Changes for version 2.08
- Added dbpreptext(), dbreadtext(), dbmoretext(), dbsqlok() and force_dbclose() to Sybase::DBlib. Added dbspid() to Sybase::DBlib
- Bug Fixes
- Made some code adjustments to silence some perl 5.004 warnings. Finally fixed the "'rpcInfo' is not a valid Sybase::DBlib attribute" bug... Fixed DBSETLPACKET() macro definition (for pre-system 10 libraries). Fixed ct_config() so that integer values can be set and retrived. This implied adding a 'type' argument which defaults to CS_CHAR_TYPE, but must be set to CS_INT_TYPE if integer values are passed or retrieved. Fixed dbclose() in to *really* close connections. Renamed config to to avoid problems under Win/NT. ct_fetch() added an extra \0 at the end of TEXT/IMAGE data. Fixed a reorder bug in Fixed Sybase::CTlib::ct_sql() to set $dbh->{RC} to CS_FAIL when an error occurs in the processing. Sybase::DBlib::dbrpcxxx() calls where not returning any success or failure information. Sybase::CTlib::ct_col_types() returns CS_INT_TYPE for all integer types.
Sybase extensions to Perl
in CTlib/
in CTlib/
in CTlib/
in CTlib/
in CTlib/
in CTlib/
in DBlib/
in DBlib/
in DBlib/
in DBlib/
in DBlib/
in Sybperl/
in Sybperl/