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# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
## if built from a parent directory, #
## at install, the parent Makefile must execute #
## #
## as first step in install #
## @cd DBTarpit && $(MAKE) install_libdbtarpit $(PASTHRU) #
## @cd DBTarpit && $(MAKE) install_daemon $(PASTHRU) #
## #
## as step immediately after 'all' #
## @cd DBTarpit && $(MAKE) clean_CTest $(PASTHRU) #
## @cd DBTarpit && $(MAKE) relink_subdirs $(PASTHRU) #
## #
use vars qw($CONFIG);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
require 'lib/IPTables/IPv4/DBTarpit/Inst.pm';
import IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Inst qw(:all);
if ((caller)[1]) {
hard_fail("Do not MAKE __PACKAGE__ as a sibling process
it contains directory sensitive components.");
or hard_fail("could not open bdbtarpit.h to get version number");
my ($major,$minor,$patch);
while(<V>) {
if ($_ =~ /MAJOR\s+(\d+)/) {
$major = $1;
} elsif($_ =~ /MINOR\s+(\d+)/) {
$minor = $1;
} elsif($_ =~ /PATCH\s+(\d+)/) {
$patch = $1;
close V;
hard_fail("could not extract version information from bdbtarpit.h, bad format??")
unless defined $major && defined $minor && defined $patch;
my $bdbtarpit_version = "${major}:${minor}:${patch}";
# create visible binary directory
symlink '.libs', 'bin';
my $supported_os = './supported_os.h';
hard_fail("could not open $supported_os for local write")
unless open(H,'>'.$supported_os);
$supported_os = osname();
print H qq
|#define DBTARPIT_SUPPORTED_OS_$supported_os 1 /*
# supported_os.h, |, scalar localtime(), qq|
# Do not edit this file. It was automatically created by
# Makefile.Pl and is OS specific for this installation.
'${supported_os}'; # perl return
# */
close H;
my $conf = 'config.db';
my $localconf = abs_path('./').'/'.$conf;
my $configtxt;
if ((caller)[0]) {
my $master = abs_path('../').'/'.$conf;
hard_fail("failed to access $_")
if ($_ = cpfromto($master,$localconf));
$CONFIG = do $localconf;
$configtxt = make_text($CONFIG);
else {
$configtxt = do 'inst/dialog.pl';
my $objects = 'main.o tarpit.o util_pid.o fifo.o';
my $depend = {'CTest.o' => $lib_a,};
my $library = 'libdbtarpit';
my $lib_a = './.libs/'. $library .'.a';
my $lib_la = $library .'.la';
my $libobjs = $objects .' '. $lib_la;
my $libtest = $objects .' '. $lib_a;
my $daemon = 'dbtarpit_test_object';
my $daemon_real = 'dbtarpit';
'NAME' => 'IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::CTest',
'DISTNAME' => 'IPTables-IPv4-DBTarpit',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'DBTarpit.pm', # finds $VERSION
'PM' => {'DBTarpit.pm' => '$(INST_LIB)/IPTables/IPv4/DBTarpit.pm',
'lib/IPTables/IPv4/DBTarpit/Inst.pm' =>
'SiteConfig.pm' => '$(INST_LIB)/IPTables/IPv4/DBTarpit/SiteConfig.pm',
'MAN1PODS' => {$library .'.pod' => '$(INST_MAN1DIR)/'. $library . '.$(MAN1EXT)',
$daemon_real .'.pod' => '$(INST_MAN1DIR)/'. $daemon_real .'.$(MAN1EXT)',
'MAN3PODS' => {'DBTarpit.pm' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit.$(MAN3EXT)',
'lib/IPTables/IPv4/DBTarpit/Inst.pm' =>
'SiteConfig.pm' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::SiteConfig.$(MAN3EXT)',
'LIBS' => ['-ldb -lipq -lnet -lm'], # e.g., '-lm'
'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
# Insert -I. if you add *.h files later:
'INC' => "", # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
# Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
'OBJECT' => "CTest.o $libtest", # link all the C files too
'clean' => {FILES => "$daemon *.bs *.o *.lo *.la *~ .libs tmp* bin"},
'depend' => {'CTest.o' => $lib_a,},
sub MY::post_constants {
my $post_constants = q|
LDTool = ./libtool --mode=link $(LD) -g -s
|. $configtxt .q|
sub MY::postamble {
package MY;
my $postamble = q|
README : DBTarpit.pm
pod2text DBTarpit.pm > README
.PHONY: clean_CTest relink_subdirs $(DBTP_DAEMON_DIR)/|. $daemon_real .q|
install_|. $library .q| : |. $library .q|.la
./libtool --mode=install ./install-sh -c -s |. $library .q|.la $(DBTP_LIBRARY_DIR)/|. $library .q|.la
$(CP) bdbtarpit.h $(DBTP_INCLUDE_DIR)
install_daemon : |. $daemon .q| $(DBTP_DAEMON_DIR)/|. $daemon_real .q|
# make the BDB environment/home directory while we're at it
$(DBTP_DAEMON_DIR)/|. $daemon_real .q| :
