Class::Declarative - Provides a declarative framework for Perl


Version 0.01


Perl's dominant paradigm, like most languages, is imperative. That is, when told to run a program, the computer does first one thing, then the next, until it terminates. Where this paradigm breaks down is when we are better off conceiving of our task not as programming a single agent (the computer) but a collection of objects, say, a GUI. In a GUI program, we talk about events that fire based on user actions. The events themselves lend themselves well to modeling by imperative code, but the overall organization of the program as a whole is much easier when we look at the system as a set of data structures.

Traditionally, when writing a GUI based on, say, Wx, these data structures have been built in an imperative initialization function.

That approach sucks.

Instead, I find it a lot easier to write a full description of the GUI, then hang code on it. So at some point, I thought, well, why not just write a class to interpret that pseudocode description directly?

That is this module.

Class::Declarative provides the framework for building a complete Perl program based on a simple, indented, rather informal language. The language has no keywords at all; you have to provide a set of objects to define the semantics of everything. (Caveat: Class::Declarative knows how to build code, so there are some things it will interpret on its own. We'll use those to write the test suites.)

Class::Declarative gives us some other goodies. or will eventually. Since it is easy to parse, and since it knows how to write its own code back out, at least some programming constructs will act like LISP, in that we can write macros to handle them. That will come later. We will also be able to change the behavior of a running program by modifying its parsed structure. That will also come later. But keep them in mind. They'll be very powerful.

Class::Declarative runs as a filter by default. That means that you can do this, giving it one or more semantic classes:

use Class::Declarative qw(Wx::DefinedUI);   # Wx::DefinedUI is a set of semantic classes for wxPerl.

frame (xsize=450, ysize=400, x=50, y=50) "Caret Wx::DefinedUI sample"
      menu "&File":
         item blinktime "&Blink time...\tCtrl-B"
         item about     "&About...\tCtrl-A"
         item quit      "E&xit\tAlt-X"
   status (segments=2) "Welcome to Wx::DefinedUI!"

   on quit {

   on about:
         title "Caret Wx::DefinedUI Sample"
         body  "About Caret"
         icons "OK INFORMATION"
   on blinktime:
      dialog (template=getnumber):
         help   "The caret blink time is the time between two blinks"
         prompt "Time in milliseconds"
         title  "Caret sample"
         get { Wx::Caret::GetBlinkTime }
         min "0"
         max "10000"
         result "blinktime"
         on OK {
            if ($^blinktime != -1) {
               Wx::Caret::SetBlinkTime( $^blinktime );
               Wx::LogStatus( $self, 'Blink time set to %d milliseconds', $^blinktime );

This structure is almost obvious without any explanation at all. That's kind of the point of declarative programming. This particular example doesn't show much Perl code, but the basic rule is that anything in curly brackets {} is Perl. Class::Declarative gives you a little syntactic sugar to make things easy ("^word" expands to "$self->word", "$^word" expands to "$self->{word}", and "my $self = shift;" is appended to all functions). I don't know about you, but without that kind of help, I'd never get the structural references right, so I've done it once, right.

In addition to being declarative, a Class::Declarative program is event-based. That means that things happen when events fire. There are many other Perl-y event frameworks, such as POE, Moose, and Wx itself. Class::Declarative organizes its event framework to work around Wx because that's the framework I know. I don't see why it couldn't build a POE or Moose application just as well, and that would be an excellent exercise after I've done Wx. Tell me if you're interested in this.

At any rate, all code snippets are assumed to be event handlers. Events take place in the context of some node in the tree - and that node may not be the node where the code was defined. For instance, under Wx, you might define a code handler in the button that triggers it, but when that code actually runs, "$self" won't point to the button, it'll point to the frame or dialog the button is placed on.



The import function is called when the package is imported. It's used for the filter support; don't call it.

If semantic classes are supplied in the use command, we're going to instantiate and scan them here. They'll be used to decorate the parse tree appropriately.

build_handler ($string)

Given a tag name, returns the name of the class that claims to handle that node. If nobody else claims it, it ends up as Class::Declarative::Node for default behavior.


Returns the keys of the build handler hash.


We parse our input with a three-stage process. Parse::Indented is called to build the base structure line by line. It is told to return Class::Declarative::Node objects, which inherit from XML::xmlapi objects to provide structure manipulation functionality.

Each line in the structure is handed off to line_parser below, which calls Parse::RecDescent::Simple to build an XML::xmlapi structure from the line. The line_parser function then takes that structure, which is very similar to the grammar that built it, and builds the Class::Declarative::Node object it specifies.

Each node object has a type (determining the semantic class that will instantiate it later), an optional name, an optional set of parameters in round parentheses (), an optional set of options in square brackets [], an optional label in single or double quotes, and an optional body in curly brackets {}.

Why so many different ways to specify an object? The parameters are meant to be short and sweet, and are typically used to instantiate the payload (things like the ID number of a button). The options are equally short and sweet, and are used by the object when adding itself to its parent (things like where a button is on the form). The label may be longer and contain punctuation and spaces, so to simplify parsing and also to improve self-documentation, it is placed outside the parameters where it's easy to see. Finally, the body is the only part of the object that may span multiple lines, and is typically where Perl code is defined.

Any object may have children in the parse tree. What the semantic class does with them - if anything - is the business of the semantic class.

line_parser ($string)

This function is just a function; it takes a string corresponding to a line, and returns a parsed structure. It's cool, but you probably don't want to call it. It uses Parse::RecDescent::Simple to return an XML::xmlapi structure, which it then munges into a more appropriate structure built of $baseclass objects subclassed from XML::xmlapi, by default Class::Declarative::Node objects.


By default, Class::Declarative runs as a filter. That means it intercepts code coming in and can change it before Perl starts parsing. Needless to say, filters act very cautiously, because the only thing that can parse Perl correctly is Perl (and sometimes even Perl has doubts). So this filter basically just wraps the entire input source in a call to new, which is then parsed and called after the filter returns.


The filter function is called by the source code filtering process. You probably don't want to call it. But if you've ever wondered how difficult it is to write a source code filter, read it. Hint: it really isn't difficult.


You'd think this would be up at the top.


The new function is of course called to create a new Class::Declarative object.


The load method loads a UI specification into the Wx::DefinedUI object by calling parse. Right now this replaces what's there; really, you should be able to load multiple things that would then get stashed into a registry of top-level items (frames and dialogs).


This is called from outside to kick off the process defined in this application. The way we handle this is just to ask the first semantic class to start itself. The idea there being that it's probably going to be Wx or something that provides the interface. (It could also be a Web server or something.)

If this isn't the right approach, we can pass in a tag, like 'ui'.


Wx works with numeric IDs for events, and I presume the other event-based systems do, too. I don't like numbers; they're hard to read and tell apart. So Class::Declarative registers event names for you, assigning unique numeric IDs you can use in your payload objects.


Returns $self; for nodes, returns the parent. The upshot is that by calling root we can get the root of the tree, fast.


Michael Roberts, <michael at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-class-declarative at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Class::Declarative

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2010 Michael Roberts.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.