LaBrea::Tarpit::Report - tarpit log analysis and report
use LaBrea::Tarpit::Report qw( ... );
utility subroutines (not exported)
$hex = age2hex($age,$scale_factor);
DESCRIPTION - LaBrea::Tarpit::Report
This modules provides a simple interface to the data generated by the LaBrea::Tarpit reporting module. It is intended as an example of how to interface to LaBrea::Tarpit and was patched together hastily. When used with html_report.plx or paged_report.plx found in the examples directory, it will produce an html pages showing all the capabilities of LaBrea and the LaBrea::Tarpit module.
You should write your own version of
sub generate using it as a guide and the individual report generation subroutines described below. sub generate is an example routine that encompasses all the reports created by this module.
Returns false on success, error message $@ on failure. Likely cause of failure is dameon not running when attempting to open a connection to the daemon input = '/path/to/cache_file' or hash->{d_host} [optional] hash->{d_port} [optional] hash->{d_timeout} [optional] %look_n_feel ( # defaults shown 'face' => 'VERDANA,ARIAL,HELVETICA,SANS-SERIF', 'color' => '#ffffcc', 'bakgnd' => '#000000', # below are all for port_intervals 'images' => 'path/to/images/', # REQUIRED 'height' => 72, # default 'width' => 7, # default 'legend' => 'text for graph', # optional 'threshold' => 2, # ignore below this count 'trojans' => \%trojans, # optional # where %trojans is of the form # ( # info not in /etc/services # # port text # 555 => 'phAse zero', # 1243 => 'Sub-7', # # etc.... # ); # SEE: examples/ # required html cache control 'html_cache_file' => './tmp/html_report.cache',# optional 'html_expire' => '5', # cache expiration, secs # optional other_sites stats cache location 'other_sites' => './tmp/site_stats', );
Output hash, fills the values with html text if the key->value pair exists, otherwise it's skipped.
%output ( # hash of the form: 'guests' => undef, 'guests_by_IP' => undef, 'capture_summary' => 5, # days to show 'got_away' => undef, 'my_IPs', => undef, 'date' => (is always inserted) 'port_intervals' => 30, num intervals to show 'versions' => header || 'undef', 'other_sites' => undef, ); where the above hash will be filled with text for the keys that you provide. Text generated is of the form:
sub gen_short takes similar arguments as generate, however the %output array may be (usually is) empty. It will insert the minimum information required in %output prior to a call to short_report.
Returns false on success, error message $@ on failure. Likely cause of failure is dameon not running when attempting to open the daemon fifo.
It produces the same results as:
prep_report(\%tarpit,\%out); return $@;
for an empty %out starting hash
Returns true, false on failure. Likely cause of failure is a missing input log file or missing or not writeable cache file. $input path/to/log_file %config same as Tarpit::daemon(\%hash) except that 'LaBrea' and 'pid' 'pipe' are not required. The cache file (if present) will be read prior to adding the information from the log file and will be created if not present at the end of the log analysis. The cache file can then be used by the generate routine (above) to create a report. This is a demonstration routine. All of this can be accomplished in one fell swoop using LaBrea::Tarpit subroutine calls. Your are encouraged to write your own versions of "generate" and "syslog2_cache"
html table 4 lines of explanation - - - IP:Port->destPort | Held Since | IP:Port->destPort | Held Since fills: %output{guests} with html table returns: true on success
html table 2 lines of explanation - IP addr | # Threads | IP addr | # Threads | IP addr | # Threads | fills: %output{guests_by_IP} with html table returns true on success
html table bandwidth today yesterday - prior days fills: %output{capture_summary} with html table returns: true on success
html table 3 lines of explanation - - IP -> destPort | Last Scan | IP -> destPort | Last Scan fills: %output{got_away} with html table returns: undef or html text
input: \%report, pointer to report \%look_n_feel, pointer to look and feel \%output, pointer to output html table 5 lines of explanation - - - - IP | IP | IP | IP | IP fills: %output{my_IPs} with html table returns: true on success
Return html table of versions numbers, no border $header $dname nn.nn Tarpit nn.nn Report nn.nn Util nn.nn $dname defaults to 'LaBrea' if false fills: %output{versions} with html table returns: true on success
Generate a synopsis report of activity at all sites using LaBrea::Tarpit that issue a short_report. Report is a 6 column html table with a marker comment at the beginning of the form:
<table ....> <!-- INSERT MARKER --> ----------------------------------------------------- | hyper-linked nmbr nmbr current last LaBrea | | URL threads IP's bandwidth update version | ----------------------------------------------------- | 323 106 118 string string | ----------------------------------------------------- | etc.... | ----------------------------------------------------- input: first parameter is "don't care" to maintain compatibility with other reports of the form: \%report,\%look_n_feel,\%output fills: %output{other_sites} with html table returns: true on success
Generate javascript code to cache a list of images
input: path to images, list of images in addition to standard returns: html for javascript i.e. <script language=javascript1.1> var images=new Array(n); for(var i = 0; i < n; n++) { image[i] = new Image(); } image[0] = "pre/image0"; . . </script>
This function makes the javascript code to generate a pop-up window. The function name created is 'popwin', the name and size are arguments to the function call.
