Gruntmaster::Data - Gruntmaster 6000 Online Judge -- database interface and tools
for my $problem (problems) {
say "Problem name: " . problem_name $problem;
say "Problem level: " . problem_level $problem;
Gruntmaster::Data is the Redis interface used by the Gruntmaster 6000 Online Judge. It exports many functions for talking to the database. All functions are exported by default.
The current contest is selected by setting the $Gruntmaster::Data::contest
local $Gruntmaster::Data::contest = 'mycontest';
say 'There are' . jobcard . ' jobs in my contest';
Gruntmaster::Data exports some functions for talking directly to the Redis server. These functions should not normally be used, except for MULTI, EXEC, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE and WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES.
- problems
Returns a list of problems in the current contest.
- problem_meta $problem
Returns a problem's meta.
- set_problem_meta $problem, $meta
Sets a problem's meta.
- problem_name $problem
Returns a problem's name.
- set_problem_name $problem, $name
Sets a problem's name.
- problem_level $problem
Returns a problem's level. The levels are beginner, easy, medium, hard.
- set_problem_level $problem, $level
Sets a problem's level. The levels are beginner, easy, medium, hard.
- problem_statement $problem
Returns a problem's statement.
- set_problem_statement $problem, $statement
Sets a problem's statement.
- problem_owner $problem
Returns a problem's owner.
- set_problem_owner $problem, $owner
Sets a problem's owner.
Returns a problem's author.
Sets a problem's author.
- get_open $problem, $user
Returns the time when $user opened $problem.
- mark_open $problem, $user
Sets the time when $user opened $problem to the current time. Does nothing if $user has already opened $problem.
- insert_problem $id, $key => $value, ...
Inserts a problem with id $id and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a problem with id $id already exists. Returns true if the problem was added, false otherwise.
- edit_problem $id, $key => $value, ...
Updates the configuration of a problem. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
- remove_problem $id
Removes a problem.
WARNING: these functions only work correctly when $Gruntmaster::Data::contest
is undef
- contests
Returns a list of contests.
- contest_start $contest
Returns a contest's start time.
- set_contest_start $contest, $start
Sets a contest's start time.
- contest_end $contest
Returns a contest's end time.
- set_contest_end $contest, $end
Sets a contest's end time.
- contest_name $contest
Returns a contest's name.
- set_contest_name $contest, $name
Sets a contest's name.
- contest_owner $contest
Returns a contest's owner.
- set_contest_owner $contest, $owner
Sets a contest's owner.
- insert_contest $id, $key => $value, ...
Inserts a contest with id $id and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a contest with id $id already exists. Returns true if the contest was added, false otherwise.
- edit_contest $id, $key => $value, ...
Updates the configuration of a contest. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
- remove_contest $id
Removes a contest.
- jobcard
Returns the number of jobs in the database.
- job_results $job
Returns an array of job results. Each element corresponds to a test and is a hashref with keys id (test number), result (result code, see Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants), result_text (result description) and time (time taken).
- set_job_results $job, $results
Sets a job's results.
- job_inmeta $job
Returns a job's meta.
- set_job_inmeta $job, $meta
Sets a job's meta.
- job_daemon $job
Returns the hostname:pid of the daemon which ran this job.
- set_job_daemon $job, $hostname_and_pid
If the job has no associated daemon, it sets the daemon and returns true. Otherwise it returns false without setting the daemon.
- job_date $job
Returns a job's submit date.
- set_job_date $job, $date
Sets a job's submit date.
- job_errors $job
Returns a job's compile errors.
- set_job_errors $job, $errors
Sets a job's compile errors.
- job_extension $job
Returns a job's file name extension (e.g. "cpp", "pl", "java").
- set_job_extension $job, $extension
Sets a job's file name extension.
- job_filesize $job
Returns a job's source file size, in bytes.
- set_job_filesize $job, $filesize
Sets a job's source file size, in bytes.
- job_private $job
Returns the value of a job's private flag.
- set_job_private $job, $private
Sets the value of a job's private flag.
- job_problem $job
Returns a job's problem.
- set_job_problem $job, $problem
Sets a job's problem.
- job_result $job
Returns a job's result code. Possible result codes are described in Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants
- set_job_result $job, $result
Sets a job's result code.
- job_result_text $job
Returns a job's result text.
- set_job_result_text $job, $result_text
Sets a job's result text.
- job_user $job
Returns the user who submitted a job.
- set_job_user $job, $user
Sets the suer who submitted a job.
- clean_job $job
Removes a job's daemon, result code, result text and result array.
- push_job $key => $value, ...
Inserts a job with a given initial configuration. Returns the id of the newly-added job.
- edit_job $id, $key => $value, ...
Updates the configuration of a job. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
- remove_job $id
Removes a job.
WARNING: these functions only work correctly when $Gruntmaster::Data::contest
is undef
- users
Returns a list of users.
- user_name $user
Returns a user's full name.
- set_user_name $user, $name
Sets a user's full name.
- user_email $user
Returns a user's email address.
- set_user_email $user, $email
Sets a user's email address.
- user_town $user
Returns a user's town.
- set_user_town $user, $town
Sets a user's town.
- user_university $user
Returns a user's university/highschool/place of work/etc.
- set_user_university $user, $university
Sets a user's university, highschool/place of work/etc.
- user_level $user
Returns a user's current level of study. One of 'Highschool', 'Undergraduate', 'Master', 'Doctorate' or 'Other'.
- set_user_level $user, $level
Sets a user's current level of study.
- insert_user $id, $key => $value, ...
Inserts a user with id $id and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a user with id $id already exists. Returns true if the user was added, false otherwise.
- edit_user $id, $key => $value, ...
Updates the configuration of a user. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
- remove_user $id
Removes a user.
Marius Gavrilescu <>
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.