Test::Cucumber::Tiny - Cucumber-style testing in perl
This Testing module provides a simple and less dependancy to run cucumber tests.
Cucumber is a tool that executes plain-text functional descriptions as automated tests. The language that Cucumber understands is called Gherkin.
We only need 2 things to build Cucumber test, a list a scenarios and to define the functions for the scenarios. Example in synopsis.
While Cucumber can be thought of as a "testing" tool, the intent of the tool is to support BDD. This means that the "tests" are typically written before anything else and verified by business analysts, domain experts, etc. non technical stakeholders. The production code is then written outside-in, to make the stories pass.
If you need to shared the scenarios with the business analysts.
Use yml format to write the scenarios and then using YAML module to decode it into arrayref for constructing a cucumber.
Here is an example using arrayref:
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::Cucumber::Tiny;
subtest "Feature Test - Calculator" => sub {
## In order to avoid silly mistake
## As a math idiot
## I want to be told a sum of 2 numbers
my $cucumber = Test::Cucumber::Tiny->new(
scenarios => [
Scenario => "Add 2 numbers",
Given => [
"first, I entered 50 into the calculator",
"second, I entered 70 into the calculator",
When => [ "I press add", ],
Then => [ "The result should be 120 on the screen", ]
Scenario => "Add numbers in examples",
Given => [
"first, I entered <1st> into the calculator",
"second, I entered <2nd> into the calculator",
When => [ "I press add", ],
Then => [ "The result should be <answer> on the screen", ],
Examples => [
'1st' => 5,
'2nd' => 6,
answer => 11,
'1st' => 100,
'2nd' => 200,
answer => 300,
Scenario => "Add numbers using data",
Given => [
condition => "first, I entered number of",
data => 45,
condition => "second, I entered number of",
data => 77,
When => [ "I press add", ],
Then => [
condition => "The result is",
data => 122,
qr/^(.+),.+entered (\d+)/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
diag shift;
$c->{$1} = $2;
qr/^(.+),.+entered number of/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
diag shift;
$c->{$1} = $c->{data};
qr/press add/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
diag shift;
$c->{answer} = $c->{first} + $c->{second};
qr/press subtract/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
diag shift;
$c->{answer} = $c->{first} - $c->{second};
qr/result.+should be (\d+)/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
is $1, $c->{answer}, shift;
qr/result is/,
sub {
my $c = shift;
is $c->{data}, $c->{answer}, shift;
Create a cucumber for test
my $cuc = Test::Cucumber::Tiny->new(
scenarios => [
Create a cucumber with a plain array list of scenarios
my $cuc = Test::Cucumber::Tiny->Scenarios(
Create a cucumber from a YAML file.
YMAL Example:
- Scenario: Add 2 numbers
- first, I entered 50 into the calculator
- second, I entered 70 into the calculator
When: I press add
Then: The result should be 120 on the screen
- Scenario: Add 3 numbers
- first, I entered 50 into the calculator
- second, I entered 70 into the calculator
- third, I entered 10 into the calculator
When: I press add
Then: The result should be 130 on the screen
In Code:
my $cuc = Test::Cucumber::Tiny->ScenariosFromYML( "scenarios.yml" );
@param regexp
@code ref
@param regexp
@param code ref
@param regexp / hashref { regexp, data }
@param code ref
@param regexp / hashref { regexp, data }
@param code ref
Use any to set all 3 like below
$cuc->Any( qr/.+/ => sub { return 1 } );
Same as
$cuc->Given( qr/.+/ => sub { return 1 } );
$cuc->When( qr/.+/ => sub { return 1 } );
$cuc->Then( qr/.+/ => sub { return 1 } );
@param regexp
@code ref
When you are the functions of Given
Call NextStep will jump to When
When you are the functions of When
Call NextStep will jump to Then
When you are the functions of Then
Call NextStep will finish the current scenario.
When you are the functions of Given, When or Then
Call NextExample will finish the current cycle and use the next example data in the current scenario.
Just jump to the next scenario.
Start Cucumber to run through the scenario.