Debug::ShowStuff - A collection of handy debugging routines for displaying the values of variables with a minimum of coding.
use Debug::ShowStuff ':all';
# display values of a hash or hash reference
showhash %hash;
showhash $hashref;
# display values of an array or array reference
showarr @arr;
showarr $arrref;
# show all nested structures
showref $reference
# show all the params received through CGI
# A particularly fancy utility: display STDERR at top of web page
my $warnings = showstderr;
can be installed with the usual routine:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
You can also just copy into the Dev/ directory of one of your library trees.
grew dynamically from my needs in debugging code. I found myself doing the same tasks over and over... displaying the keys and values in a hash, displaying the elements in an array, displaying the output of STDERR in a web page, etc. Debug::ShowStuff
began as two or three of my favorite routines and grew as I added to that collection. Finally I decided to publish these tools in the hope that others will find them useful.
is intended for debugging, not for production work. I would discourage anyone from using Debug::ShowStuff
in ready-for-primetime code. Debug::ShowStuff
is only for quick-n-dirty displays of variable values in order to debug your code.
These functions display values that I personally like them displayed, but your preferences may be different. I encourage you to modify Debug::ShowStuff
to suit your own needs.
The functions in Debug::ShowStuff
are designed to output either in plain text mode (like if you're running the script from a command prompt, or in web mode (like for a CGI). If the script appears to be running in a CGI or other web mode (see the inweb
function) then values are output using HTML, with special HTML characters escaped for proper display. Othewise the values are output as they are.
Generally you won't need to bother telling the routines Debug::ShowStuff
which way to display stuff... it figures it out on its own.
The functions that start with "show" dynamically either output to STDOUT or STDERR, or return a string to a variable, depending on the context in which the functions are called. For example, if you call showhash in a void context:
showhash %myhash;
then the contents of %myhash are output to STDOUT. On the other hand, if the function is called in scalar context:
my $var = showhash(%myhash);
then the same string that would have been output to STDOUT is instead returned and stored in $var. If the function is called in list context:
my @arr = showhash(%myhash);
then the array is assigned a single element that consists of the entire string that should be output.
Displays the keys and values in a hash. Input is either a single hash reference or a regular hash. If it looks like the sub is being called in a web environment (as indicated by the inweb function) then the hash is displayed using HTML. Otherwise the hash is displayed using plain text.
Displays the values of an array. Each element is displayed in a table row (in web mode) or on a separate line (in plain text mode). Undefined elements are displayed as the string [undef]
If showarray
receives exactly one argument, and if that item is an array reference, then the routine assumes that you want to display the elements in the referenced array. Therefore, the following blocks of code display the same thing:
showarray @myarr;
showarray \@myarr;
Works just like showarray
, except that in text mode displays a solid line between each element of the array.
Outputs the value of a scalar. The name is slightly innaccurate: you can input an array. The array will be joined together to form a single scalar.
Displays the CGI parameter keys and values. This sub always outputs HTML.
The optional parameter q
, may be a CGI query object:
my $query = CGI->new();
showcgi q => $query;
If q
is not sent, then a CGI object is created on the fly.
If the optional parameter skipempty
is true:
showcgi skipempty => 1;
then CGI params that are empty (i.e. do not have at least one non-space character) are not displayed.
showref($ref, %options)
Displays a hash, array, or scalar references, treeing down through other references it contains. So, for example, the following code:
my $ob = {
name => 'Raha',
email => '',
friends => [
showref $ob;
produces the following output:
friends =
email =
name = Raha
The values of the hash or arrays being referenced are only displayed once, so you're safe from infinite recursion.
There are several optional parameters, described in the following sections.
The maxhash
option allows you to indicate the maximum number of hash elements to display. If a hash has more then maxhash
elements then none of them are displayed or recursed through, and instead an indicator of how many elements there are is output. So, for example, the following command only displays the hash values if there are 10 or fewer elements in the hash:
showref $myob, maxhash=>10;
If maxhash
is not sent then there is no maximum.
The maxarr
option allows you to indicate the maximum number of array elements to display. If an array has more then maxarr
elements then none of them are displayed or recursed through, and instead an indicator of how many elements there are is output. If maxarr
is not sent then there is no maximum.
The depth
option allows you to indicate a maximum depth to display in the tree. If depth
is not sent then there is no maximum depth.
In general, works just like print
, but adds a newline to the output.
If println
is called with no arguments, it simply outputs a newline. If println
is called with exactly one argument, and that argument is the undefined value, then println
outputs "[undef]". If it is called with multiple arguments, and one or more of them is undefined, then, in normal Perl manner, those undefined's become empty strings and a warning it output (because, of course, you DO have warnings turned on, right?).
When println
is called in web mode, all arguments are HTML escaped. Furthermore, the entire output is enclosed in a <P>
element so that the output is in a paragraph by itself. The <P>
element is given a CSS style so that regardless of the background color and font color of the web page, the values sent to println
are displayed with a white background and black text.
Works just like the die
command, except it always adds an end-of-line to the input array so you never get those "at line blah-blah-blah" additions.
For use at the command line. Outputs a prompt to "press enter to continue", then waits for you to do exactly that.
Outputs an HTTP header.
This function allows you to see, in the web page produced by a CGI, everything the CGI output to STDERR.
To use showstderr
, assign the return value of the function to a variable that is scoped to the entire CGI script:
my $stderr = showstderr();
You need not do anything more with that variable. The object reference by your variable holds on to everything output to both STDOUT and STDERR. When the variable goes out of scope, the object outputs the STDOUT content with the STDERR content at the top of the web page.
Returns a guess on if we're in a web environment. The guess is pretty simple: if the environment variable REQUEST_URI
is true (in the Perlish sense) then this function returns true.
If the global $Debug::ShowStuff::forceplain
is true, this function always returns false.
Sets the default output handle. By default, routines in Debug::ShowStuff
output to STDOUT. With this command you can set the default output to STDERR, or back to STDOUT. The following command sets default output to STDERR:
setoutput 'stderr';
This command sets output back to STDOUT:
setoutput 'stdout';
When default output is set to STDERR then the global $Debug::ShowStuff::forceplain
is set to true, which means that functions in this module always output in text mode, not web mode.
Takes a single argument. If that argument is undefined, returns an empty string. Otherwise returns the argument exactly as it is.
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind.
Miko O'Sullivan
# return true 1;