URPL::Prepare -- prepare hostname for URBL domain lookup


require URBL::Prepare;

my $ubp = new URBL::Prepare;

$tlds = $blessed->cachetlds($localfilelistptr);
$whitelist = $blessed->cachewhite($localfilelistptr);
$domain = $blessed->urbldomain($hostname); DEPRECATED
$response_code = $proto->loadcache($url,$localfile);
($response,$message) = $proto->loadcache($url,$localfile);
$rv = $blessed->urblblack($hostname);
$rv = $blessed->urblwhite($hostname);


  • my $urbl = new URBL::Prepare;

    This method returns a blessed reference to an empty hash.

    For use with other modules:

    require URBL::Prepare;
    @ISA = qw(URBL::Prepare);

URBL Preparation for lookup methods

The following three methods are for facilitating URBL lookups.

  • $tldlist = $blessed->cachetlds($localfilelistptr);

    This method opens local files in "file list" and extracts the tld's found therein.

    input: 	ptr to array of local/file/path/names
    return:	array ptr to list of tld's

    NOTE: place level 3 tld's ahead of level 2 tld's

  • $whitelist = $blessed->cachewhite($localfilelistptr);

    This method opens local file(s) in "file list" and extracts the domains found therein.

    See		and

    Note:: these URL's may change

    input:	ptr to array of local/file/path/names
    return:	array ptr to whitelist domain names
  • $domain = $blessed->urbldomain($hostname)


    This method extracts a domain name to check against an SURBL. If the hostname is whitelisted, the return value is false, otherwise a domain name is returned.

      input:	hostname
      return:	false if whitelited,
    	 else	domain name

    NOTE: optionally white or tld testing will be bypassed if the pointer is undefined or points to an empty array.

  • $rv = $blessed->urblblack($hostname)

    This method check if a hostname is found within the local abuse list(s).

    input:	hostname
    return:	domain found, else false
  • $rv = $blessed->urbwhite($hostname)

    This method check if a hostname is found within the local white list.

    input:	hostname
    return:	domain found, else false
  • $response_code = $proto->loadcache($url,$localfile);

  • ($response,$message) = $proto->loadcache($url,$localfile);

    This method uses LWP::UserAgent::mirror to conditionally retrieve files to fill local cache with WHITELIST and TLD names. The response code is the result returned by the HTTP fetch and should be one of 200 or 304. At the time this module was released the files were as follows:



      TLDLIST URL (include some known abusive tlds)
      input:	path/name/for/localfile
      return:	http response code,
    		response message

    In scalar context only the http response code is returned. In array context the numeric response code and a related text message are returned.

    200	OK		file cached
    304	Not Modified	file is up-to-date

    Any other response code indicates and error.

    $rv = URBL::Prepare->loadcache($url,$localfile);


This example shows how to include URBL::Prepare in another module

  package = Some::Package

  use vars qw(@ISA);
  require URBL::Prepare;

  @ISA = qw( URBL::Prepare );

  sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref $proto || $proto || __PACKAGE__;
    my $methodptr = {
    bless $methodptr, $class;
  ... package code ...


  # my application
  use Net::DNS::Dig;
  use Some::Package;

  my $dig = new Net::DNS::Dig;
  my $sp = new Some::Package;
  # initialiaze URBL::Prepare

  # set bit mask
  #	2 = comes from SC
  #	4 = comes from WS
  #	8 = comes from PH
  #	16 = comes from OB (OB is deprecated as of 22 October 2012.)
  #	16 = comes from MW (MW active as of 1 May 2013.)
  #	32 = comes from AB
  #	64 = comes from JP

  # test as:

  my $mask = 0xDE;

    ... application ...
    ... generates   ...
    ... hostname    ...

  my $domain = $sp->urbldomain($hostname)

  my $response = $dig->for($hostname . '')
	if $domain;	# if not whitelisted

  # if an answer is returned
  if ($domain && $response->{HEADER}->{ANCOUNT}) {
    # get packed ipV4 answer
    my $answer = $response->{ANSWER}->[0]->{RDATA}->[0];
    if ($mask & unpack("N",$answer)) {
	# answer is found in selected surbl list
    } else {
	# answer not found in selected surbl list
  # domain not found in surbl


This is an example of a script file to keep the whitelist and tldlist current. Run as a cron job daily.

# cache refresh cron job
require URBL::Prepare;

my $whiteurl =

my $tld2url = '';
my $tld3url = '';

my $cachedir	= './cache';
my $lvl2file	= $cachedir .'/level2';
my $lvl3file	= $cachedir .'/level3';
my $whtfile	= $cachedir .'/white';

mkdir $cachedir unless -d $cachedir;



Michael Robinton <>


Copyright 2013, Michael Robinton <>

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See also:

LWP::Request, Net::DNS::Dig