Mail::SpamCannibal - HOWTO Install SpamCannibal
Where to get SpamCannibal
The most up-to-date version of SpamCannibal is always available from CPAN. Visit the DOWNLOAD page of our web site for links to the latest version and prerequisites.
Support and Project Participation
Visit the sourceforge - SpamCannibal web site. For support, register for the spamcannibal-users mail list.
If you are interested in participating in the SpamCannibal project, subscribe to the spamcannibal-devel mail list and send me a brief summary of your coding background and your area of interest in this project.
Creating the SpamCannibal user
Create a user account for the SpamCannibal client. The mail client should not be run as a root user, to do so creates an unacceptable security risk.
Check the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files to make sure that uid and gid assignments for the new user are not already used, then run groupadd and adduser.
groupadd -g 95 spam
Login name for new user []: spam
User id for spam [ defaults to next available]:
Initial group for spam [users]: spam
Additional groups for spam (seperated
with commas, no spaces) []:
spam's home directory [/home/spam]: /usr/local/spamcannibal
spam's shell [/bin/bash]:
spam's account expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) []:
OK, I'm about to make a new account. Here's what you entered so far:
New login name: spam
New UID: [Next available]
Initial group: spam
Additional groups: [none]
Home directory: /usr/local/spamcannibal
Shell: /bin/bash
Expiry date: [no expiration]
This is it... if you want to bail out, hit Control-C. Otherwise, press
ENTER to go ahead and make the account.
you fill in the rest......
Recompiling Linux 2.4x kernel with IPTABLES
Recompile your kernel to include iptables.
When you "make config", choose at least these options...
Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)
It is recommended that you not use connection tracking since each tarpitted connection will consume resources. If the tarpit is run on a linux box used as a firewall, then this is unavoidable.
connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)
Userspace queueing via NETLINK (EXPERIMENTAL)
(CONFIG_IP_NF_QUEUE) [Y/m/n/?] y or m
COMMENT: Our firewall runs with... connection tracking (required for masq/NAT) (CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) [Y/m/n/?] Y
I've seen as many as several thousand threads in the tarpit without affecting performance on an aging 486 with not much memory. It's not a big deal.
0. nroff -man doc/libnet.3 | less
1. Read the doc/ files
2. ./configure
3. make
4. make install
- optional -
5. make supp
6. make util
Adding PGP support
Select one of the PGP packages from the download page.
For RSA key generation, use pgp-6.5.8. GPG will read RSA keys but not generate them. If you already have a means to generate keys then it does not matter which package is used. Default for both packages is DSA keys, but this is not compatible with some older mail client PGP implementations.
Installing GPG - GNU Privacy Guard - a free PGP workalike
GPG comes with a comprehensive installation guide -- read it.
Briefly: ./configure make make install
Installing PGP 6.5.8 for Linux
PGP 6.5.8 comes as a binary distribution in both tar.gz and rpm formats.
For the binary distribution, download and copy the executable to the appropriate directory on your system.
i.e. cd [distribution src directory]
cp pgp /usr/local/bin
Building Perl modules
Prerequisite modules
Net::SMTP -- part of standard perl
In a build directory of your choice such as:
For each module
tar -xzvf {module name - version}.tar.gz
cd {module name - version}
perl Makfile.PL
make test
make install
IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit - tarpit daemon
IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit includes the tarpit daemon dbtarpit and a tool kit for accessing its database(s). This database and several others are used by spamcannibal.
You must install libnet-1.0.x and recompile your Linux kernel before building this package.
installing the IPTables::IPv4::DBTarpit
tar -xzvf IPTables-IPv4-DBTarpit-x.xx.tar.gz
cd IPTables-IPv4-DBTarpit-x.xx
perl Makefile.PL
DBTarpit comes with a preselected set of defaults
that should work for almost all installations.
For use with SpamCannibal, set
the daemon install directory to:
dbtarpit daemon install directory : [/usr/local/sbin] /usr/local/spamcannibal/bin
Are you sure you want to use '/usr/local/spamcannibal/bin'? [yes]
shared library install directory : [/usr/local/lib]
shared library header install directory : [/usr/local/include]
dbtarpit database env/home directory : [/var/run/dbtarpit]
dbtarpit primary database name : [tarpit]
dbtarpit secondary database name : [archive]
type: rm config.db
perl Makefile.PL
to restore defaults
make test
make install
setting up 'dbtarpit'
If you will be using the SpamCannibal sc_dbwatch script (recommended) then copy the rc.dbtarpit script to the SpamCannibal (home)/scripts directory, otherwise opy the rc.dbtarpit script to the appropriate startup directory and edit the host startup scripts so that it is included.
