Gruntmaster::Data - Gruntmaster 6000 Online Judge -- database interface and tools
Gruntmaster::Data is the interface to the Gruntmaster 6000 database.
All functions are exported by default.
- dbinit(@args)
This function connects to the database. @args are the arguments passed to the DBIx::Simple constructor.
- purge($url_path)
Purges a relative URL from the Varnish Cache by sending PURGE $url_path requests to all hosts in the PURGE_HOSTS environment variable.
- db
Returns a DBIx::Simple object for interacting with the database directly. Use this when no other function in this module is suitable.
- user_list
Returns an arrayref of the top 200 users.
- user_entry($id)
Returns a hashref describing the user $id.
- problem_list([%args])
Returns an arrayref of problems.
Takes the following named arguments:
- problem_entry(i<$id>, [$contest])
Returns a hashref describing the problem $id. If $contest is present, contest start and stop times are included, and the solution is deleted.
- contest_list
Returns an arrayref of contests.
- contest_entry($id)
Returns a hashref describing the contest $id.
- contest_has_problem($contest, $problem)
Returns true if the contest $contest includes the problem $problem, false otherwise.
- job_list([%args])
In scalar context, returns an arrayref of jobs. In list context, returns an arrayref of jobs and a hashref of information about pages.
Takes the following named arguments:
- page
Show this page of the job log. Defaults to 1.
- owner
Only show jobs submitted by this user.
- contest
Only show jobs submitted in this contest.
- problem
Only show jobs submitted for this problem.
- result
Only show jobs with this result (see the constants in Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants).
- private
If true, include private jobs. Defaults to false.
- job_entry($id)
Returns a hashref describing the job $id.
- create_job(%args)
Insert a new job into the database. This function also updates the lastjob field for the job's owner.
- standings($ct)
Returns an arrayref of the standings of contest $ct.
- update_status
Rebuilds the problem_status and contest_status tables.
- rerun_job($id)
Marks the job $id as pending and clears its results, so that it will be run again by the daemon.
- take_job($daemon)
Marks a random job as being run by $daemon. Returns a hashref describing the job, or undef if no job was available.
- finish_job($job, $private, %results)
Updates the job $job with the results in %results. If $private is false, also updates the problem_status table.
- open_problem($contest, $problem, $owner, $time)
Notes that $owner has opened the problem $problem of contest $contest at time $time. If the
table already contains this ($contest, $problem, $owner) triplet, this function does nothing.
Marius Gavrilescu <>
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.