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dbtarpit - extension for Linux iptables
distributed as perl module IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit
dbtarpit [options]...
There is no perl module for "dbtarpit". This is a documentation shell.
See the IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Tools manpage to manipulate and
examine the "dbtarpit" database(s).
"dbtarpit" is a C daemon that uses libipq (the Linux iptables userspace
packet queuing library) to examine packets that match a filter criteria
and tarpit those connections whose IP addresses are found in its
Currently it is only supported on Linux with iptables, however the
database library and Tools will build and install on any os that
supports Perl.
The "dbtarpit" database is implemented using the Berkeley DB database
found in all Linux distributions. "dbtarpit" is configured for
concurrent use of the database, allowing similtaneous access and update
of the database by other applications.
"dbtarpit" checks the packet IP address against its tarpit database for
a match. If a match is found the tarpit database is updated with the
most recent connection attempt time, the packet is dropped, and the
connection tarpitted. Optionally, packet IP addresses that are not found
in the tarpit database are logged in the archive database with the most
recent connect time for later examination by other applications.
When used to defend against denial of service attacks, the tarpit is
highly effective because it eliminates the traffic from the attacking
site by stopping the transmission of data packets at the remote IP
To defend against denial of service attacks for protocols other than
TCP/IP, DBTarpit can optionally be configured to drop packets for any
connection found in the tarpit database. See the -X switch description
To build the "dbtarpit" daemon and tools, type the following:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
To restore the default directory configurations type:
rm config.db
Adjust the permissions for "dbtarpit" and its installation directories.
This is not done automatically since it may involve system directories.
In the iptables configuration file, place the filter for "dbtarpit" as
the first entry in the INPUT chain. do not insert other entries ahead of
this rule.
IPTABLES = "/usr/local/spamcannibal/bin/iptables"
ANYWHERE = "0/0"
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -s $ANYWHERE --dport 10025 -j QUEUE
This rule will send tcp packets destined for port 10025 from anywhere to
the "dbtarpit" daemon. If the IP address of the packet is not found in
the database, the packet is returned to the chain untouched. If the IP
address is found in the database, the packet is dropped and the
connection tarpitted.
WARNING: if the dbtarpit daemon is not running, packets destined for
port 10025 (or whatever you select) are silently dropped by IPTABLES.
The Berkeley DB environment and database file will be created
automatically, however you may wish to use
IPTables::IPv4::DBTables::Tools. Adjust the permissions of these files
so that they are accessible by the various applications that will be
using the information in the databases. Pay particular attention to the
permissions on the files. Because the "tarpit" daemon has only
concurrent access to the database, applications should not write
applications which use db->cursor operations these can block dameon
access for normal put and sync operations. Instead, use repetitive
read-by-record-number operations to gain sequential access to the data.
Lastly, copy rc.dbtarpit to your startup directory so it is executed
immediately following rc.iptables at boot up as:
rc.dbtarpit start
Read the rc.dbtarpit documentation, first by typing:
perdoc -U ./rc.dbtarpit
and then by looking at the comments at the beginning of the file.
See the IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Config manpage to find out how to pass
the DBTarpit configuration information directly to your perl scripts.
libdbtarpit 0.0.0 (included with this distribution)
Berkeley DB 2.6.4 or better http://www.sleepycat.com/
Linux kernel with iptables (libipq)
Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)
It is recommended that you not use connection tracking since each
tarpitted connection will consume resources. If the tarpit is run on a
linux box used as a firewall, then this is unavoidable.
connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)
Userspace queueing via NETLINK (EXPERIMENTAL)
(CONFIG_IP_NF_QUEUE) [Y/m/n/?] y or m
COMMENT: Our firewall runs with... connection tracking (required for
I've seen as many as several thousand threads in the tarpit with
affecting performance on an aging 486 with not much memory. This doesn't
seem to be a big deal, but I've seen it mentioned by those with better
insight into potential problems than me.
OPTIONS - short version
-a : Allow all connections
-b : Log bandwidth usage to syslog
-d : Do NOT detach process.
-D : Print packet debug info (like tcpdump) in/out
-k : Do not respond to SYN/ACKs (Note 1)
-l : Log activity to syslog (Note 2)
-o : Output to stdout instead of syslog (Note 3)
-O : Same as -o w/time output in seconds since epoch
-p maxrate : "Persist" state capture connect attempts (Note 4)
-P : Persist mode capture only.