Note: this is a Perl program. DO NOT place in in a start up script prefixed with a period '.' This instructs the shell to process the file as a shell script and not use the designated perl shell. It will fail badly :-(
Type: ./rc.dbtarpit --helpor see: man dbtarpit
for command line details.
configuring IPTABLES for dbtarpit
In the iptables configuration file (usually rc.iptables), place the filter for dbtarpit as the first entry in the INPUT chain. do not insert other entries ahead of this rule.
IPTABLES = "/usr/local/spamcannibal/bin/iptables"
ANYWHERE = "0/0"
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -s $ANYWHERE --dport 25 -j QUEUE
This rule will send tcp packets destined for port 25 from anywhere to the dbtarpit daemon. If the IP address of the packet is not found in the database, the packet is returned to the chain untouched. If the IP address is found in the database, the packet is dropped and the connection tarpitted.
WARNING: if the dbtarpit daemon is not running, packets destined for port 25 are silently dropped by IPTABLES.
Before installing SpamCannibal, you must edit the configuration the install script to indicate the location and executable name for the PGP binary you will use on your system.
Edit the file executableTestPath.conf. The contents of the file looks like this:
# put the path to the pgp executable
# in this file in "quotes"
# i.e.
# /usr/local/bin/pgp
# /usr/local/bin/gpg
sub privacyexecutables {
return qw (
Include only the executables you have installed on your system.
Now you can proceed with a standard perl module installation by typing:
perl Makefile.PL
SpamCannibal comes with a preselected set of defaults
that should work for almost all installations.
spamcannibal db environment directory : [/var/run/dbtarpit]
spamcannibal user (must already exist) : [spam]
spamcannibal user home directory : [/usr/local/spamcannibal]
spamcannibal tarpit database name : [tarpit]
spamcannibal archive database name : [archive]
spamcannibal black list contrib name : [blcontrib]
spamcannibal evidence database name : [evidence]
spamcannibal default umask (007) : [007]
If you wish to support additional databases, edit
the rc.xxxx startup scripts for the appropriate program.
make test
make install
SpamCannibal setup
SpamCannibal can be run entirely on a single host or the dbtarpit and dnsbls daemons can be run on one host with the public and administrative web services running on a seperate host.
Additional security can be provided by running dbtarpit/dnsbls daemons in a DMZ. Access restrictions for zone transfer can be provide by using BIND as the distribution DNS and updating the slave DNS servers from the dnsbls server with no outside access. Users are invited to write a FAQ or installation procedure and submit it for inclusion with this documentation package.
Initializing the database
To initialize the database you must be a root user in the module installation directory. To initialize the databases, type the following:
cd scripts
This procedure will create the database environment and the database files as well as set the permissions on the files and directories.
Setting up DNSBL check scripts
The dbtarpit daemon records every connection to the port it monitors in the archive database. SpamCannibal provides script to check each address in the archive database against a list of DNSBL servers in its config file. removes checked IP addresses from the archive database.
activating reads each IP address from the archive database and checks it against its list of DNSBL servers. Addresses that have a match criteria are added to the tarpit database and the reason for the addition is added to the blcontrib database. This is usually the returned TXT record from the matching DNSBLS or the default set in the config file.
Login as the spamcannibal user and put an entry in your crontab something like this:
# check accumulated archive IP addresses every 15 minutes file
*/4 * * * * ./scripts/ ./config/sc_BlackList.conf
Since this is a background job, a better entry might be:
*/4 * * * * /usr/bin/nice -n 20 ./scripts/ ./config/sc_BlackList.conf
Syntax: ./ path/to/config.file
./ -d path/to/config.file
./ -v path/to/config.file
The -d switch allows you to see what the
script will do without any db updates
taking place. The -v switch will print
the scripts actions to the screen.
-v -v does it more verbosely.
The -d switch implies a single -v.
