Changes for version 0.66 - 2006-01-10

  • Corrected comment error in style sheet public_html/incl/top.incl
  • Update 0.04 to support multiple key/value returns with the same name from a form. Update public_html/cannibal.cgi v2.01 to provide multiple selected deletes from the admin lookup window.
  • Update 0.04 to support split user/password login windows, rename t/ses_val.t => ses_val.old.t to make sure old behavior remains supported, add t/ses_val.t to test new behavior Update scripts/ v1.09 and scripts/ v1.05
  • Updated public_html/cannibal.cgi and config/sc_web.conf to support split user/password login windows. Updated public_html/incl/login.incl. Added public_html/incl/


configuration info for SpamCannibal
HOWTO Install SpamCannibal
How It Works


safe Berkeley DB reader
Perl extension for testing local 'C' routines
Perl extension for testing local 'C' routines
a lightweight nameserver based on BDB
A tool to stop SPAM
PGP for spamcannibal mail
by IP, get Country Code & flag.gif
interface to LaBrea::Tarpit
generate and check crypt - des passwords
PID file management utilities
simple mail transport agent
A collection of script helpers
session management utilities
IP address whois service