Mail::SpamCannibal::ScriptSupport - A collection of script helpers
use Mail::SpamCannibal::ScriptSupport qw(
$rv = DO($file);
$packedIPaddr = SerialEntry()
$packedIPaddr = TarpitEntry();
$packedIPaddr = DNSBL_Entry();
$unique = id($seed);
$querybuf = question($name,$type);
$rev = revIP($ip);
$response = query(\$buffer,$timeout);
$socket = dns_udpsend(\$buffer,$timeout);
$response = dns_udpresp($socket,$timeout);
($aptr,$tptr,$auth_zone) = dns_ans(\$buffer);
$nsptr = dns_ns(\$buffer);
$hostname = dns_ptr(\$buffer);
$socket = rlook_send($IP,$timeout);
$hostname = rlook_rcv($socket,$timeout);
$dotquad = valid127($dotquad);
$dotquad = validIP($dotquad);
$rv = job_died(\%jobstatus,$directory);
$rv = dbjob_chk(\%default_config);
$rv = matchNetAddr($ip,\@NAobject);
$rv = BLcheck(\%DNSBL,\%default);
$rv = BLpreen(\%DNSBL,\%default);
Mail::SpamCannibal::ScriptSupport provides a collection of support utilities for sc_BLcheck, sc_BLpreen, sc_mailfilter, sc_admin, sc_session, and cannibal.cgi.
$rv = DO($file);
Imported from Net::DNSBL::Utilities for legacy applications.
This is a fancy 'do file'. It first checks that the file exists and is readable, then does a 'do file' to pull the variables and subroutines into the current name space.
input: file/path/name returns: last value in file or undef on error prints warning
$packedIPaddr = SerialEntry();
Returns the packed internet address equivalent to inet_aton(''). Make sure and use the parens at the end of the function.
$packedIPaddr = TarpitEntry();
Returns the packed internet address equivalent to inet_aton(''). Make sure and use the parens at the end of the function.
$packedIPaddr = DNSBL_Entry();
Returns the packed internet address equivalent to inet_aton(''). Make sure and use the parens at the end of the function.
$unique = id($seed);
Return a unique, non-zero, 16 bit ID for this session. Seeded with time, this number is autoincremented each time it is retrieved and will be unique each call from a single session. The number wraps around at 65535.
input: [optional] seed returns: the last 16 bit number +1
Optionally, the user may supply a seed for the first call. Subsquent calls will return the previous number + 1 (mod 65536). The seed is set when the module is instantiated if no seed is supplied.
$querybuf = question($name,$type);
Create a C_IN DNS query of $type about $name.
input: host or domain name, query type returns: query buffer
Supports types T_A, T_TXT, T_ANY, T_MX, T_NS, T_PTR
$rev = revIP($ip);
Reverse an IP address. i.e = revIP(; input: a dot quad IP address returns: reversed dot quad address
NOTE: this is an operation on ASCII characters, not packed network addresses.
$response = query(\$buffer,$timeout);
Sends a DNS query contained in $buffer. Return a DNS response buffer or undef on error. If the error is catastophic (like a timeout), $@ will be set.
input: pointer to query buffer, optional timeout (secs, def 30) returns: DNS answer or undef
$socket = dns_udpsend(\$buffer,$timeout);
Sends a DNS query contained in $buffer. Returns a UDP socket or undef; If the error is catastophic (like a timeout), $@ will be set.
input: pointer to query buffer, optional timeout (secs, def 30) returns: socket or undef
$buffer = dns_udpresp($socket,$timeout);
Returns a DNS answer from $socket and closes socket. Returns undef on failure. If the error is catastophic (like a timeout), $@ will be set.
input: socket, optional timeout (secs, def 30) returns: response buffer closes: socket
Parse a DNS answer and return pointer to an array of A response records and TXT records blessed into the callers namespace.
input: DNS answer returns: pointers to two arrays, auth_zone name or ''
Returns an empty array unless there is at least ONE A record found.