In the ./config directory
cp sc_BLackList.conf.sample sc_BLackList.conf
The sc_BLackList.conf file is heavily commented and pre-loaded with several working DNSBLS entries. You may wish to delete some of these or add one of your favorite ones.
activating periodically validates the entries found in the blcontrib database and removes those which the original DNSBLS no longer blacklists or those for which the DNSBLS can not be contacted for a time specified in the config file for that DNSBLS.
Login as the spamcannibal user and put an entry in your crontab something like this:
# check valid blcontrib every few days
21 0 */4 * * ./scripts/ ./config/sc_BlackList.conf
Since this is a background job, a better entry might be:
21 0 */4 * * /usr/bin/nice -n 20 ./scripts/ ./config/sc_BlackList.conf
Syntax: ./ path/to/config.file
./ -d path/to/config.file
./ -v path/to/config.file
The -d switch allows you to see what the
script will do without any db updates
taking place. The -v switch will print
the scripts actions to the screen.
-v -v does it more verbosely.
The -d switch implies a single -v.
activating periodically runs through the databases and optionally expires very old records and checks that there are not multiple entries in the database for the same IP address or an entry that is present in one database that is missing a corresponding entry in a companion database.
For example:
A spam messages arrives and makes it through the system to your in box. Subsequently, finds the IP address of the spam host in a remote DNSBL and adds records to the tarpit and blcontrib databases. You find the spam on your desktop and add it to the tarpit and evidence databases via the robot script. Now there is an extra record in blcontrib that is unused.
There are many more possible ways for such inconsistencies to occur and removes these records automatically.
Login as the spamcannibal user and put an entry in your crontab something like this:
# check valid blcontrib every few days
21 0 */4 * * ./scripts/
Since this is a background job, a better entry might be:
21 0 */4 * * /usr/bin/nice -n 20 ./
Syntax: scripts/ -q
scripts/ -d
scripts/ -v
scripts/ [options] -x nnn
The -q switch is for normal, quiet operation. The -d switch allows you to see what the script will do without any db updates taking place. The -v switch will print the scripts actions to the screen. The -d switch implies a -v.
The -x switch expires records more than 'nnn' days old and removes them from the database.
Setting up the DNS blacklist daemon
The first part of the installation guide assumes that the host has no other DNS daemon running. Section 2 covers running a DNSBL along with a conventional DNS. In either case, an NS record must be added to the zone file for the blacklist domain.
If you will be running the SpamCannibal L daemon (recommended) then do not add the DNSBLserver/rc.dnsbls script to your hosts startup directory or procedure. Otherwise, copy DNSBLserver/rc.dnsbls the appropriate startup directory and edit the host startup scripts so that it is included. See: rc.dnsblsman dnsbls for command line details.
Login as the spamcannibal user.
cd ./config
cp dnsbls.conf.sample dnsbls.conf
Edit dnsbls.conf for your site. The file is heavily commented and should be self explanatory. Your comments and additions to this documment are welcomed.
Most of the configuration items do not need changing. What MUST be specified for which the defaults usually must be changed are the following:
standalone DNSBL service
For stand alone service, nothing more is necessary except execution of the start script.
./rc.dnsbls start
The ./rc.dnsbls start and ./rc.dnsbls stop commands should be included in the sc_dbwatch.conf file described later in this document.
running DNSBL concurrently with BIND
Concurrent operation of DNSBL and BIND is relatively simple. dnsblsruns as a hidden 'master' zone server with BIND providing slave service and answering queries to the internet on behalf of the blacklist zone.
Edit the dnsbls.conf file to make the following changes:
- 1. start dnsbls on a non-standard port
port => 10053, # or port of your choice
Check your iptables configuration to make sure that his port is blocked to external queries.
- 2. un-block axfr transfers
block => 0,
This will allow zone transfers for locally added spam records from dnsbls to the bind daemon. Zone records that have been added to the tarpit by virtue of being found in other DNSBL's will not appear in the zone transfer. This is a "FEATURE" to prevent the inadvertent feedback of remote record additions in a cooperative dnsbl environment. Read the man pages for dnsbls if you really want to enable remote record transfer in the blacklist zone... you've been warned!
- 3. set the zone refresh time to something LOW
refresh => '3h', # 3 hours
- 4. set the blacklist host name
The blacklist host name should be set the same as the host (DNS) name of the BIND host.
host => '',
What remains is to configure BIND to read the zone file from dnsbls. Make an entry like this in the named.conf file for the bind daemon.
