carmel - CPAN Artifact Repository Manager
# Run with a directory with cpanfile or cpanfile.snapshot
carmel install
# Manually pull a module if you don't have it
carmel install DBI@1.633 Plack@1.0000
# list all the modules to be loaded
carmel list
# list all the modules in a tree
carmel tree
# Runs your perl script with modules from artifacts
carmel exec perl ...
# Runs your perl script with a checker to guarantee everything is loaded from Carmel
carmel exec perl -MDevel::Carmel
# prints export PERL5LIB=... etc for shell scripting
carmel export
# find a module in repository
carmel find DBI
# find a module matching the version query
carmel find Plack ">= 1.0000, < 1.1000"