ttfremap - remaps the cmap of a TrueType Font


TTFRemap -c file [-r] [-s | -u] <infile> <outfile>


-r      Replace (copy the old cmap before mapping)
-s      Convert to symbol encoding
-u      Convert to UGL encoding


Remaps the MS cmap of a font without removing any glyphs. Updates the OS/2 table according to first and last char of new cmap. The changes file consists of lines of any of the following forms:

uni_first, uni_to
uni_first, uni_last, uni_to
g, gid_first, uni_to
g, gid_first, gid_last, uni_to
n, name_first, uni_to
n, name_first, name_last, uni_to

where uni_first (gid_first) is the first of a range of Unicodes (glyph IDs) in the source font, uni_last (gid_last) is the last of that range (if not specified, default is same as uni_first (gid_last)), and uni_to is the start of the sequential set of Unicodes that will be altered in the output cmap so they map to the specified range. NOTE: Unicode values should be in hex, glyph IDs are decimal, names are simple strings.




Martin Hosken Martin_Hosken@sil.org (see CONTRIBUTORS for other authors).


Copyright (c) 1998-2013, SIL International (http://www.sil.org)

This script is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.