Changes for version 0.04 - 2004-12-17

  • Include a real sample radioactive MARC record.
  • Better example scripts that run against The Z-Interop server at
  • Allow the "identifyField" property to identify a control field (without subfield) as well as a subfield of a normal field.
  • Honour the "delay" property.
  • Tokenisation rules in changed so that ",", ".", ":" and "/" are now all word-separators.
  • The distribution now includes an "examples" directory that contains example scripts (and the records they need to check against).
  • test() now returns just the status when called in scalar context.
  • When a test succeeds, if no message is defined for the "ok" status then there is no output at all. Previously, the output was "status='ok'" which made made it impossible to write silent-if-successful test scripts.


Comprehensive but inefficent index for MARC records
Perl extension for testing Z39.50 servers