Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use File::Temp qw//;
use File::Copy qw/move copy/;
my ($fix_links, $fix_typography, $fix_nbsp, $remove_nbsp, $show_nbsp,
$fix_footnotes, $inplace, $help);
GetOptions (
links => \$fix_links,
typography => \$fix_typography,
nbsp => \$fix_nbsp,
'remove-nbsp' => \$remove_nbsp,
'show-nbsp' => \$show_nbsp,
footnotes => \$fix_footnotes,
inplace => \$inplace,
help => \$help,
) or die;
if ($help or !@ARGV) {
pod2usage("Using Text::Amuse::Preprocessor version " .
$Text::Amuse::Preprocessor::VERSION . "\n");
=head1 NAME
muse-preprocessor.pl -- fix your muse document
muse-preprocessor.pl [ options ] inputfile.muse [ outputfile.muse ]
The input file is processed according to the options and the output is
left in the output file. Both arguments are mandatory, unless
--inplace is specified.
=over 4
=item links
Makes all the links active
=item typography
Apply typographical fixes according to the language of the document
=item nbsp
Add non-breaking spaces according to the language of the document (if
=item remove-nbsp
Unconditionally remove all the invisible non-breaking spaces
=item show-nbsp
Make the (usually) invisible non-breaking spaces explicit with a
double tilde.
=item footnotes
Rearrange the footnotes.
=item inplace
Overwrite the original file.
=item help
Show this help and exit.
my ($infile, $outfile) = @ARGV;
die "$infile is not a file\n" unless -f $infile;
my $wd;
if ($inplace) {
die "--inplace and a second argument are mutually exclusive" if $outfile;
$wd = File::Temp->newdir;
$outfile = File::Spec->catfile($wd, 'out.muse');
elsif (!$outfile) {
die "Missing outfile and --inplace was not specified!\n";
my $pp = Text::Amuse::Preprocessor->new(
fix_links => $fix_links,
fix_nbsp => $fix_nbsp,
remove_nbsp => $remove_nbsp,
show_nbsp => $show_nbsp,
fix_footnotes => $fix_footnotes,
fix_typography => $fix_typography,
input => $infile,
output => $outfile,
if ($pp->process) {
if ($inplace) {
my $backup = $infile . '.' . time() . '~';
copy($infile, $backup) or die "Cannot copy $infile to $backup $!";
print "Saved backup of $infile in $backup\n";
move($outfile, $infile) or die "Cannot move $outfile to $infile $!";
else {
die Dumper($pp->error);