makegdl - Create GDL from a TrueType Font


make_gdl [-a file] [-i file] [-l type [-s num]] [-n num] [-z bitfield]
         infile outfile
make_gdl -h
Creates font specific GDL from a font and optional attachment point database


-a file       Attachment point database
-e file       A file containing names (1 per line) of glyphs that are 
              known to have no outline (thus shouldn't generate warning). 
-h            print manpage
-i file       add #include statement at end of file
-l type       type =
                  first - class name is first code, contents other codes
                  last  - class name is last code, contents other codes
                  firstcomp - treat extensions as part of elements, as first
                  lastcomp - treat extensons as part of elements, as last
-n num        Add a normalization substitution with the given pass number
-o "list"     List of AP names to omit
-p num        Add auto positioning attachment rules with the given pass number
-s num        Add ligature substitution rules with the given pass number
-z bitfield   Bitfield of various controls:
                  0 - use component properties to set ligature bounding boxes
                  1 - normalise even if presentation is only references
                  2 - use postscript names in glyph definitions


When writing a GDL description for a font there are generally two parts to such a description. The first part is a general behaviour description that is appropriate to a number of fonts for a particular writing system. It will contain rules for reordering, substitution, positioning, etc and is often written in terms of classes rather than individual glyphs. For a very simple script such a description may be empty.

The second part of a description is font specific and includes names of glyphs positions of attachment points and other properties for each glyph. It will also contain class definitions and perhaps even some glyph specific rules.

It is this second part that make_gdl is designed to address. Make_gdl will take a TTF and perhaps an attachment point database (defined in ttfbuilder) and will create a standardised font specific GDL description which may or may not be sufficient to describe the behaviour of the font. It is more likely that a general behaviour file will also need to be written.

The generated GDL consists of 4 sections:

Glyph Definitions

Each glyph has a definition as part of a table(glyph) section. The name of the glyph is based on the postscript name of the glyph. If the name is of the form of a general Unicode character in the Adobe Glyph List, then the name is transformed with an initial g_ followed by the unicode USV. If there is a sequence of unicode values in the name, the uni parts of the name are replaced by <_> resulting in something like: g_1000_103c. Otherwise the name is transformed to lower case with each upper case letter preceded by _ and the name preceded by g_ as in g__a for A. If a glyph has a variant (.var) the . is turned into _. If a glyph is multinamed (separated by /) then only the first name is used for the glyph name although the glyph will appear in all the classes appropriate to all its names.

Glyphs may have attachment points and these come from the attachment points database given on the command line. In addition any properties with the name starting GDL_ are included as glyph attributes for use in rules. Ligature components may also propagate from the attachment point database.

Attachment points are assumed to be named according to the Fontlab convention whereby a diacritic has an anchor named _x that is anchored to a base character on the attachment point x. The names of the se attachment points are munged so that _x becomes xM and x becomes xS.

Class Definitions

For each attachment point base name (x) a class is created. Class cxDia contains a list of all the glyphs with the attachment point _x. Class cTakesxDia contains all the glyphs with attachment point x. Class cnxDia contains all the glyphs without attachment point _X. And the class cnTakesxDia contains all the glyphs without the x attachment point.

In addition for each glyph name variant (as labelled in a postscript name for a glyph using .var) a class named cvar is created with all the glyphs with that variant in their name. A class named cno_var is also created containing all the corresponding glyphs without the variant, in direct correspondance, so that the non-variant form may be mapped to the variant form using a single rule, for all the glyphs in the class.

Finally a class is created for ligature components. If a glyph is part of a ligature rule it is either the key glyph for the rule or part of the class for the rule. Thus for a rule keyed of a glyph named x there will be two classes: clig_x which is the ligatures involving x and cligno_x which contains all the components that correspond to the ligatures found in the other class. This makes a ligature rule a simple 2:1 mapping from cligno_x + key to clig_x.


Make_gdl may also create generalised rules to simplify the creation of GDL descriptions. Which rule sets are generated is controlled from the command line.

If the -n command line option is used, make_gdl will create normalisation rules. These rules will map any glyph sequence that corresponds to a unicode sequence that has a canonical composition that exists in the font into that glyph.

If the -s command line option is used, make_gdl will write rules for combining glyphs into ligatures according to the glyph naming in the postscript name table. Ligature rules are based on a class and a glyph. By default the class contains a list of first glyphs in a ligature pair and there is a rule for each second glyph. If -l last is used then this is reversed with there being a rule for each first glyph and the second glyph is in a class. If variants are involved, should the name be a variant of the ligature or the last glyph in the ligature sequence? If -l firstcomp or -l lastcomp then then variant is considered part of the last glyph otherwise it is considered part of the ligature.


make_gdl outputs a preprocessor definition MAXGLYPH that is set to the number of glyphs in the font.

Since a GDL description is only a single file, the command line allows one to specify another GDL file to include at the end of the file. This makes including a font independent GDL fragment much easier.

