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Chart::Graph - Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot and XRT.
use Chart::Graph;
Graph.pm is a module that allows easy generation of graphs within
perl. Currently Graph.pm supports two packages, gnuplot and xrt,
both of which you need to have installed on your system.
INSTALLATION To install Graph.pm on your system you need to run:
perl Makefile.PL
make install
If you want support for xrt you need to compile the xrt wrapper
executable and move it into your path somewhere:
cd graph_xrt
USING Graph.pm will probe your path if you do not supply paths to the programs that it needs.
You need to set these variables if they are not in your path:
For gnuplot():
$Chart::Graph::gnuplot # path to gnuplot
$Chart::Graph::ppmtogif # path to ppmtogif
For xrt():
$Chart::Graph::ppmtogif # path to ppmtogif
$Chart::Graph::xrt # path to graph(the xrt wrapper)
$Chart::Graph::xwdtopnm # path to xwdtopnm
$Chart::Graph::xvfb # path to Xvfb(the virutal frame
# buffer required by XRT)
Currently Chart::Graph supports two levels of debug, 0
(no debug msgs) and 1(debu msgs). You need to set the
$Graph::debug flag accordingly. If you are having problems
with Graph.pm set the debug flag to 1. Also Graph.pm will check
$ENV{TMPDIR} for the temporary file storage. If you do not
specify, it will be set to /tmp automatically.
All the documentation(in HTML, with examples) for Graph.pm
is located in doc/. Documentation is also available online
at http://www.caida.org/Tools/Graph.
CONTENT SUMMARY Graph.pm - the acutal Graph module doc/ - documentation in HTML graph_xrt/ - xrt wrapper executable code test_Graph.pl - the test script used for debugging
Michael Young - mhyoung@caida.org