Apache::AuthNetLDAP - mod_perl module that uses the Net::LDAP module for user authentication for Apache
AuthName "LDAP Test Auth"
AuthType Basic
#only set the next two if you need to bind as a user for searching
#PerlSetVar BindDN "uid=user1,ou=people," #optional
#PerlSetVar BindPWD "password" #optional
PerlSetVar BaseDN "ou=people,"
PerlSetVar LDAPServer
PerlSetVar LDAPPort 389
#PerlSetVar UIDAttr uid
PerlSetVar UIDAttr mail
require valid-user
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthNetLDAP
This module authenticates users via LDAP using the Net::LDAP module. This module is Graham Barr's "pure" Perl LDAP API.
It also uses all of the same parameters as the Apache::AuthPerLDAP, but I have added two extra parameters.
The parameters are:
- PerlSetVar BindDN
Used to set initial LDAP user.
- PerlSetVar BindPWD
Used to set initial LDAP password.
- PerlSetVar BaseDN
This sets the search base used when looking up a user in an LDAP server.
- PerlSetVar LDAPServer
This is the hostname of the LDAP server you wish to use.
- PerlSetVar LDAPPort
This is the port the LDAP server is listening on.
- PerlSetVar UIDAttr
The attribute used to lookup the user.
Uses for UIDAttr
For example if you set the UIDAttr to uid, then the LDAP search filter will lookup a user using the search filter:
Normally you will use the uid attribute, but you may want (need) to use a different attribute depending on your LDAP server or to synchronize with different applications. For example some versions of Novell's LDAP servers that I've encountered stored the user's login name in the cn attribute (a really bad idea). And the Netscape Address Book uses a user's email address as the login id.
It's a pretty straightforward install if you already have mod_perl and Net::LDAP already installed.
After you have unpacked the distribution type:
perl Makefile.PL make make install
Then in your httpd.conf file or .htaccess file, in either a <Directory> or <Location> section put:
AuthName "LDAP Test Auth"
AuthType Basic
#only set the next two if you need to bind as a user for searching
#PerlSetVar BindDN "uid=user1,ou=people," #optional
#PerlSetVar BindPWD "password" #optional
PerlSetVar BaseDN "ou=people,"
PerlSetVar LDAPServer
PerlSetVar LDAPPort 389
PerlSetVar UIDAttr uid
require valid-user
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthNetLDAP
Module Home:
AUTHOR Mark Wilcox
Graham Barr for writing Net::LDAP module.
Henrik Strom for writing the Apache::AuthPerLDAP module which I derived this from.
The O'Reilly "Programming Modules for Apache with Perl and C" (
WARRANTY AND LICENSE You can distribute and modify in accordance to the same license as Perl. Though I would like to know how you are using the module or if you are using the module at all.
Like most of the stuff on the 'net, I got this copy to work for me without destroying mankind, you're mileage may vary.