// zone
zone "" in {
type slave;
file "slave/";
masters { port 10053;
Add any additional configuration grammar that you feel is necessary to restrict zone transfer, etc...
Setting up a cooperative dnsbls network
Multiple dnsbls daemons can share locally added black list records by configuring the script to check remote dnsbls daemons. Add a regular DNSBL record to the scripts config file for the cooperation remote daemon.
'' => {
accept => {
'' => 'known spam/virus source',
response => '',
error => 'blocked, See:',
expire => '7d',
Any number of spamcannibals can be interconnected in this manner. Since they share only locally added spam records, there is never any overlap in the shared data.
Setting up the web database access daemon
Copy the BDBaccess/rc.bdbaccess script to the appropriate startup directory and edit the host startup scripts so that it is included. See: rc.bdbaccess for command line details.The bdbaccess daemon is configured entirely from the command line and can be run in one of three modes. Separate daemons can be run for the same database to provide both local and remote access.
bdbaccess local access
The default configuration of the rc.bdbaccess file provides local access. In the sc_dbwatch.conf file or your host startup scripts put a lines like this:
rc.bdbaccess start
rc.bdbaccess stop
The daemon listens on a unix domain socket and creates a pid file in /var/run/dbtarpit called:
bdbaccess remote access stand-alone
In the host startup scripts, put lines like this to specifiy the listening port and start/stop actions:
rc.bdbaccess start -p 10925
rc.bdbaccess stop -p 10925
The daemon will listen on the designated port and create a pid file in /var/run/dbtarpit called:
Make sure and properly set the values in sc_web.conf for:
Insert a rule like this in the rc.iptables TCP chain to restrict access to the daemon to your preferred hosts:
$IPTABLES -A is_tcp -p tcp -s $PREFERRED_HOST --dport 10925 -j allowed
bdbaccess remote access via inetd
The daemon can be setup for remote access with tcp wrappers. Insert a line in /etc/services that looks like:
bdbaccess 10925/tcp
Insert a line in /etc/inetd.conf that looks like:
(this should all be on one long line)
bdbaccess stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd
/usr/local/spamcannibal/bin/bdbaccess -i -r /var/run/dbtarpit
-f tarpit -f blcontrib -f archive -f evidence
Make sure and properly set the values in sc_web.conf for:
Setting up web services
The install process automatically copies a complete SpamCannibal web site into the spamcannibal user space.
[default] or whatever is specified
Because every install copies files into public_html, make a backup copy to avoid losing modified files.
The web site consists of two subdirectories
The easiest way to preserve a modified web site is to create a third directory, copy all of the 'incl' files to it and modify those files.
Update the sc_web.conf file to reflect the new directory name.
The web site is a copy of the SpamCannibal web site. There is provided in the 'incl' directory, a GENERIC home page rather than the SpamCannibal blurb. Simply copy 'GENERIC.home.incl' to home.incl for starters if you'd like something a little more tame.
modperl or perl cgi?
Web services can be run as ordinary perl cgi or on a modperl enhanced server. The cgi scripts expect to be executable in the public_html directory.
To use modperl, three files need to be modified.
- 1. cannibal.cgi
This file should be renamed with the modperl execution suffix.
i.e. cannibal.plx or
- 2. admin.cgi
This is a link to cannibal.cgi. It should be removed and re-linked to the new file name.
i.e. ln -s cannibal.plx admin.plx
- 3. index.html
The index file contains a redirect to cannibal.cgi. This should be edited to reflect the new cannibal.plx file name.
Configuring the web site
Login in as the spamcannibal user.
cd config
cp sc_web.conf.sample sc_web.conf
cd ../private
cp passwd.initial passwd
The passwd file contains a single admin username with a blank password.
Edit the sc_web.conf file to setup local/remote access and specifics for your web site. In most cases the default values will work fine.
However, you must specify:
web configuration for local databases
email => '',
The contact email address for the 'CONTACT' page of the web site. This address is never exposed. The server WILL DIE if this is not configured.
web configuration for remote databases
remoteshell => '/usr/bin/ssh',
remotecommand => '/usr/local/spamcannibal/scripts/sc_sesswrap',
wrapper => '../scripts/sc_remotewrap',
bdbDAEMON => ['',10],
secure => 1,
Remote administration by default uses ssh. Set the target for the remote user@host. Generate a public/private key pair on the local host and put a copy of the public key in 'authorized_keys' on the target host. Login manually at least once to eliminate the 'known_hosts' dialog.
