Data::Tab - Iterators as tabular data structures
Version 0.01
is inspired by Data::Table, in that the central data structure is a two-dimensional matrix of data values with named headers. However, there are some significant differences, chief of which is that the data sources can be lazily evaluated, that is, they can be either iterators or static arrays.
BE WARNED: this module defines a lot of API that isn't actually implemented yet. It is a work in slow progress. (By "slow" I mean I need something every year or so and put it in.)
new (data, [headers], [types], [rowheaders], [underlying])
Creates a new table, with data being either an arrayref of arrayrefs, or a coderef that should iterate a series of arrayrefs, or an arrayref of arrayrefs with a terminal coderef. Case 1 is a set of static data. Case 2 is an unbuffered iterator; it cannot be rewound, just read. Finally, Case 3 is a buffered iterator; during a read series the arrayref rows will be returned until the coderef is encountered, after which the coderef will be asked for more rows, which will be inserted into the buffer, until there are no more rows and the table is left as a static dataset.
The headers are an optional arrayref of strings to be used as the column names.
The types are an optional arrayref of (advisory) types to be used for formatting the data, or a single scalar indicating the datatype for all the elements in the table.
The rowheaders are either an arrayref of names for each row (primarily useful for static datasets, obviously) or a coderef for generating a name based on the data in the row. Rowheaders are not yet implemented.
The "underlying" parameter is an object inheriting from <Data::Tab::Underlying> that is responsible for passing changes to the data table through to the underlying object, if this is applicable. This makes the data table a live view. It's not yet implemented.
query (dbh, sql, [parameters])
If you have DBI installed - and who doesn't? - then you can query the database with this function in a single step and have a lazy table returned. Clearly, if you don't have DBI installed, you can't have a dbh handle, so no error checking is done.
At some point there will be an underlying class for SQL that will allow changes made to the lazy table to be reflected in the database, but that's a fight for another day.
By default, an SQL query is unbuffered, a pure iterator. Use query()->buffer() to turn the buffer on before retrieval if that's what you want.
Suggested usage:
my $query = Data::Tab->query($dbh, "select * from my_table where name like ?", '%this%');
while ($query->get) {
my ($col1, $col2) = @$_;
Or this:
print Data::Tab->query($dbh, "select * from my table where customer=?", $customer)->read->show;
Magic SQL query formatting!
buffer, unbuffer
Switches the table from buffered mode to unbuffered mode, or vice versa. If a table is currently buffered, the buffer is discarded when unbuffering. Switching from buffered to unbuffered and back again is a good way to free up memory for longer queries that still need buffering.
The buffer can also be set to a given number of rows with e.g. buffer(5)
. Then any incoming rows will discard old rows from the beginning of the buffer. A call to buffer(0)
is equivalent to unbuffer()
headers, rowheaders, types, header(n), rowheader(n), type(n)
Getter/setter functions for the various parameters of the table. That is, header(n)
will retrieve the header for the n-th row, while header(n, 'new header')
will set it. Similarly, types(0,0,' ')
will set the scalar type array for all rows.
Returns a list in list context, an arrayref in scalar context.
Of these, only headers
is implemented.
dimensions (not yet implemented)
Another getter/setter. So dimensions()
will retrieve the current dimensions of the buffered or static data, dimensions(10)
will discard rows numbered 10 and up, dimensions(0)
is a way to truncate the buffer, dimensions(undef,5)
will discard columns numbered 5 and up, and dimensions(5, 5)
will force the dimensions of the table to be 5x5. If the data is currently smaller in a dimension specified, then "blank" data will be filled in; the "blank" value is the type value of the column, or undef
If there is a coderef at the end of the data, removes it. This converts an iterated, buffered data table into a static one. Used on an unbuffered iterator, renders the table useless.
Tacks a new iterator on the end of a static table, converting it into an iterated table.
get, rewind
The table has a cursor row that starts at 0. The rewind
function resets that row to 0 if it's been changed. The get()
function with no parameters gets the cursor row and advances the cursor. If there's no buffer, it just gets the next row from the iterator; if there is a buffer, then the cursor advances along the buffer until it gets to the iterator (if there is one) and then returns/buffers rows as it goes.
However, get(1)
will get row 1 in the buffer as an arrayref, and get(1, 3)
will get the value from row 1, column 3 in the buffer. A call with an undef
row (e.g. get(undef, 2)
) will get the numbered column.
A call to get(undef, 'taxes')
will get the column headed taxes, as an arrayref, while get('taxes')
will get the row labeled 'taxes', if the rowheaders are defined and there is such a row. If these fail, the call will croak. There is no column cursor, so there is no need for syntax for a columnar get with unspecified column.
The return value is always a scalar or arrayref.
read (limit)
The read
method, called on a buffered table with an iterator, reads the entire iterated query result list into the buffer, then truncates the table to render it static. Pass a number to limit the read.
