Net::RackSpace::CloudServers - Interface to RackSpace CloudServers via API
version 0.11
use Net::RackSpace::CloudServers;
my $cs = Net::RackSpace::CloudServers->new(
user => 'myusername', key => 'mysecretkey'
# list my servers;
my @servers = $cs->get_server;
foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
print 'Have server ', $server->name, ' id ', $server->id, "\n";
new / BUILD
The constructor logs you into CloudServers:
my $cs = Net::RackSpace::CloudServers->new(
user => 'myusername', key => 'mysecretkey'
Lists all the servers linked to the account. If no ID is passed as parameter, returns an array of Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Server object containing only id and name set. If an ID is passed as parameter, it will return a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Server object containing id, name, imageid, etc. See Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Server for details.
my @servers = $cs->get_server; # all servers, id/name
my $test_server = $cs->get_server(1); # ID 1, detailed
Lists more details about all the servers and returns them as a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Server object:
my @servers = $cs->get_server_detail; # all servers, id/name
my $test_server = $cs->get_server_detail(1); # ID 1, detailed
Lists all the limits currently set for the account, and returns them as a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Limits object:
my $limits = $cs->limits;
Lists all the flavors able to be used. If no ID is passed as parameter, returns an array of Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Flavor object containing only id and name set. If an ID is passed as parameter, it will return a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Flavor object containing id, name, ram and disk.
my @flavors = $cs->get_flavor;
foreach (@flavors) { print $_->id, ' ', $_->name, "\n" }
my $f1 = $cs->get_flavor(1);
print join(' ', $f1->id, $f1->name, $f1->ram, $f1->disk), "\n";
Lists details of all the flavors able to be used. If no ID is passed as parameter, returns an array of Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Flavor. All details are returned back: id, name, ram and disk. If an ID is passed as parameter, it will return a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Flavor object with all details filled in.
Lists all the server/backup images able to be used. If no ID is passed as parameter, returns an array of Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Image object containing only id and name set. If an ID is passed as parameter, it will return a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Image object with all the available attributes set.
my @images = $cs->get_image;
foreach (@images) { print $_->id, ' ', $_->name, "\n" }
my $f1 = $cs->get_image(1);
print join(' ', $f1->id, $f1->name, $f1->updated, $f1->status), "\n";
Lists details of all the server/backup images able to be used. If no ID is passed as parameter, returns an array of Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Image. All details are returned back: id, name, serverid, updated, created, status and progress. If an ID is passed as parameter, it will return a Net::RackSpace::CloudServers::Image object with all details filled in.
Deletes a previously created backup image. Needs the image ID passed as parameter, returns undef in case of success or confess()es in case of error.
Marco Fontani, <mfontani at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-rackspace-cloudservers at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::RackSpace::CloudServers
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Léon Brocard for Net::Mosso::CloudFiles
Copyright 2009 Marco Fontani, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 495:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Léon'. Assuming UTF-8