Using https service for remote administration is recommend unless you operate entirely within a firewall protected environment. Passwords are passed from the web client to the server in CLEAR TEXT.
See the procedure for the web access daemon.
Adding and removing web menu items/pages
The menus are located in two files:
public menus incl/nav.incl
admin menus incl/nav2.incl
Simply add or remove items as you see fit. Pages are passed to the web generation script as a query value of the form 'page=newfile'. Follow the format of the existing 'nav' entries and it should work fine. New static pages can be added by creating a new file containing 'body' text of whatever kind.
i.e. incl/newfile.incl
Add an entry in the sc_web.conf 'static' array and the file name in the list of files. Take care not to duplicate any of the other hash key names.
Web and other Security Issues
The admin web interface has a 'C' wrapper that is suid to the spamcannibal user and is named sc_sesswrap for local host execution and is linked as sc_remotewrap for remote host execution. This wrapper executes either or respectively.
The permissions on various files have been selected to provide minimum access to potentially sensitive information by users other than spamcannibal and root.
PROBLEMS with web admin login
invalid permissions on and sc_sesswrap
Permissions for the wrapper, the session scripts and their directories should be set correctly by the installation routines. Should they happen to get messed up, you can reset them as shown below:
Login as user spam.spam or whatever your spamcannibal user/group values are.
chmod 700 (or 1700)
chmod 700
chmod 4755 sc_sesswrap
enabling admin management on user admin web page
Admin management is enabled by default by the installation procedure. The sticky bit on the file is used as a flag to enable/disable admin management support. With admin management disabled, you must add and delete administrative user from the private/passwd file using a text editor. New users may be added with a blank password.
i.e. fred:
To admin access to allow admins to add and delete users, login as the spamcannibal user and type this:
cd scripts
./ admin on
to restrict access so that admin users must be added and removed by hand,
./ admin off
session and password file/directory permissions
Permissions for the session and password directories and their contents are set by the installation routine. Should they happen to become altered you can reset them as shown below:
Login as the spamcannibal user and set the directory permissions.
chmod 700 private
chmod 700 sess
Then set the file permissions.
chmod 600 private/passwd
permission settings for files in 'config'
The permissions on the files in the config directory are set by the installation routine. Should they happen to become altered you can reset them as shown below:
Login as the spamcannibal user and set the directory permissions.
cd config
chmod 640 *
chmod 644 sc_web.conf
permission settings for the database environment
These permissions should be correctly set by the script. Should they happen to become altered you can reset them as shown below as the root user:
cd /var/run
chown -R spam dbtarpit
chgrp -R spam dbtarpit
chmod 755 dbtarpit
cd dbtarpit
chmod 660 *
Installing optional LaBrea::Tarpit report statistics pages
The optional LaBrea::Tarpit statistics pages show the number and IP addresses of spam/virus hosts that are currently visiting or have recently visited your site.
LaBrea::Tarpit module installation
No configuration needs to be done for LaBrea::Tarpit. The innards are used, but none of the scripts or daemons. Just install it in the usual perl manner and forget it.
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
edit sc_web.conf
In the sc_web.conf file, find the commented out line:
top => './incl/top.incl', # used by all pages
logo1 => './incl/logo1.incl', # for the home page
logo2 => './incl/logo2.incl', # for all other pages
# stats => './incl/stats.incl', # OPTIONAL Labrea stats pages
nav => './incl/nav.incl', # for all user pages
nav2 => './incl/nav2.incl', # for all admin pages
and remove the comment mark from the 'stats' line.
configuring spam_report.cgi
Rename this script spam_report.cgi or spam_report.(your perl executable). This web script may be run either as standard 'cgi' or on a mod-perl enhanced web server. Simple rename the file to reflect the extension used on your system for perl web scripts. This must be the same extension as used for admin.??? and cannibal.???
This script is from an older generation of modules and has the configuration embedded in the script itself. Most of the varibles are set to their optimum default values but certain ones must be configured specifically for your site. You must configure:
The port to interrogate on the localhost or a remote host to get data for the web process.
Pick a port on your system that is appropriate. The sister dameon from LaBrea::Tarpit defaults to 8686, don't use that one.
