xml2sh - Convert XML data to Toolbox


xml2sh [-s settings_dir] [-a attrib] [-d]
        [-x stylesheet] [-e encs] [-m] [-i] [-f] infile

Converts XML to Toolbox data, sending the outputs to stdout.


-a attrib       Default attribute name (or tag if -m) [value]
-d              print debug statements saying what xpath is being tested
-h              Print copious help (the manpage)
-l lang         Specifies language tag of vernacular language
-m              MDF style output with character marker support
-s dir          Directory to find .typ files in [.]
-t type         Database type name (not the .typ filename)


The aim of xml2sh is to convert XML data into standard format. It does this by using the \xpath statements in the database description. In effect this allows XML data generated by sh2xml -p to be converted back to SFM.