Changes for version 0.22 - 2013-03-05
- This is an important release for KQueue users. Prior versions had several bugs in the KQueue backend. As a result, KQueue was effectively polling the filesystem with no delay. KQueue has a serious limitation which makes it impractical for monitoring medium to large sets of files (namely, you need an open filehandle for each directory AND file that you are monitoring). The use of the KQueue backend is discouraged.
- Fixes KQueue backend bug which causes CPU usage to peg at 100% (thank to gdxhsw++ for the bug report and patch)
- Updates the documentation and issue warnings for KQueue filehandles
- Fixes errors in documentation
- Adds namespace::autoclean to the Event object
An AnyEvent compatible module to monitor files/directories for changes
Object to report changes in the monitored filesystem
Use Mac::FSEvents to watch for changed files
Fallback method of file watching (check in regular intervals)
Use Linux::Inotify2 to watch for changed files
Use IO::KQueue to watch for changed files