ttfname - renames font files
ttfname [-f "full_name"] -n "name" [-t num] [-q] infile.ttf outfile.ttf
Renames the TTF with the given name and outputs the newly named font to
-f "name" specifies new full name (optional) as opposed to the
default calculated form.
-l lang language number to use (default all langs)
if specified name entries will be added for all platforms and
encodings covered by the cmap if not already there
-n "name" specifies new font family name (not optional)
-p Don't update postscript font name
-q disable signon message
-r num Removes all strings of the given ids. Space- or comma-separated
ids or id ranges (denoted by "..") may be specified.
-s filename overrides -n and gets string from file. Useful for -t
-t num overrides the normal naming areas to change another
string -f becomes inactive. Use -l as well to create entry.
-w "name" overrides subfamily in the font (think weight). So a full name
may be made from -n and -w together.