The first array contains packed IPv4 addresses of the form returned by inet_aton (text). The second array contains text strings.
auth_zone will contain the zone name if an SOA record is found, otherwise it will contain ''.
$nsptr = dns_ns(\$buffer);
Parse a DNS NS request answer and return pointer to a hash of name servers and TTL's.
$ptr->{hostname}--->{addr} = netaddr | *->{ttl} = seconds
If no records are found, undef is returned
input: pointer to response buffer returns: pointer to hash or undef
$host = dns_ptr(\$buffer);
Parse a DNS PTR request answer and return the hostname
If no records are found, undef is returned
input: pointer to response buffer returns: host name
$socket = rlook_send($IP,$timeout);
Send a query for reverse lookup of $IP and return the receive socket handle.
input: dotquad IP address, optional timeout (sec, def 30) return: socket or undef
$hostname = rlook_rcv($socket,$timeout);
Receive DNS response, parse for hostname, close socket;
input: receive socket, optional timeout (sec, def 30) return: hostname text or undef
Parse the zone information and return either the default values or the overides from the config file.
Defaults: $expire = '7d' # in seconds $error = 'Blacklisted by: $zone' $dnresp = inet_aton('') $timeout undef
NOTE: if the respone code found in the config file is not in the 127./8 block or is less than, $dnresp will be set to the default value.
$dotquad = valid127($dotquad);
This function checks an IP address in dot quad notation to see if it is in the range to It returns if the IP address is outside that range.
input: dot quad ip address returns: input or
$dotquad = validIP($dotquad);
This function inspects an IP address and returns it if is valid.
input: dot quad address returns: dot quad address or undef
Helper function to remove a record from one database. It conditionally removes the record from $db. No removal is performed if $debug is true, it is just "commented". Action or proposed action is commented if $debug or $verbose is true. $comment is appended to the standard "remove" message if $comment exists.
input: $tool, # ref to Tools $netaddr, # IP to remove $db, # database name $debug, # mode $verbose, # report intensity $comment, output: 1 on removal, 0 if no record removed
Helper function for BLpreen. It conditionally removes the records for $netaddr from databases $pri and $sec. No removal is performed if $debug is true, it is just "commented". Action or proposed action is commented if $debug or $verbose is true. $comment is appended to the standard "remove" message if $comment exists.
input: $tool, # ref to Tools $netaddr, # IP to remove $pri, # database name $sec, # database name $debug, # mode $verbose, # report intensity $comment, output: false on success, or an error message
& $rv = job_died(\%jobstatus,$directory);
This function checks for pid files in the $directory. The absolute pid file path is inserted into %jobstatus with a value of it's pid. Tasks that are not running return a pid value of zero (0).
input: pointer to job status hash, pid file directory returns: true if a task is not running else false
$rv = dbjob_chk(\%default_config);
This function checks if data base tasks have exited abnormally. If an abnormal exit is detected, the file blockedBYwatcher containing the watcher pid is created in the environment directory and the function return false, otherwise it returns true.
input: pointer to db configuration, returns: true if all known tasks are running or exited normally, else returns false
This function kills all db tasks that have registered PID files in the environment directory. These jobs are shutdown, first with a SIG TERM and if they do not respond withing the grace period, a SIG KILL.
input: pointer to db configuration, task shutdown grace period returns: nothing
This function destroys and reinstantiates the database environment. The file blockedBYwatcher is removed from the environment directory if it is present.
All DB tasks should be terminated prior to calling this function.
