октября | ноября | декабря |
# units
\b # word boundary
# space after:
$l =~ s/\b # start with a word boundary
# prepositions
# conjuctions
А |А,|
а |а,|
И |И,|
и |и,|
# obuiquitous "da"
# particles with space after
# interjections, space after
# abbreviations
[ ]+ # white space
(?=\S) # and look ahead for something that is not a white
# space or end of line
# and a space before
$l =~ s/(?<=\S) # look behind for something that is not \n
[ ]+ # one or more space
# particles
(?=[\W]) # white space follows or something that is not a word
return $l;
my $lang_filters = {
en => \&_typography_filter_en,
fi => \&_typography_filter_fi,
hr => \&_typography_filter_hr,
sr => \&_typography_filter_sr,
ru => \&_typography_filter_ru,
es => \&_typography_filter_es,
sub typography_filter {
my $lang = $_[0];
my $text = " " . $_[1] . " ";
$text = _typography_filter_common($text);
if ($lang and exists $lang_filters->{$lang}) {
$text = $lang_filters->{$lang}->($text);
my $llength = length($text) - 2;
return substr($text, 1, $llength);
sub get_typography_filter {
my ($lang, $links) = @_;
my @routines = (\&_typography_filter_common);
if ($lang && exists $lang_filters->{$lang}) {
push @routines, $lang_filters->{$lang};
if ($links) {
push @routines, \&linkify_filter;
return sub {
my $text = shift;
$text = ' ' . $text . ' ';
foreach my $sub (@routines) {
$text = $sub->($text);
my $llength = length($text) - 2;
return substr($text, 1, $llength);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Text::Amuse::Preprocessor::Typography - Perl extension for pre-processing of Text::Amuse files
use Text::Amuse::Preprocessor::Typography qw/typography_filter/;
my $cleanedtext = typography_filter($lang, $text)
Common routines to filter the input files, fixing typography and
language-specific rules. All the text is assumed to be already decoded.
=head2 linkify_filter($string)
Detect and replace the bare links with the proper markup, as
It's a bit opinionated to hide the full url and show only the domain.
Anyway, it's a preprocessing filter and the most important thing is
not to loose pieces. And we don't, because the full url is still
there. Anyway, long urls are a pain to display and to typeset, so the
domain is a sensible choise. The user can anyway change this. It's
just an helper to avoid boring tasks, nothing more.
Returns the adjusted string.
=head2 typography_filter($lang, $string)
Perform the smart replacement of single quotes, double quotes, dashes
and, in some cases, the superscript for things like 2nd, 13th, etc.
The languages supported are C<en>, C<fi>, C<hr>, C<sr>, C<ru>, C<es>.
Returns the adjusted string.
=head2 get_typography_filter($lang, $links)
Return a sub which you can call later on a string. The sub will first
call the common replacements (ugly unicode ligatures). If the first
argument is set and is a valid language, will do the language specific
replacements. If the second argument is set and true, will also fix
the links.
The sub itself will return the adjusted string.
=head1 SEE ALSO