The host name to interrogate to get data for the web process. This defaults to 'localhost'.
The rest of the parameters should not require configuration. Read the comments in the file itself for additional information.
spam_report.cgi won't run ???
The most common problem is that the permissions on the html cache directory don't allow the script to read or write its cache files. The directory may be changed in the configuration section of the script, but is set by default to:
'tmp' must be read/writable by the web server. By default, the installation routine sets the ownership to the spamcannibal user/group and the permissions to world read/write (0777). This may not be desirable from a security standpoint (though it's no worse than /tmp). If your script won't run and the permissions are different than above, this may be the reason for the difficulty.
This is the data collection daemon. It attaches to a unix domain socket that provides the log output of the tarpit daemon.
If your SpamCannibal installation will be running the sc_dbwatch daemon (recommended) then the daemon script is already correctly installed in the SpamCannibal (home)/scripts directory. Just copy to and include the appropriate
rc.sc_lbdaemon start
rc.sc_lbdaemon stop
entries in the sc_dbwatch.conf file.
Otherwise, copy the daemon to the startup directory of your system and edit the startup script to include it at run time.
Don't put a '.' in front of the script name as it disables the auto detection of the perl shell for this script.
The script is from an older generation of modules and has the configuration embedded in the script itself. Most of the varibles are set to their optimum default values but certain ones must be configured specifically for your site. You must configure:
The port on which to listen for data requests from the web process. Pick a port on your system that is appropriate. The sister dameon from LaBrea::Tarpit defaults to 8686, don't use that one.
The default interface for the listen socket. Use the hostname or IP address of the interface. Use 'localhost' if the web server is on the same host.
This is the wrapper function. Only hosts listed here will be allowed to connect to the service port. Defaults to ALL. Use the name or IP address of the allowed host(s) or 'localhost' if the web server is on the same host.
Setting up the DB watch daemon
The sc_dbwatch daemon and startup script provides a single interface point for the host system. The daemon periodically checks that all DB tasks that have registered and exited have done so in a normal manner. If a task exits abnormally, then sc_dbwatch will kill all remaining registered tasks, block the starting of any new tasks and cron jobs then recover the database environment and restart the DB daemon tasks.
The BerkeleyDB documentation says: ...if any thread of control exits for any reason while holding Berkeley DB resources, recovery must be performed to do the following:- Recover the Berkeley DB resources.
- Release any locks or mutexes that may have been held to avoid starvation as the remaining threads of control convoy behind the failed thread's locks.
- Clean up any partially completed operations that may have left a database in an inconsistent or corrupted state.
Follow these steps for configuration:
Login as the SpamCannibal user and...
cd config
cp sc_dbwatch.conf.sample sc_dbwatch.conf
Edit the configuration file for your site. The configuration file is well commented and each of the entries has an explanation.
The individual tasks that will be started and stopped by sc_dbwatch should be configured and tested prior to inclusion in the configuration file. It should be noted that in a running system there is not particular reason to start and stop all tasks to maintain or reconfigure just one. It is quite proper to start and stop the daemons individually using their respective rc.xxxxx scripts.
When this is completed, copy the rc.sc_dbwatch file from the SpamCannibal source installation directory to the appropriate startup directory on your host and edit the startup scripts as required to instantiate it at system start and stop.
developing new scripts and daemons that use sc_dbwatch
sc_dbwatch determines if a job has exited badly by checking that each pid file in the database directory has a corresponding running job. Jobs that are found not to be running are marked as crashed and will force an automatic task shutdown and database recovery.
Cron jobs, scripts, daemons and their children that use the databases have a minimum set of requirements as follows:
create a pid file
To register with the sc_dbwatch program, tasks using the database add their pid files to the watched directory. The pid file should be of the form
for scripts and daemon parents and of the
(where nnn is the PID number) for any child process. This exact format is not a requirement. The only requirement is that the pid files end in the suffix .pid and that the file names be unique for all tasks that are registered.The pid file should be placed in the same directory as the databases. The directory path is determined for a 'C' process by using the
Mail::SpamCannibal::SiteConfig module pointer for SPMCNBL_ENVIRONMENT.dbhome
directory pointer and for a perl process by using therespond to SIGTERM
Every process that registers its pid file should respond to a SIGTERM by gracefully terminating its activity as quickly as possible, removing its pid file and exiting.
remove pid file on exit
Every process that registers its pid file should remove it when it finishes using the databases.
