Apache::No404Proxy - 404 Redirecting Proxy


# in httpd.conf
PerlTransHandler Apache::No404Proxy # default uses ::Google


Oops, 404 Not found. But wait..., there is a Google cache!

Apache::No404Proxy serves as a proxy server, which automaticaly detects 404 responses and redirects your browser to Google cache.

Set your browser's proxy setting to Apache::No404Proxy based server, and it becomes 404 free now!

See also "RESRICTIONS FOR USE" before you use this.


Default cache archive is Google's one. Here is how you customize this.

  • Declare your URL translator class.

  • Inherit from Apache::No404Proxy.

  • Define translate() method.

That's all. Here is an example of implementation, extracted from Apache::No404Proxy::Google.

package Apache::No404Proxy::Google;

use WWW::Cache::Google;
use base qw(Apache::No404Proxy);

sub translate {
    my($class, $uri) = @_;
    return WWW::Cache::Google->new($uri)->as_string;

Define translate() method as a class method. Argument $uri is a string that represents URI.

At last, remember to add the following line to httpd.conf:

PerlTransHandler Apache::No404Proxy::Google


READ THIS before you use this proxy, especially for the default Google implementation.

This proxy may or may not break terms of service of Google. In fact, Google prohibits Automatic Query without their permissions. See for details.

Yes, this means you are recommended to contact staff at Google, otherwise your IP address would be blacklisted from Google :( The one you should get contact with is Ray Sidney, whose email addy is <>. Thanks to Ray for his kindness.


Tastuhiko Miyagawa <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This module comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.


Apache::ProxyPassThru, LWP::UserAgent, Apache::No404Proxy::Google