DO NOT call this job for a DB environment that has not been initialized.
usage: if(dbjob_chk(\%default_config) { dbjob_kill(\%default_config,$graceperiod); dbjob_recover(\%default_config); ... restart db jobs } input: pointer to db configuration, returns: nothing
Unpack a 'blcontrib' record.
input: record from 'blcontrib' database output: netaddr - our response code, our error message, netaddr - remote response code, dnsbl zone
This undoes pack("a4 x A* x a4 x N x A*",@_);
This function checks the SpamCannibal databases for the presence of an IP address and returns a text string describing why the IP address is in the SpamCannibal data base or a descriptive not found message.
input: (localhost) \%database config, dotquad IP address, /path/to/fifo, 0, (or remote host) \%database config, dotquad IP address, hostname:port, timeout seconds returns: which database, text string which = 0 for evidence 1 for blcontrib
NOTE: the database config hash is the same as returned by Mail::SpamCannibal::SiteConfig
Text error return messages: message, meaning
invalid IP address, says it all not found in system database, not in tarpit db remote data record missing, found in contrib no text no remote data record found, says it all
Imported from Net::DNSBL::Utilities for legacy applications
Build of NetAddr object structure from a list of IPv4 addresses or address ranges. This object is passed to matchNetAddr to check if a given IP address is contained in the list.
input: array reference pointer to a list of addresses i.e. - output: Number of objects created or undef on error
The NAobject array is filled with NetAddr::IP object references.
$rv = matchNetAddr($ip,\@NAobject);
Imported from Net::DNSBL::Utilities for legacy applications
Check if an IP address appears in a list of NetAddr objects.
input: dot quad IP address, reference to NetAddr objects output: true if match else false
$rv = BLcheck(\%DNSBL,\%default);
This function checks the each IP address found in the 'archive' database {SPMCNBL_DB_ARCHIVE} against the list of DNSBL's found in the "sc_addspam.conf" configuration file. IP addresses which match the acceptance criteria are added to the 'tarpit' database {SPMCNBL_DB_TARPIT} and a corresponding entry is made in the 'blcontrib' database {SPMCNBL_DB_CONTRIB} giving the reason for the addition.
input: config file hash ref, db config hash ref output: false on success, or an error message
See: config/sc_BlackList.conf.sample for a detailed description of each element in the configuration file. See: scripts/ for usage and configuration information for the db config hash reference.
This routine will return if it catches a SIGTERM. The longest it will wait is the timeout for a DNS query.
$rv = BLpreen(\%DNSBL,\%default);
This function validates each IP address found in the 'blcontrib' database {SPMCNBL_DB_CONTRIB} for presence of its original dnsbl zone entry in the configuration file and that the remote dnsbl still has an acceptable 'A' record. IP addresses which fail either of these criteria or for which the remote dnsbl does not respond for the 'expire' interval (see sc_addspam.conf) are removed from the 'tarpit' database {SPMCNBL_DB_TARPIT} as well as the 'blcontrib' database {SPMCNBL_DB_CONTRIB}. 'contrib' items found in the 'evidence' are unconditionally discarded instead of being checked.
input: config file hash ref, db config hash ref output: false on success, or an error message
See: config/sc_BlackList.conf.sample for a detailed description of each element in the configuration file. See: scripts/ for usage and configuration information for the db config hash reference.
This routine will return if it catches a SIGTERM. The longest it will wait is the timeout interval for a DNS query.
This function extracts the sending mail server address, headers, and message content from an "email message" that may [optionally] be PGP encoded. If an IP address is successfully recovered, it is added to the 'tarpit' database {SPMCNBL_DB_TARPIT} and the headers and message are added to the 'evidence' database {SPMCNBL_DB_EVIDENCE}. See: config/sc_mailfilter.conf.sample for configuration and details on optional settings.
input: file handle, config hash ptr, dnsbl config hash ptr, default config hash ptr, net object ptr, output: empty array on success, (verbosity, err msg) on failure where verbosity is false on success, 1,2,3, etc.... on failure my %default = ( dbhome => $environment, dbfile => [$tarpit], txtfile => [$evidence], DEBUG => $DEBUG, LIMIT => $CHAR_SAVE_LIMIT, # characters PGPLIM => $CHAR_READ_LIMIT, );
none by default
Copyright 2003, Michael Robinton <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Michael Robinton <>
IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit, Net::DNS::Codes, Net::DNS::ToolKit, Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR, Mail::SpamCannibal::DNSBLserver, Mail::SpamCannibal::BDBaccess
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 831:
Expected '=item *'