* Installing optional Country Code and Flags display.
Download and install the two Geo::xxx modules from CPAN
Unless it is already installed, you must also download and install the GeoIP database in your system's datadir, typically /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
The database is free and updated monthly:
SpamCannibal will automatically detect the presence of the modules and display a country code and flag if Whois and Lookup IP address's are found in the GeoIp database.
The SpamCannibal installation script sets the permissions for the
directory to 0777 if the directory is not already present so that the web process can retrieve and write new flag images as needed from the CIA web site. If you wish to set this directory with more restrictive permissions, use the utilities that come with Geo::CountryFlags to download ALL the country flags so that global write permissions are not necessary.
SpamCannibal mail robot script
SpamCannibal provides a mail header parsing script,, that examines a mail header and after eliminating known local MTA's, identifies the originator of the mail traffic. This script can incorporate PGP armor (recommended) to prevent unauthorized messages from being used. Basically, if you identify a piece of mail as being SPAM, email it to the spam user on the tarpit host system as follows:
- 1. unhide the headers on the spam message
- 2. copy the headers and beginning message body to a new message
- 3. encrypt the message with spam's public key
- 4. email the message to spam
NOTE: it is important to keep the public_key a secret. The manner in which it is used in this application provides the security for sending messages to add to the spamcannibal tarpit. Anyone with the public key can send a message to for inclusion in the tarpit database. will reject messages that are not PGP armored and which do not decrypt.
WARNING: The script only reads the first 10,000 characters of incoming messages. If you encode more characters than this with PGP, you will get INVALID ARMOR errors and the submitted spam will not be decoded. If you get this error, either don't paste as much message into what is sent to the spam user or edit to increase the number of characters. The latter choice make the evidence database that much bigger on the average.
Setting up sc_mailflter's PGP keys
The details of the procedure vary slightly depending on whether you select GPG or PGP, but the basic steps are the same.
- create a private/public key pair for the spamcannibal user
- export the public key to a file
- install the public key file in your mail client
key generation for GPG
Login as the spamcannibal user and type:
gpg --gen-key
Please select what kind of key you want:
(1) DSA and ElGamal (default)
(2) DSA (sign only)
(5) RSA (sign only)
Your selection? 1
DSA keypair will have 1024 bits.
About to generate a new ELG-E keypair.
minimum keysize is 768 bits
default keysize is 1024 bits
highest suggested keysize is 2048 bits
What keysize do you want? (1024)
Requested keysize is 1024 bits
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
0 = key does not expire
<n> = key expires in n days
<n>w = key expires in n weeks
<n>m = key expires in n months
<n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0)
Key does not expire at all
Is this correct (y/n)? y
You need a User-ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user id from Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form: "Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) <>"
Real name: SpamCannibal
Email address:
Comment: eats spammers for lunch
You selected this USER-ID:
"SpamCannibal (eats spammers for lunch) <>"
Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O
You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.
Enter password: myspampassword
Reenter password: myspampassword
(gng generates the keys...++..++++...)
gpg: /usr/local/spamcannibal .gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
public and secret key created and signed.
key marked as ultimately trusted.
pub 1024D/EA000A1B 2003-08-28 SpamCannibal (eats spammers for lunch) <>
Key fingerprint = EBBD 0A8A 1AB4 B6E8 38B6 FFA1 E9A3 E4C8 EA00 0A1B
sub 1024g/37858C46 2003-08-28
Done!, the keys can now be found in:
ls -1 .gnupg/
Export the public key and transport it to your mail client.
gpg --armor --export SpamCannibal
gpg: please see for more information
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
key generation for PGP
Login as the spamcannibal user and type:
pgp -kg
Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
(c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
Uses the RSAREF(tm) Toolkit, which is copyright RSA Data Security, Inc.
Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
Choose the public-key algorithm to use with your new key
1) DSS/DH (a.k.a. DSA/ElGamal) (default)
2) RSA
Choose 1 or 2: 2
Pick your RSA key size:
1) 1024 bits- High commercial grade, secure for many years
2) 2048 bits- "Military" grade, secure for forseeable future
Choose 1, 2, or enter desired number of bits: 1
Generating a 1024-bit RSA key.
You need a user ID for your public key. The desired form for this
user ID is your name, followed by your E-mail address enclosed in
<angle brackets>, if you have an E-mail address.