-R : Soft restart - Wait while recapturing active connects
-t datasize : Set connection throttling size in bytes (default 10)
-T : Test mode - Prints out debug info but DOES NOT RUN
-u fifoname : Log to fifo (Note 5)
-v : Verbosely log activity to syslog (Note 2)
-V : Print version information and exit
-x : Disable IP capture, just drop connection
-X : Drop non-TCP/IP connections found in database
-L : tarpit Localhost addresses 127.x.x.x (normally disabled)
-r /path : Alternate DB root directory (default "/var/run/dbtarpit)
-f filename : Alternate primary DB file name (default "tarpit")
-s filename : Optional "connected IP's" database name
-h : Print this help information
-? : Print this help information
Note 1:
By default, dbtarpit responds to an inbound SYN/ACK with an RST
The -k option eliminates this behavior.
Note 2:
'kill -USR1 <dbtarpit_PID>' to toggle logging on and off.
If logging was not enabled at start this sets the '-l' flag
If logging (-l | -v) are set this saves the value and turns off logging
If logging is presently toggled off it restores the saved level (-l | -v)
Note 3:
This sends log information to stdout rather than to syslog. This
option also implies and sets the -d option (Do NOT detach process).
Silently ignored if '-u' is already present.
Note 4:
dbtarpit will permanently capture connect attempts within the limit of the
maximum data rate specified (in bytes/sec).
Note 5:
Logs tarpit activity to a fifo in the DB root directory. This option
clears the '-o','-O', and '-d' flags. You still must use the (-l | -v)
to set the log level. If you wish to use the '-d' flag, it must be
explicitly set after the '-u' option is invoked on the command line.
'-u' logging uses the same format as the '-O' flag.
OPTIONS - long version
* -a
This will allow all connections. Connections are still added to the
optional "connected IP's", but no connections are tarpitted or
* -b
This will send an update on the current bandwidth being consumed by
the -p option to the log every minute. If you're interested...
(Note: it only works if you have -p enabled.)
* -d
Some people want to run "dbtarpit" under the control of another
process. This keeps "dbtarpit" from detaching and running as a
* -D
Print packet debug information similar to "tcpdump -n -S -v -x -t
port 10025"
Incoming packet (iph + tcph) with flags info
flags= 02 urg ack : psh rst syn fin
4500 003c 3dde 4000 4006 7825 c0a8 01be
c0a8 01aa da1b 2729 3da6 4ba0 0000 0000
a002 16d0 71b5 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a
Outgoing packet
4500 0028 adfa 0000 ff06 891c c0a8 01aa
c0a8 01be 2729 da1b 708f 808f 3da6 4ba1
5012 000a af64 0000 0000 60f7 ffbf 44f7
Note: the incoming packet always has the flags at
the top, the outgoing one never does.
* -k
By default, "dbtarpit" will respond to a SYN/ACK packet with a RST.
This is nice behavior, because it makes it difficult for people to
use your IP addresses to "spoof". If you DON'T want this behavior,
use the "-k" option to disable it.
* -l
Logs the IP addresses of hosts that are tarpitted.
* -o
This gives you the option to have "dbtarpit" log information go to
stdout instead of the syslog. This option also sets "-d", HOWEVER,
"-o" is silently ignored if "-u" is already present.
* -O
The same as the "-o" option, but formats the time stamp as the
number of seconds since 00:00:00, Jan 1, 1970, make it easier for
other "logfile analysis" programs to parse it. "-O" is silently
ignored if "-u" is already present.
* -p maxrate
If you specify this flag and a maximum bandwidth, several things
will happen. First of all, this forces data throttling to 5 bytes
(see the "-t" option above). Then, when a connection is attempted,
"dbtarpit" will force the connection into what is known as "persist"
state. In persist state, the connection will NEVER time out. You'll
literally hang onto the connecting thread until you stop or they
stop. Running unchecked, this could have a very BAD effect on your
bandwidth, so "dbtarpit" will make every effort to only allow this
process to take up the maximum bandwidth that you specify (in
bytes/second). If it can't capture a connection, "dbtarpit" will
still tarpit it.
Note: It'll stay pretty NEAR your MAXBW number.
* -P
Persist mode capture only. This tries to limit bandwidth by only
persist capturing. When we're at full bandwidth, standard tarpitting
won't happen, but because the same "conversation" that leads to
persist capture also has the side-effect of tarpitting, when we're
below our set bandwidth, it's not really in effect.
* -R
"Soft Restart" mode. What this does is to hold off on any new
captures for 5 minutes, to let things settle and to get the
bandwidth calculations going correctly.
* -t datasize
This option sets the TCP window advertisement to limit the amount of
data sent by the scanner. The number of data bytes to allow per
packet is passed as a parameter. (Default 10)
* -T
This prints a bunch of diagnostic information an exits.
