Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use Config;
my $pkg = 'Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon';
$pkg =~ /[^:]+$/;
my $module = $& .'.pm';
'NAME' => $pkg,
'VERSION_FROM' => $module, # finds $VERSION
'PREREQ_PM' => {
Test::More => 0,
File::SafeDO => 0.12,
Net::DNS::Codes => 0.09,
Net::DNS::ToolKit => 0.41,
Unix::Syslog => 0.97,
NetAddr::IP => 4.015,
Geo::IP::PurePerl => 1.10,
'clean' => { FILES => "*~ tmp*"},
'dist' => {COMPRESS=>'gzip', SUFFIX=>'gz'}
#eval {
# require Net::DNS::ToolKit;
#die "prerequisite Net::DNS::ToolKit not found\n"
# if $@;
#@_ = &Net::DNS::ToolKit::get_ns();
#if (@_) {
# foreach(@_) {
# print 'found nameserver ',&Net::DNS::ToolKit::inet_ntoa($_),"\n";
# }
#} else {
# print STDERR "resolver not configured, Net::DNSBLS::MultiDaemon will not run\n";
# exit 0;
# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
sub MY::top_targets {
package MY;
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::top_targets(@_);
$inherited =~ s/(pure_all\s+::.+)/$1 README/;
sub MY::post_constants {
my $post_constants = q|
MY_POD2TEXT = |. $Config{scriptdirexp} .'/pod2text' .q|
sub MY::postamble {
package MY;
my $postamble = q|
README : |. $module .q|
@$(MY_POD2TEXT) |. $module .q| > README