input: window name, width [optional - 500 def] height [optional - 400 def] returns: html text
The javascript function returns 'false'.
generate html port statistics tables sorted by decending port activity then ascending port numbers of the form: (see &make_port_graph for details) ####################################################### # # # ##################### ##################### # # # description # # example # # # ##################### ##################### # # # # ##################### ##################### # # # graph1 # # graph2 # # # ##################### ##################### # # # # ##################### ##################### # # # graph3 # # etc... # # # ##################### ##################### # # # #######################################################
Generate summary text of the form:
LaBrea=2.4b3 Tarpit=0.18 Report=0.14 Util=0.02 now=1018832056 *note: tz=-0700 threads=462 total_IPs=243 bw=230
First call sub prep_report with %out, %out may be empty.
always returns true
Note: now is time since epoch at the site. To properly represent it at the origin site do:
Return html table graph of @counts values scaled, colored per look_n_feel for port
used internally by port_stats to create individual port graphs.
Example 30 day shown: port 31337 BackOrifice 1 max probes 138 30 -------------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** *** * * * * * ** ************* ** ** *** *** *** ************* ****** ******* *** --------------------------------
Return the html text for a button bar input: \%look and feel url (if @buttons url !~ m|/|) active button value (not text) \@button array xtra, true = width of bar false = horizontal and $active = anchor tag returns: html for button bar @buttons is a list of the form = ( # text command 'BUTT1' => 'command1', 'BUTT2' => 'command2', '' => '', 'BUTT3' => '', # buttons may include other text to include in the # <a .... > tag separated by spaces 'BUTT4' => 'command onClick="somefunction();"', #which will result in an atag containing the onClick function ); If the button text is false, a spacer is inserted in the button bar NOTE: class NU must be defined example: <style> A.NU { color: red; background: transparent; font-family: "Helvetica"; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } </style>
$rv = get_config(\%hash,\%look_n_feel) {
Retrieves and stores the config information about the remote daemon process. The resulting config file is used by my_IPs.
input: $hash->{d_host} [optional] $hash->{d_port} [optional] default is localhost:8686 $hash->{d_timeout} default 180 $look_n_feel->{html_cache_file} returns: false on success else error message html_cache_file updated Note: silently skips if %hash is configured for file service
html utility
Convert an age in seconds to a hex number represented in ascii, range 00 -> FF i.e. with a scale factor of one, 0 -> FF 255 -> 00 The default scale factor, if omitted, is 3
html utility
Convert a string into a formated table entry of the form: <td align=xx bgcolor=yy> <font face=aa size=nn color=RGB> string </font></td> input: \%hash, text where %hash = ( 'face' => font face, 'size' => font size, 'f_clr' => font color, 'td_clr'=> table background color, 'align' => alignment statement, ); missing items are not inserted into the table returns: <td options>txt</td>
html utility
Convert seconds since the epoch to the form: 13:27:56 (-0800) 11-29-01 $tz = time zone or blank if missing.
html utility
Looks up a port number first in %trojan_list if present, then /etc/services (tcp then udp) %trojans = ( # optional port number => text description ); returns: description
html utility
replacement for getservbyport which is broken for use in mod_perl 1.26 but works OK for plain cgi
html utility
create html image text of the form <img src=$img height=$ht width=$w hspace=1 alt="$alt">
html utility
return color text based on input number 0 -> <10 blu 10 -> <100 ltb 100 -> <1000 grn 1000 -> <10000 org 10000 -> <100000 red >= 100000 mag
html utility
scale an array of values with SF smallest non-zero value is 1 returns: @scaled_array
html utility
return the maximum numeric value from an array but not less than 1
$scriptname = scriptname();
html utility
Returns the scriptname of the caller from ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}
Copyright 2002, 2003, Michael Robinton & BizSystems This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Michael Robinton,
perl(1), LaBrea::Tarpit(3), LaBrea::Codes(3), LaBrea::Tarpit::Get(3), LaBrea::Tarpit::Util(3), LaBrea::Tarpit::DShield(3)