Dancer::Plugin::Assets - Manage and minify .css and .js assets in a Dancer application
# In your Dancer application
use Dancer::Plugin::Assets "add_asset";
# Sometime during the request ...
get "/index" => sub { add_asset "/css/beautiful.css"; add_asset "/css/handlebars.js"; };
# Then, in your .tt, print css tags at <head>, print js tags after body
<head><title>[% title %]</title>
[% add_asset("/js/jquery.js") %]
[% css_tags %]
[% js_tags %]
# Or you want all css and js tags inside <head>
<head><title>[% title %]</title>
[% add_asset("/js/jquery.js") %]
[% add_asset("/js/handlebars.js") %]
[% add_asset("/css/beautiful.css") %]
[% css_and_js_tags || js_and_css_tags %]
Dancer::Plugin::Assets integrates File::Assets into your Dancer application. Essentially, it provides a unified way to include .css and .js assets from different parts of your program. When you're done processing a request, you can use var("assets")->export() to generate HTML or var("assets")->exports() to get a list of assets.
D::P::Assets will also handle .css files of different media types properly.
In addition, D::P::Assets includes support for minification via YUI compressor, JavaScript::Minifier, CSS::Minifier, JavaScript::Minifier::XS, and CSS::Minifier::XS
Note that Dancer::Plugin::Assets does not serve files directly, it will work with Static::Simple or whatever static-file-serving mechanism you're using.
For usage hints and tips, see File::Assets
You can configure D::P::Assets by manipulating the environment configration file e.g. config.yml, environments/development.yml or environments/production.yml
The following settings are available:
url # The url to access the asset files default "/"
base_dir # A path to automatically look for assets under (e.g. "/public")
# This path will be automatically prepended to includes, so that instead of
# doing ->include("/public/css/stylesheet.css") you can just do ->include("/css/stylesheet.css")
output_dir # The path to output the results of minification under (if any).
# For example, if output is "built/" (the trailing slash is important), then minified assets will be
# written to "root/<assets-path>/static/..."
# Designates the output path for minified .css and .js assets
# The default output path pattern is "%n%-l%-d.%e" (rooted at the dir of <base>)
minify # "1" or "best" - Will either use JavaScript::Minifier::XS> & CSS::Minifier::XS or
# JavaScript::Minifier> & CSS::Minifier (depending on availability)
# for minification
# "0" or "" or undef - Don't do any minfication (this is the default)
# "./path/to/yuicompressor.jar" - Will use YUI Compressor via the given .jar for minification
# "minifier" - Will use JavaScript::Minifier & CSS::Minifier for minification
minified_name # The name of the key in the stash that provides the assets object (accessible via config->{plugins}{assets}{minified_name}.
# By default, the <minified_name> is "minified".
Example configuration
Here is an example configuration: ( All the value are set by default )
base_dir: "/public"
output_dir: "static/%n%-l.%e"
minify: 1,
minified_name: "minified"
Return the File::Assets object that exists throughout the lifetime of the request
Michael Vu, <micvu at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dancer-plugin-assets at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Dancer::Plugin::Assets
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