use File::Path qw/rmtree mkpath/;
my $tmp = 'ppptmp';
rmtree($tmp) if -d $tmp; mkpath($tmp) or die "mkpath $tmp: $!\n"; chdir($tmp) or die "chdir $tmp: $!\n";
my $inc = ''; if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) { $inc = '-I../../lib' if -d '../../lib'; }
END { chdir("..") if !-d $tmp && -d "../$tmp"; rmtree($tmp); }
sub ppport { my @args = @_; print "# *** running $^X $inc ppport.h @args ***\n"; my $out = join '', `$^X $inc ppport.h @args`; my $copy = $out; $copy =~ s/^/# | /mg; print "$copy\n"; return $out; }
sub matches { my($str, $re, $mod) = @_; my @n; eval "\@n = \$str =~ /$re/g$mod;"; if ($@) { my $err = $@; $err =~ s/^/# *** /mg; print "# *** ERROR ***\n$err\n"; } return $@ ? -42 : scalar @n; }
sub eq_files { my($f1, $f2) = @_; return 0 unless -e $f1 && -e $f2; local *F; for ($f1, $f2) { print "# File: $_\n"; unless (open F, $_) { print "# couldn't open $_: $!\n"; return 0; } $_ = do { local $/; <F> }; close F; my $copy = $_; $copy =~ s/^/# | /mg; print "$copy\n"; } return $f1 eq $f2; }
my @tests;
for (split /\s*={70,}\s*/, do { local $/; <DATA> }) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my($c, %f); ($c, @f{m/-{20,}\s+(\S+)\s+-{20,}/g}) = split /\s*-{20,}\s+\S+\s+-{20,}\s*/; push @tests, { code => $c, files => \%f }; }
my $t; for $t (@tests) { my $f; for $f (keys %{$t->{files}}) { my @f = split /\//, $f; if (@f > 1) { pop @f; my $path = join '/', @f; mkpath($path) or die "mkpath('$path'): $!\n"; } my $txt = $t->{files}{$f}; local *F; open F, ">$f" or die "open $f: $!\n"; print F "$txt\n"; close F; $txt =~ s/^/# | /mg; print "# *** writing $f ***\n$txt\n"; }
eval $t->{code};
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
$err =~ s/^/# *** /mg;
print "# *** ERROR ***\n$err\n";
ok($@, '');
for (keys %{$t->{files}}) {
unlink $_ or die "unlink('$_'): $!\n";
my $o = ppport(qw(--help)); ok($o =~ /^Usage:.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o =~ /--help/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*test\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*test\.xs/mi); ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 1); ok(matches($o, 'analyzing', 'mi'), 1); ok($o =~ /Uses Perl_newSViv instead of newSViv/);
$o = ppport(qw(--quiet --nochanges)); ok($o =~ /^\s*$/);
---------------------------- test.xs ------------------------------------------
# check if C and C++ comments are filtered correctly
my $o = ppport(qw(--copy=a)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*MyExt\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*MyExt\.xs/mi); ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 1); ok($o =~ /^Needs to include.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o !~ /^Uses grok_bin/m); ok($o !~ /^Uses newSVpv/m); ok($o =~ /Uses 1 C\+\+ style comment/m); ok(eq_files('MyExt.xsa', 'MyExt.ra'));
# check if C++ are left untouched with --cplusplus
$o = ppport(qw(--copy=b --cplusplus)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*MyExt\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*MyExt\.xs/mi); ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 1); ok($o =~ /^Needs to include.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o !~ /^Uses grok_bin/m); ok($o !~ /^Uses newSVpv/m); ok($o !~ /Uses \d+ C\+\+ style comment/m); ok(eq_files('MyExt.xsb', 'MyExt.rb'));
unlink qw(MyExt.xsa MyExt.xsb);
---------------------------- MyExt.xs -----------------------------------------
newSVuv(); // newSVpv(); XPUSHs(foo); /* grok_bin(); */
---------------------------- MyExt.ra -----------------------------------------
#include "ppport.h" newSVuv(); /* newSVpv(); */ XPUSHs(foo); /* grok_bin(); */
---------------------------- MyExt.rb -----------------------------------------
#include "ppport.h" newSVuv(); // newSVpv(); XPUSHs(foo); /* grok_bin(); */
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges file1.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /^Uses newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o =~ /^Uses SvPV_nolen.*depends.*sv_2pv_nolen/m); ok($o =~ /hint for newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o !~ /hint for sv_2pv_nolen/m); ok($o =~ /^Looks good/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --nohints file1.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /^Uses newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o =~ /^Uses SvPV_nolen.*depends.*sv_2pv_nolen/m); ok($o !~ /hint for newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o !~ /hint for sv_2pv_nolen/m); ok($o =~ /^Looks good/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --nohints --nodiag file1.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^Uses newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o !~ /^Uses SvPV_nolen/m); ok($o !~ /hint for newCONSTSUB/m); ok($o !~ /hint for sv_2pv_nolen/m); ok($o =~ /^Looks good/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --quiet file1.xs)); ok($o =~ /^\s*$/);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges file2.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /^Uses mXPUSHp/m); ok($o =~ /^Needs to include.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o !~ /^Looks good/m); ok($o =~ /^1 potentially required change detected/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --nohints file2.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /^Uses mXPUSHp/m); ok($o =~ /^Needs to include.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o !~ /^Looks good/m); ok($o =~ /^1 potentially required change detected/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --nohints --nodiag file2.xs)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*file2\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*file1\.xs/mi); ok($o !~ /^Uses mXPUSHp/m); ok($o !~ /^Needs to include.*ppport\.h/m); ok($o !~ /^Looks good/m); ok($o =~ /^1 potentially required change detected/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --quiet file2.xs)); ok($o =~ /^\s*$/);