For example: John Q. Smith <>
Enter a user ID for your public key: SpamCannibal <>
Enter the validity period of your signing key in days from 0 - 10950
0 is forever (the default is 0): 0
You need a pass phrase to protect your RSA secret key. Your pass phrase can be any sentence or phrase and may have many words, spaces, punctuation, or any other printable characters.
Enter pass phrase: myspampassword
Enter same pass phrase again: myspampassword
Note that key generation is a lengthy process.
******* ........*******
Make this the default signing key? (Y/n) y
Key generation completed.
Done!, the keys can be found in:
ls -1 .pgp
Export the public key and transport it to your mail client.
pgp -kx SpamCannibal
Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
(c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
Uses the RSAREF(tm) Toolkit, which is copyright RSA Data Security, Inc.
Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
Extracting from keyring '/usr/local/spamcannibal/.pgp/pubring.pkr', userid "SpamCannibal".
Extracting from keyring '/home/calvarys/.pgp/pubring.pkr', userid "SpamCannibal".
Extract the above key(s) into which file? spam
Key extracted to file 'spam.pgp'.
Setting up
Mail is delivered to by the hosts local mail transport system. Login as the spamcannibal user and create a .forward file containing a line like this:
"|/usr/local/spamcannibal/scripts/ \
To keep the load factor down when multiple mail items are submitted similtaneously, renice the task:
"|/usr/bin/nice -n 20 /usr/local/spamcannibal/scripts/ \
Syntax: ./scripts/ path/to/config.file
./scripts/ -d path/to config.file
./scripts/ -v path/to/config.file
The -v switch sends debug error messages to
the REPORT target email address (if present)
The -d switch returns the information that would
be added to the tarpit and evidence databases.
Nothing is added to the database files.
Then cd to the config directory
cd config
cp sc_mailfilter.conf.sample sc_mailfilter.conf
Setting up rc.multi_dnsbl
Download and install Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon. This is an excerpt from the installation procedure.
multi_dnsbl can be installed as either a standalone DNSBL or as a plug-in to a BIND 9 installation on the same host. In either case, copy the rc.multi_daemon script to the appropriate startup directory on your host and modify the start, stop, restart scripts as required. Operation of the script is as follows:
Syntax: ./rc.multi_dnsbl start /path/to/config.file
./rc.multi_dnsbl start -v /path/to/config.file
./rc.multi_dnsbl stop /path/to/config.file
./rc.multi_dnsbl restart /path/to/config.file
The -v switch will print the scripts
actions verbosely to the STDERR.
The configuration file for multi_dnsbl shares a common format with the Mail::SpamCannibal script, facilitating common maintenance of DNSBL's for your MTA installation.
The sample configuration file multi_dnsbl.conf.sample is heavily commented with the details for each configuration element. If you plan to use a common configuration file in a SpamCannibal installation, simply add the following elements to the sc_BlackList.conf file:
MDstatfile => '/path/to/statistics/file.txt',
MDpidpath => '/path/to/pidfiles', # /var/run
MDzone => 'pseudo.dnsbl',
MDstatrefresh => 300, # seconds
MDport => 9953,
For standalone operation, simply set MDport = 53, nothing more is required.
Interrogating the installation will then return the first match from the configured list of DNSBL servers.
i.e. dig
.... results
Note that the results will contain all of the "authority" and "additional" (glue) records from the responding DNSBL placed into the additional section of the returned record that will have an authority record from of "localhost".
multi_dnsbl may be used as a plugin helper for a standard bind 9 installation by adding a forward zone to the configuration file as follows:
//zone pseudo.dnsbl
zone "pseudo.dnsbl" in {
type forward;
forward only;
forwarders { port 9953;
You may also wish to add one or more of the following statements with appropriate address_match_lists to restrict access to the facility.
allow-notify {};
allow-query { address_match_list };
allow-recursion { address_match_list };
allow-transfer {};
Access to DNSBL lookup is configured in the normal fashion for each MTA. Since MTA's generally must interrogate on port 53, multi_dnsbl must be installed on a stand-alone server or as a plugin for BIND 9.
A typical configuration line for sendmail M4 configuration file is shown below:
`554 Rejected $&{client_addr} found in')dnl
Copyright 2003, Michael Robinton <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Michael Robinton <>