Changes for version 0.44 - 2004-05-07

  • Note that this release consists entirely of backwards-incompatible changes to new functionality introduced in 0.43, the previous release. If you use Scan, then all your Scan code must change; if you do not use Scan, then this release will not affect you at all.
  • Change scan-option names to be ZOOM-compliant.
  • Introduce a new enumeration, Net::Z3950::ScanStatus
  • Add a new class, Net::Z3950::ScanSet, representing the results of a Scan operation. This is compliant with the ZOOM Abstract API, and supports much nicer client code than the previous release: $ss = $conn->scan('@attr 1=1003 kern'); $status = $ss->status(); print $ss->errmsg() if $status == Net::Z3950::ScanSet::Failure; $count = $ss->size(); ($term, $hits) = $ss->term(0); The scanResponse APDU, which used to be returned from the scan() method, is still available via the scanResponse() method, but there is no reason for new code to call this.
  • Complete rewrite of the sample client "" to use the new API.


Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers.
Read-only objects representing decoded Z39.50 APDUs
Connection to a Z39.50 server, with request queue
State manager for multiple Z39.50 connections.
base class for records retrieved from a Z39.50 server
result set received in response to a Z39.50 search
set of terms received in response to a Z39.50 scan
tutorial for the Net::Z3950 module


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