Font::TTF::Scripts - Smart font script supporting modules and scripts for TTF/OTF
This module contains a number of useful programs for hacking with TTF files:
check_attach, dumpfont, fret, hackos2, make_fea, make_gdl, make_volt, psfix, std2ap, sfdmeld, sfdmerge, ttf2volt, ttf2woff, ttfascent, ttfbboxfix, ttfbuilder, ttfdeflang, ttfeval, ttffeatparms, ttflang2tuner, ttfname, ttfremap, ttfsetver, ttfsubset, ttftable, typetuner, volt2ap, volt2ttf.
Highlights include:
fret - produces PDF report of an uninstalled font including all glyphs
hackos2 - manipulates the OS/2 table of a font
ttfbuilder - builds a font from another font, attaching glyphs, subsetting, etc.
ttfname - renames a font
ttfsubset - removes parts of a font in order to produce a working, smaller, font.
Martin Hosken (see CONTRIBUTORS for other authors).
Copyright (c) 1998-2014, SIL International (
This module and all the various scripts are released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.