aap-passwd - passwd utility for Apache2::Authen::Passphrase


user@hostname:~$ aap-passwd /path/to/rootdir marius
Enter new Apache2::Authen::Passphrase password: ***
Retype new Apache2::Authen::Passphrase password: ***
Password updated successfully


aap-passwd updates the password of an Apache2::Authen::Passphrase user.

It is used like this:

aap-passwd /path/to/rootdir username

where the rootdir is the first argument and the username whose password is to be changed is the second argument, or like this:

aap-passwd username

where the rootdir is taken from the environment and the username is the only argument.



The default Apache2::Authen::Passphrase rootdir, used if the rootdir is not explicitly given.


Marius Gavrilescu <>


Copyright 2013 Marius Gavrilescu

This file is part of fonbotd.

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fonbotd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

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