Changes for version 0.20 - 2001-10-12

  • Add name() method to the Net::Z3950::Connection class.
  • Add the wherewithal for asynchronous operations to invoke callbacks when they complete
  • Fix staggeringly stupid bug in which the synchronous search() method would always expect an initResponse, so that you couldn't call search() twice on one connection.
  • Add support for the UNIMARC record syntax (required by Bath)
  • Remove the stupid and implemented records() method from the Connection class.
  • Implement CCL qualifiers, specified in "ccl.qual" file.
  • Improve diagnostics from APDU assembly.
  • Fix a rather silly bug where records, once fetched, were cached irrespective of their element-set name, so that record fetched as 'b' and then as 'f' would appear brief.
  • Revamp the "samples" directory: all examples now work(!)
  • Add ZOOM references to the documentation.
  • Minor fixes to documentation, comments, etc.
    • (This major revision - indicated by the increment of the first-decimal-place version number - was largely motivated by the October 2001 ZIG meeting's tutorial, for which I prepared a simple multiplexing client, and was surprised at how hard it turned out to be.)


Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers.
Read-only objects representing decoded Z39.50 APDUs
Connection to a Z39.50 server, with request queue
State manager for multiple Z39.50 connections.
base class for records retrieved from a Z39.50 server
result set received in response to a Z39.50 search
tutorial for the Net::Z3950 module


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