voltImportAnchors - Imports anchor definitions from XML (in TTFBuilder syntax) into a VOLT project.
voltImportAnchors [-d] [-s] [-l alist.txt] in.ttf Anchors.xml out.ttf [out.vtp]
-d discard existing VOLT anchor definitions that are not updated.
-s do not warn about existing VOLT anchor definitions that
are not updated.
-l specifies a file that identifies which anchors to import.
Original VOLT project must be a .TTF file (.VTP files no longer supported) New anchor data, using TTFBuilder syntax, is read from Anchors.xml. A modified VOLT font project will be saved in out.ttf. If out.vtp is supplied, a copy of the modified VOLT source is saved there.
For the -l
option, the file consist of a list of anchors to import which are listed on separate lines using the syntax:
xml-anchor-type-name [, [volt-anchor-name] [, [component-num]]]
A semicolon at start of line is a comment. For example:
; anchor list example.
; XML anchor "vabove" will be imported directly
; "vbelow" will be renamed "BotCenter"
; "vbelow_2" will be renamed "BotCenter" but for component 2
If -l
is not supplied, then all anchors will be imported and will be assumed to be for component 1 (no ligatures). (Note: the conversion between FontLab's convention of "_name" and VOLT's convention of "MARK_name" is automatic and should not be specified in a -l file).
ttfbuilder, make_volt