OpenTok::API - Perl SDK for OpenTok
Version 0.02
1. Generate Token
use OpenTok::API;
# Get your own API-keys from
my $ot = OpenTok::API->new('api_key' => '1127', 'api_secret' => '123456789sosecretcode123123123');
print $ot->generate_token()."\n";
2. Create new session
print $ot->create_session('location' => '')->getSessionId();
Creates and returns a new OpenTok::API object
my $ot = OpenTok::API->new('api_key' => '1127', 'api_secret' => '123456789sosecretcode123123123');
api_key => string
Sets your TokBox API Partner Key
api_secret => string
Sets your TokBox API Partner Secret
mode => "development|"production"
Set it to "production" when you launch your app in production. Default is "development".
Generates a token for specific session.
$ot->generate_token(session_id => '153975e9d3ecce1d11baddd2c9d8d3c9d147df18', role => 'moderator' );
session_id => string
If session_id is not blank, this token can only join the call with the specified session_id.
role => "subscriber"|"publisher"|"moderator"
One of the roles. Default is publisher, look in the documentation to learn more about roles.
expire_time => int
Optional. The time when the token will expire, defined as an integer value for a Unix timestamp (in seconds). If you do not specify this value, tokens expire in 24 hours after being created. The expiration_time value, if specified, must be within seven days of the creation time.
Creates and returns OpenTok::API::Session object
$ot->create_session(location => $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'});
location => string
An IP address that TokBox will use to situate the session in its global network. Ideally, this IP address should be representative of the geographical locations of the participants in the session. If you have access to the IP address of the first participant in the session, use that address.
echoSuppression_enabled => [0|1]
Whether echo suppression is initially enabled for multiplexed streams. The default value is 0.
multiplexer_numOutputStreams => int
The number of multiplexed streams automatically created for the session. The default value is 0.
multiplexer_switchType => int
An integer defining the type of multiplexer-based switch: 0 for a timeout-based switch; 1 for an activity-based switch. The default value is 0 (timeout-based).
multiplexer_switchTimeout => int
The length, in milliseconds, for the switch in a timeout-based multiplexer. The minimum value is 2000 (2 seconds), and the server will change lower values to 2000. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
Created OpenTok::API::Session object includes a sessionID method, which returns the session ID for the new session. Use this session ID in JavaScript on the page that you serve to the client. The JavaScript will use this value when calling the connect() method of the Session object (to connect a user to an OpenTok session).
Maxim Nikolenko, <root at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-opentok-api at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc OpenTok::API
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Copyright 2011 Maxim Nikolenko.
This module is released under the following license: BSD