If the table is unbuffered, read turns on buffering before it starts retrieval.
set, setrow, setcol (not yet implemented)
A call to setrow (row, [values])
sets an entire row in the table, while a single element can be set with set (row, col, value)
. To set a column, use setcol (col, [values])
on a buffered or static table. As usual, row and col can be numbers or labels.
If an underlying
is defined for the table, then it will be notified of the change and can take appropriate action to update the table's underlying object.
show, show_generic
Calling show
returns the table as text, with +-----+
type delineation. (This method only works if Text::Table is installed.) This only shows the rows actually in the buffer; it will not retrieve iterator rows; this allows you to set up a paged display.
The column delimiters only appear for a table with headers; this is because Text::Table is easier to use this way - but think of a table with headers as a database table, and one without as a simple matrix.
The show
method is actually implemented using show_generic
, which takes as parameters the separator, a flag whether the headers should be shown (if the 'flag' is an arrayref, you can simply specify your own headers here), and a flag whether a rule should be shown at the top and bottom of the table and between the header and body - by default, this rule is of the form +----+----+, but again, the 'flag' can be an arrayref of any two other characters to be used instead (in the order '-' and '+' in the example).
The show
method is thus show_generic('|', 1, 1)
Unfortunately, show_generic
isn't generic enough to express an HTML table, and I considered putting a show_html method here as well (Data::Table has one) - but honestly, it's rare to use undecorated HTML these days, so I elected to remove temptation from your path. To generate HTML, you should use a template engine to generate good HTML. Eventually I'll write one that works with D::T::Lazy out of the box - drop me a line if you'd like me to accelerate that.
report (not yet implemented)
The report
method is a little different from show
- it's essentially good for formatting things with a sprintf and suppressing repeat values, making it useful for simple presentation of things like dated entries (the date appears only when it changes). I use this kind of thing a lot in my everyday utilities, so it's convenient to bundle it here in generalized form.
add, glue, insert (not yet implemented)
On the other hand, maybe you just want to append one or more rows. To do that, just add (arrayref)
to add a single row, or add (table object)
to append all the rows from another table object. The second parameter, if provided, is the header for the new row.
To do the same thing on the column dimension, use glue (arrayref)
to tack a new column onto the left of the table, or glue (table object)
to glue all the columns of a table onto the left. To insert the columns somewhere other than the left, use insert (column, table object or arrayref)
and they'll be inserted to the right of the column with that number. Or, if the column isn't a number, then the column headers will be used.
If add
or glue
is passed a coderef, then the new row will be made by repeated calls to the coderef, each call passing the table and the column for arbitrary calculation. (Or the new column will be made with each row.)
copy (not yet implemented)
The copy
method copies an entire table's contents into a segment of the current table. We specify the upper left corner of the target, so to copy the contents without further ado, simply copy(0, 0, source)
. The dimensions of the target will be expanded to match. This doesn't affect the headers.
slice (row, rows, col, cols) (not yet implemented)
The slice
method is used to extract sections from a table to make a new table object. For example, slice<2, 2, 2, 2
slices out a two-by-two chunk from row/column 2,2. (0-indexed). slice('total', 1)
slices out the "total" row only.
The return is always a new table object.
crop (row, rows, col, cols) (not yet implemented)
Does the same as slice
, but destructively in place.
sort (function), sortcols (not yet implemented)
Returns a sorting array for the entire table (if buffered, just the part in the buffer) that is produced by applying the coderef function
to an array [0, 1, 2, ... n]. The sort
method does this for the rows, with sortcols
doing the same for the columns.
shuffle, shufflecols (not yet implemented)
Given an array of row numbers, builds a new table with those rows. (Or, column numbers for columns for shufflecols
.) Yes, you can just pass sort's return into shuffle to produce a sorted array - but you don't have to. If there are row/column numbers missing, then those rows/columns won't appear in the new table. Finally, all header, type, and rowheader data will be shuffled appropriately as well.
filter (function), filtercols (not yet implemented)
Returns an array of rows (or columns) that return a positive result from a coderef. Again, this can then be used with shuffle or shufflecols to produce a new array.
flip (not yet implemented)
Flips the entire array rows for columns. If there was a coderef iterator after the last row, it is discarded. (That is, the table is truncated first.)
If there's an underlying object, the link will be broken. If you really want to flip the underlying object, say you want to flip a section of an Excel spreadsheet, then read it in, flip the array, and write out a new sheet segment - which is probably going to be messy unless the section was square to start with. In the case of an SQL database, what does flipping even mean? Probably nothing. You probably want to rethink your strategy.
Michael Roberts, <michael at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Data-Tab at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Just for simplicity's sake (and to save typing) we also provide a simple wrapper for the DBI class that allows us to say:
use Data::Tab::db;
my $db = Data::Tab::db->connect (my connection parameters)
$db->query("select * from my_table")->read->show;
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::Tab
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Copyright 2012 Michael Roberts.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at:
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This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.
This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.