---------------------------- file1.xs -----------------------------------------
#define NEED_newCONSTSUB #define NEED_sv_2pv_nolen #include "ppport.h"
newCONSTSUB(); SvPV_nolen();
---------------------------- file2.xs -----------------------------------------
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*FooBar\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*FooBar\.xs/mi); ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 1); ok($o !~ /^Looks good/m); ok($o =~ /^Uses grok_bin/m);
---------------------------- FooBar.xs ----------------------------------------
newSViv(); XPUSHs(foo); grok_bin();
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*First\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*First\.xs/mi); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*second\.h/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*second\.h/mi); ok($o =~ /^scanning.*sub.*third\.c/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*sub.*third\.c/mi); ok($o !~ /^scanning.*foobar/mi); ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 3);
---------------------------- First.xs -----------------------------------------
---------------------------- ---------------------------------------
---------------------------- second.h -----------------------------------------
---------------------------- sub/third.c --------------------------------------
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /Possibly wrong #define NEED_foobar in.*test.xs/i);
---------------------------- test.xs ------------------------------------------
#define NEED_foobar
# And now some complex "real-world" example
my $o = ppport(qw(--copy=f)); for (qw(main.xs mod1.c mod2.c mod3.c mod4.c mod5.c)) { ok($o =~ /^scanning.*\Q$_\E/mi); ok($o =~ /analyzing.*\Q$_\E/i); } ok(matches($o, '^scanning', 'mi'), 6);
ok(matches($o, '^Writing copy of', 'mi'), 5); ok(!-e "");
for (qw(main.xs mod1.c mod2.c mod3.c mod4.c)) { ok($o =~ /^Writing copy of.*\Q$_\E.*with changes/mi); ok(-e "${_}f"); ok(eq_files("${_}f", "${_}r")); unlink "${_}f"; }
---------------------------- main.xs ------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_newCONSTSUB #define NEED_grok_hex_GLOBAL #include "ppport.h"
newCONSTSUB(); grok_hex(); Perl_grok_bin(aTHX_ foo, bar);
/* some comment */
perl_eval_pv(); grok_bin(); Perl_grok_bin(bar, sv_no);
---------------------------- mod1.c -------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL #define NEED_newCONSTSUB #include "ppport.h"
newCONSTSUB(); grok_bin(); { Perl_croak ("foo"); Perl_sv_catpvf(); /* I know it's wrong ;-) */ }
---------------------------- mod2.c -------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_eval_pv #include "ppport.h"
/* eval_pv(); */
---------------------------- mod3.c -------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
grok_oct(); eval_pv();
---------------------------- mod4.c -------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
---------------------------- mod5.c -------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#include "ppport.h" call_pv();
---------------------------- main.xsr -----------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_eval_pv_GLOBAL #define NEED_grok_hex #define NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL #include "ppport.h"
newCONSTSUB(); grok_hex(); grok_bin(foo, bar);
/* some comment */
eval_pv(); grok_bin(); grok_bin(bar, PL_sv_no);
---------------------------- ------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_grok_bin_GLOBAL #include "ppport.h"
newCONSTSUB(); grok_bin(); { Perl_croak (aTHX_ "foo"); Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX); /* I know it's wrong ;-) */ }
---------------------------- ------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"
/* eval_pv(); */
---------------------------- ------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #define NEED_grok_oct #include "ppport.h"
grok_oct(); eval_pv();
---------------------------- ------------------------------------------
#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include "ppport.h"
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /Uses grok_hex/m); ok($o !~ /Looks good/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --compat-version=5.8.0)); ok($o !~ /Uses grok_hex/m); ok($o =~ /Looks good/m);
---------------------------- FooBar.xs ----------------------------------------
my $o = ppport(qw(--nochanges)); ok($o =~ /Uses SvPVutf8_force, which may not be portable/m);
$o = ppport(qw(--nochanges --compat-version=5.6.0)); ok($o !~ /Uses SvPVutf8_force/m);
---------------------------- FooBar.xs ----------------------------------------
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 18:
Unknown directive: =tests