Mafia - easily moderate Mafia games
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Mafia;
player 'Banana Bob', cop, town;
player 'Dragon Phoenix', vanilla, townie;
player 'Gammie', mafia, goon;
player 'gslamm', vanilla, townie;
player 'Untrod Tripod', mafia, goon;
player 'Werebear', vanilla, townie;
player 'willows_weep', town, doctor;
lynch 'Untrod Tripod';
factionkill 'Gammie', 'willows_weep', 'shot';
copcheck 'Banana Bob', 'gslamm';
lynch 'Gammie';
DESCRPTION is a Perl extension for easily moderating Mafia games. You don't even need to know Perl to use it (see "WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW" for details).
A typical script starts with the following two lines
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Mafia;
The rest of the script is a series of function calls that describe the players and their actions.
A function call looks like this:
function_name first_argument, second_argument, ...
Each argument is either a number, a string (which is a sequence of characters between single or double quotes, such as 'badguy'
, 'qwrf'
) or a constant (such as mafia
, vanilla
, bulletproof
Example calls:
player 'Somebody', mafia, goon; # player is the function, 'Somebody' is a string, mafia and goon are constants.
lynch 'Nobody'; # lynch is the function, 'Nobody' is a string.
day; # day is the function. There are no arguments.
- player name, trait, ...
Defines a new player named name and its traits (role, faction, role modifiers).
vanilla, goon, doctor, vigilante, roleblocker, jailkeeper, gunsmith, tracker, watcher, bodyguard, rolecop, cop, sk, hider
mafia, town
is a synonim fortown
.Other attributes:
miller, godfather, weak, macho, bulletproof
These traits may be specified in any order.
Example usage:
player 'alice', town, bulletproof, miller, vigilante; # Alice is a NK-Immune Miller Vig player 'bob', town, weak, doctor; # Bob is a Town Weak Doctor player 'eve', mafia, godfather, goon; # Eve is a Mafia Godfather
- day
Defines the start of a new Day. All actions in the previous Night are now resolved.
- night
Defines the start of a new Night. All actions in the previous Day are now resolved.
- lynch player
Notes that player was lynched.
- factionkill killer, player, flavour, [ strong => 1 ]
Notes that killer killed player with flavour flavour. Append
strong => 1
if the kill should ignore roleblocks and doctor/jailkeeper protections. Use this for mafia kills.Example usage:
factionkill 'eve', 'alice', 'strangled to death'; factionkill 'eve', 'bob', 'brutally murdered', strong => 1; # This is a strongman kill
- protect doctor, player
Notes that doctor protected player.
- vig vigilante, player, flavour, [ strong => 1 ]
Notes that killer killed player with flavour flavour. Append
strong => 1
if the kill should ignore roleblocks and doctor/jailkeeper protections. Use this for Vigilante/Juggernaut kills.Example usage:
vig 'chuck', 'bob', 'shot'; vig 'chuck', 'bob', 'shot seven times', strong => 1; # This is a Juggernaut (Strongman Vigilante) kill
- roleblock roleblocker, player
Notes that roleblocker roleblocked player.
- jailkeep jailkeeper, player
Notes that jailkeeper roleblocked and protected player.
- guncheck gunsmith, player
Notes that gunsmith checked if player has a gun.
- track tracker, player
Notes that tracker tracked player.
- watch watcher, player
Notes that watcher watched player.
- guard bodyguard, player
Notes that bodyguard guarded player
- rolecopcheck rolecop, player
Notes that rolecop checked the role of player
- copcheck cop, player
Notes that cop checked whether player is mafia.
- skill SK, player, flavour, [ strong => 1 ]
Notes that SK killed player with flavour flavour. Append
strong => 1
> if the kill should ignore roleblocks and doctor/jailkeeper protections. Use this for Serial Killer kills. - hide hider, player
Notes that hider hid behind player.
Marius Gavrilescu, <>
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 by Marius Gavrilescu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.