—#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
ndquery - get desired parts from nested data structure
ndquery [OPTIONS] <arguments>
Get specified by path parts from nested data structure
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--[no]colors>
On/Off colors in --list mode.
=item B<--delete|--ignore> E<lt>pathE<gt>
Delete substructure. May be used several times.
=item B<--depth|-d> E<lt>intE<gt>
Combined with B<--list> allows to define how much levels must be listed.
=item B<--grep> E<lt>pathE<gt>
Grep specified by path elements from structure. May be used several times.
=item B<--help|-h>
Print a help message and exit.
=item B<--ifmt> E<lt>JSON|YAMLE<gt>
Force specified input format usage. Automatically choosed (using file
extension) if omitted.
=item B<--items>
List keys for hash maps and indexes for arrays, other types printed as is.
=item B<--list|-l>
List structure's paths.
=item B<--md5>
Calculate MD5 sum for structure.
=item B<--path|-p> E<lt>pathE<gt>
Path in the structure to deal with.
=item B<--[no]pretty>
On/Off pretty-print for JSON. Enabled by default.
=item B<--raw-output>
Dont't format result simple things (strings/numbers) - dump them as is.
=item B<--replace>
Replace original files by query result.
=item B<--[no]strict>
Fail if unexisted path specified. Enabled by default.
=item B<--values|--vals>
Values will be printed if combined with --list opt.
=item B<--verbose|-v> [int]
Increase verbosity, max level - 4.
=item B<--version|-V>
Print version and exit.
Show as pretty printed canonical JSON:
ndquery struct.json
Get specified path from document:
ndquery --path '{some}{path}[2]' struct.json
List subpaths:
ndquery --list --path '{some}{path}[2]' struct.json
Checksum for substructures:
ndquery --md5 --path '{some}{path}' struct.json another.json
0 No errors occured.
1 Generic error code.
2 I/O Error.
4 Path related errors.
8 Path does not exists.
=head1 BUGS
Report bugs to L<https://github.com/mr-mixas/NDTools/issues>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<nddiff>, L<ndpatch>, L<ndproc>
Copyright 2016-2018 Michael Samoglyadov C<< <mixas at cpan.org> >>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of GNU General Public License 3 or later versions.