$(CP) bin/|. $daemon_real .q| $(DBTP_DAEMON_DIR)/|. $daemon_real .q|
# Since these are only used for testing and are large, remove them
# from the install image as they will be rebuilt as needed.
clean_CTest :
relink_subdirs :
@cd Tools && $(MAKE) relink4_$(LINKTYPE)_install $(PASTHRU)
SiteConfig.pm : config.db
$(PERL) inst/make_Config.pl
sub MY::top_targets {
package MY; # add dependencies for .pm and xs files
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::top_targets(@_);
$inherited =~ s/(\npure_all\s+::.+)/$1 $daemon README/;
$inherited =~ s|(\npure_all\s+::.+)config(.+)|$1./libtool SiteConfig.pm config$2|;
$inherited .= q|
# Added for for '|. $daemon .q|'
libtool :
$(SHELL) ltconfig ./ltmain.sh
|. $daemon .q| : |. $libobjs .q|
$(LDTool) $(LDFLAGS) |. $libobjs .q| -o |. $daemon .q| $(LDLOADLIBS)
$(CP) ./bin/|. $daemon .' ./bin/'. $daemon_real .q|
bdbtarpit.o : bdbtarpit.c bdbtarpit.h
./libtool --mode=compile $(CC) -g $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) -c bdbtarpit.c
fifo.o : fifo.c
$(CC) -c $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) fifo.c
main.o : main.c data.c godaemon.c misc.c check.c tarpit.h supported_os.h\
defines.h bdbtarpit.h util_pid_func.h fifo.c fifo_func.h DBTarpit.pm
$(CC) -c $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) main.c
tarpit.o : tarpit.c endian.h defines.h misc_func.h
$(CC) -c $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) tarpit.c
util_pid.o : util_pid.c
$(CC) -c $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) util_pid.c
| .qq|
$lib_a : bdbtarpit.o
| .q| $(LDTool) -version-info |. $bdbtarpit_version .q| \
$(LDFLAGS) -o |. $lib_la .q| \
bdbtarpit.lo -rpath $(DBTP_LIBRARY_DIR) -lm
| .qq|
$lib_la : bdbtarpit.o
| .q| $(LDTool) -version-info |. $bdbtarpit_version .q| \
$(LDFLAGS) -o |. $lib_la .q| \
bdbtarpit.lo -rpath $(DBTP_LIBRARY_DIR) -lm
|. $daemon_real .q|.pod : DBTarpit.pm
$(CP) DBTarpit.pm |. $daemon_real .q|.pod
sub MY::makefile {
package MY;
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::makefile(@_);
$inherited =~ s/(Makefile\s+:.+)/$1 config.db/;
$inherited .= q|
config.db :
sub MY::install {
package MY;
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::install(@_);
$inherited =~ s/(\ninstall\s+::)/$1 libtool install_${library} install_daemon/;
$inherited =~ s/(\ninstall_perl\s+::)/$1 libtool install_${library} install_daemon/;
$inherited =~ s/(\ninstall_site\s+::)/$1 libtool install_${library} install_daemon/;
$inherited =~ s/\s+all\s+/ all clean_CTest relink_subdirs /g;
sub MY::realclean {
package MY;
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::realclean(@_) . q|
rm -f config.db
rm -f config.log
rm -f SiteConfig.pm
rm -f dbtarpit.pod
rm -f libtool
rm -f supported_os.h
sub MY::dynamic_lib {
package MY;
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::dynamic_lib(@_);
$inherited =~ s/(LD_RUN_PATH=([^\s]+))/$1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$2/;