Tk::Statusbox - A recolorable status area (box) that also can flash
use Tk;
use Tk::Statusbox
my $mycolor = 'red';
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $stbox = $mw->Statusbox(
-variable => \$mycolor,
-command => \&status_changed_cb,
-flashintervall => '100', # time in msecs
-height => '30',
-width => '50',
#-relief => 'sunken',
#-bg => 'blue',
sub test_cb
print "status_changed_cb called with [@_], \$mycolor = >$mycolor<\n";
$mycolor = 'orange';
A cavas/frame style widget that uses a recolorable indicator box with configurable flashing. Useful as an indicator field for common status operations, suitable for perl Tk800.x (developed with Tk800.024).
You can tie a scalar-value to the Statusbox widget, immediate recolor it with '-color' option, assign a callback, that is invoked each time the Statusbox' color is changed, resize it with '-height' and '-width', as well as set the flashintervall with '-flashintervall' and configure any of the options understood by Tk::Frame(s) like -relief, -bg, ... .
- color()
'color()' setup a new color in the status area
- flash('START')
'flash('START')' starts flashing the status area by swapping the current color in the status area with the normal background color (the one restorable with the clear() method).
- flash('END')
'flash('END')' stops flashing the status area and restores the normal background color (the one set with the clear() method).
- clear()
'clear()' restores the normal background color in the status area (either the apps-background color or the widget's)
- -variable
'-variable' allows to specify a reference to a scalar-value. Each time the widget changes by user interaction, the variable is changed too. Every variable change is immediately mapped in the widget too.
- -command
'-command' can be used to supply a callback for processing after each change of the Checkbox value.
- -flashintervall
'-flashintervall' can be used to set the flash-timing (on/offtime) in msecs.
- -height
'-height' sets the height of the status area widget in pixels.
- -width
'-width' sets the width of the status area widget in pixels.
Michael Krause, <>
This code may be distributed under the same conditions as Perl.
V1.0 (C) October 2002
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 204:
=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.