* -u fifoname
Log to a fifo in the DB root directory (default
'/var/run/dbtarpit'). Do not use with the -o and -O flags, these
flags are silently ignored if "-u" is already present on the command
line. Use the "-l" and "-v" flags to set the desired level of log
activity. If you wish to use the "-d" flag to not detach the daemon,
it must be explicitly specified after the "-u" option on the command
line. All tarpit activity is logged to the domain socket.
* -v
Logs verbosely. It logs IPs "captured", IPs "tarpitted", and logs
all activity from the "tarpitted" hosts.
* -V
Print version information and exit.
* -x
Disable tarpitting, just drop the incoming packet. This option also
sets "-x"
* -X
Drop non-TCP/IP connections found in tarpit database, log address if
not found (DoS defense mode).
* -L
Enable tarpiting of Localhost addresses 127.x.x.x (normally
disabled). These addresses are normally used for administrative
* -r /path
Set the database root aka path to db environment home
(default: /var/run/dbtarpit)
* -f filename
Set the primary database name (default: tarpit)
* -s filename
Set the secondary database name (default: archive)
* -h
Print the "short" help information and exit.
* -?
Print the "short" help information and exit.
Usually used to increase database cache size.
Most of the configuration information that can be specified to DB_ENV
methods can also be specified using a configuration file. If an
environment home directory has been specified (done by default or with
the -r option to "dbtarpit") any file named DB_CONFIG in the database
home directory will be read for lines of the format NAME VALUE.
One or more whitespace characters are used to delimit the two parts of
the line, and trailing whitespace characters are discarded. All empty
lines or lines whose first character is a whitespace or hash (#)
character will be ignored. Each line must specify both the NAME and the
VALUE of the pair. The specific NAME VALUE pairs are documented in the
Berkeley DB manual for the corresponding methods.
dbtarpit and IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Tools use the Berkeley DB
database. The database is of type BTREE, opened for concurrent access
and sequential record access. Both of the database files have identical
Files: tarpit, archive
Key: 32 bit packed network address as produced by inet_aton
Data: 32 bit unsigned integer, number of seconds since 1-1-70
Database creation hints for 'C' api:
* environment flags *
u_int32_t eflags = DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_CDB | DB_INIT_MPOOL;
* db flags *
u_int32_t dflags = DB_CREATE;
u_int32_t info = DB_RECNUM;
int mode = 0664;
environment and database open statements vary depending on the version
of BerkeleyDB used. See the code in bdb.c for specifics.
Database creation hints for Perl api:
my %env = (
-Home => $self->{dbhome},
$self->{"_db_${db}"} = new BerkeleyDB::Btree
-Filename => $self->{dbfilename},
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_RECNUM,
-Env => $self->{env}
or die "Cannot open database $db: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error\n" ;
Berkeley DB provides a "1" based numbering system for record numbers.
i.e. the first record number is "1". By contrast, perl-BerkeleyDB is a
"0" based numbering system with the first record number in the same
database designated as "0". This means that a database read and written
with the 'C' api will have its record numbers begin with "1" while the
same database accessed with perl-BerkeleyDB will have record numbers
starting with "0".
There are three other modules that come with this bundle. Briefly their
purpose is as follows:
* IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Tools
The Tools module provides an easy interface to the database used by
the DBTarpit daemon. Build applications that access the database(s)
using this module.
* IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Config
The Config module reports the configuration of the DBTarpit bundle
at installation time for use in modules that need to know where
various components may be either at build or run time.
* IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Inst
Inst is a small module that provide a set of methods to carry on a
dialog with the installer of a module and generate a config file and
Makefile text based on the config file. See inst/dialog.pl in this
package (it is a bit atypical) or inst/dialog.pl for any of the
SpamCannibal modules (typical).
For detailed information, please read the man pages for these modules.
... aahhh! now you come to the fun part.
See the MAIL::SpamCannibal manpage
Used with "dbtarpit", it "eats" the spammer for lunch. In less graphic
terms, SpamCannibal is a set of tools that helps you identify the
originating mail server for the spam message and add the offender's IP
address to the tarpit. There are "trolling" tools to allow you to check
the DNSBL databases for hits against "dbtarpit's" archive database and a
host of other goodies to help make life difficult for spammers.
I'm sure you can think of many other applications, but this one is on
the top of my list.
There are many contributors to this project. Major code snippets came
from the work of:
ipt_TARPIT.c by Aaron Hopkins <tools@die.net>
LaBrea by Tom Liston <tliston@premmag.com>
and... and interesting email from Cody Hatch <cody@halosec.com>
about using a tarpit to trap spammers.
Michael Robinton <michael@bizsystems.com>
Copyright 2003, Michael Robinton <michael@bizsystems.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
the IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Tools manpage, the
IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Inst manpage, the
IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit::Config manpage, the libdbtarpit manpage, the
dbtarpit manpage and for manual db administration, the utility